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Magazine of the Society of Women Engineers

ASPIRE • ADVANCE • ACHIEVE w w w.swe.org WINTER 2013

The Potential
of Prosthetics

Women Engineers in Military Labs • Intersections • Black History • WE12 Summary

of Prosthetics
Are you aware of the engineering that allows your hand to manipulate scissors or grasp a cup of
hot coffee? Most of us aren’t. By researching how the human body works, however, engineers are
revolutionizing prosthetics.

By Charlotte thomas, Swe Contributor

f you look at how your hand suggested that they are the earliest pros- to produce advanced anthropomorphic
operates when drinking a cup thetic devices in existence.” Since those mechanical arms and control systems.
of coffee, a lot happens, not just early efforts, the progress of engineering The goals were a marketable arm control
the movement of the fingers,” explained prosthetics has been slow and steady. system and the acceleration of research
John Miguelez, president and senior It wasn’t until the 1950s that electricity on the viability of direct brain control.
clinical director of Advanced Arm was used in prosthetics or the 1990s The program targeted its research on
Dynamics prosthetic care centers. List- that microprocessors were available for upper-limb prosthetics as lower limbs
ing some of the engineering facets of this external prostheses. From the 1990s on, present more difficult engineering and
simple gesture, he pointed to the compli- advances in prosthetics took a huge leap. medical challenges.
ance of your fingers as they conform Several factors are responsible for Engineers face significant challenges
around the cup. While you sip and the this fast-forward. Today, advanced as even the most state-of-the-art
cup becomes lighter, your grip decreases technology such as neural engineering, technology doesn’t match the complexity
because of the ability to detect its weight laser sintering, miniaturization, and and “engineering” in a natural limb.
in your hand. If the cup is made from even more powerful microprocessors are “Think about all that is involved in a
plastic foam, your grip adjusts to keep revolutionizing prosthetics. “Engineer- prosthetic device — the materials, the
from crushing it. Most of these actions ing is improving with breakthroughs powered devices with actuators and
are unconscious; however, engineers in controllers. Processors are smaller control systems on the biomechanics
designing prosthetic hands must take and faster, and materials for sockets are side, and then the modeling and simula-
into account the amount of grip control- improving,” stated Laura Miller, Ph.D., tion technology,” remarked Glenn Klute,
ling each finger so the user can hold a prosthetist at the Rehabilitation Insti- Ph.D., research health scientist with the
cup without dropping or crushing it. tute of Chicago and assistant professor Department of Veterans Affairs Puget
What about your feet? How do you in physical medicine and rehabilitation Sound Healthcare System, Seattle Divi-
communicate to your feet that you want at Northwestern University. sion, and affiliate associate professor of
to walk down a flight of stairs or across Veterans of the Iraqi and Afghanistan electrical and mechanical engineering at
an uneven surface? Our brains confront wars have put a new, highly visible face the University of Washington.
and solve all of these challenges and on issues surrounding the loss of limbs.
countless more. Increased public awareness of pros- Brain-controlled prosthetics
thetics has been important, but while Fortunately, evolving technology and
Perspective and context amputees from military combat number engineering insight offer much potential.
Although today’s engineers who a few thousand, diabetics and amputees Perhaps the most futuristic are efforts to
design prosthetics address these kinds with other disorders number 1.5 million. return ability to an amputee’s brain so
of problems, prosthetics isn’t a new Government funding, particularly from that it can send a signal to the prosthetic
engineering challenge. In an Oct. 2, the Defense Advanced Research Projects hand to “pick up that plastic foam cup
2012, Live Science® article, Jacky Finch, Agency (DARPA), is accelerating the and don’t squeeze it too hard.”
Ph.D., a researcher from the University research, development, and manufactur- In 2009, DARPA awarded the Johns
of Manchester who studied two ancient ing of prosthetics. For example, in 2006, Hopkins University Applied Physics
Egyptian artificial toes made out of DARPA began addressing the challenges Laboratory (APL) a four-year contract
wood and leather, commented, “Several of upper-limb prosthetics with its to manage the development and testing
experts examined these objects and Revolutionizing Prosthetics program of the modular prosthetic limb (MPL)

