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K1A, K1B and K1C Supply List

Welcome K1 Families,

The following is a list of classroom supplies the children will need to have.

K1 School Supply List

-1 marble composition notebook-wide ruled
-1, 2 pocket folder
-1 school box-5x8x2-plastic-Sterilite (packed with crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue sticks
and scissors). Please label the box with your child’s name.

Items for the school box:

-Colored Pencils-8 ct.
-Crayons-Crayola-large crayons 8 ct.
-1 bottle of Elmer’s Washable School Glue-4 oz.
-1 Pkg. Elmer’s Washable Glue Sticks-Purple- 8 Pack (put one/two glue sticks in box) send in the
extra and we will add as needed.
-Crayola Washable Markers-Classic 8 ct. – Thick
-1 pair of Fiskar Kids 5 inch blunt scissors

Please have all art supplies packed in the school box we are asking you to bring.

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