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PART 4: Word formation (5 marks)

Change the following vocabulary words so that they fit into each space. Write your answers on
the answer sheet.

Who does the housework?

It is a common (0) belief in Britain that men these days believe

do more housework than they did in previous (1) …. But is generate

this really so? A recent survey has made some interesting


(2) … , when men do help, they enjoy cooking and appear

shopping but most are not prepared to do the (3)… . A wash

quarter of men find it more (4)… for women to look after accept

the home than men and 19% admit they make no (5) … to contribute

housework. The average man says that he does a (6) … of three

the housework, while the average woman says she does

three-quarters of it, so someone isn’t telling the (7) …! It true

was impossible to find any men who shared housework

(8)… with their partners. Given these results, perhaps it is equal

not so (9) … , therefore, that there has been some pressure surprise

from (10) … who want a new law forcing men to do their politics


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