winter 2013 • SWE 29

ThE poTEnTiAl of proSThETicS

that would include a brain-controlled as it fits a wide range of amputee levels, available as a therapeutic selectable
interface. Though still in the early stages from full arm to the hand or wrist rota- item, but predicts that noninvasive
of testing, the MPL will allow amputees tor. Currently it is in the usability testing control could be much sooner.
to feel the heat of a cup of coffee or even phase. “We are getting feedback from Collaboration is a significant part
peel an egg. A May 2012 APL press re- the amputee and the clinician so that it of the success of this endeavor. To
lease stated that this prosthetic arm was will work the way it’s supposed to work,” accomplish this breakthrough, the
controlled for the first time by brain sig- said Moran. “We aim to make this arm APL is working with the University of
nals recorded by electrocorticography, do all that a natural arm can do.” Pittsburgh and the California Institute
which measures the electrical activity of To accomplish this technically, the of Technology to take advantage of their
the human cerebral cortex. APL is in phase 3 of the program to de- experience in brain computer interfaces,
“The technology itself is revolutionary velop implantable microarrays to record both of which have conducted research
in its scale of motors that control the fin- brain signals. Describing the technology using chips with hair-like electrodes
gers. The entire control of the MPL is in behind this, Moran said, “At the brain that record neurological signatures
the hand. Ultimately, the mechanics and level, which is the central nervous sys- in the brain. The lab is also working
engineering are revolutionary,” stated tem, the control using an implant picks with the University of Chicago for
Courtney Moran, associate, professional up neural signals and translates them to its expertise in sensory perception;
staff, and a certified prosthetic clinician message the limb.” She describes brain- the University of Utah in developing
at the APL. level research as a significant leap that implantable devices for use with the
The modular arm fulfills many needs is at least 10 years out before becoming human brain; and HDT Engineered

Women in Prosthetics Research and Engineering

“i t’s a wild and crazy time to be in prosthetics,” observed Courtney

Shell, a graduate research assistant in the neuromuscular
Biomechanics Lab at the University of texas at Austin. She is currently
University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center, department of physical medicine
and rehabilitation.
“i felt like this field requires a bit of everything,” she said. “You have
involved in the research of biomechanics and prosthetic foot design. to think on your feet.” She works with students in the launch of the
Much of her enthusiasm stems from the confluence of electrical, university’s master’s degree in prosthetics and orthotics. Her current
mechanical, and chemical engineering with medicine. “there’s a lot position teaching students involves much one-on-one in the lab doing
of opportunity where these two fields meet,” she said. As an engineer, evaluations and fittings with patients. She, too, observed that women are
she wants to see how design choices affect the mobility of a patient, for attracted to the health care field. “You are involved with patients, their
instance, the stiffness of the foot. She looks at the body as a mechanism improvement, health, and life. You help them on their path to improving
— the hip is a ball and socket joint, the knee and ankle can be viewed themselves,” she said.
as pin joints. Her goal is to ideally restore natural motion to amputees in Glenn Klute, Ph.D., research health scientist with the Department of
activities ranging from everyday walking to running an obstacle course. Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Healthcare System, Seattle Division, and
Shell is not unique. when Courtney Moran began as a clinician to affiliate associate professor of electrical and mechanical engineering at
complete her internship and residency, she was the first female clinician the University of washington, can also vouch for the increase of women
in the three positions she held. now, as an associate, professional staff at in prosthetics. Of the nine people on his research team, five are women.
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, she observed from to illustrate the scope and diversity of prosthetic engineering, Dr. Klute
personal experience that more women are interested in this field. “when summarized contributions made by the female members of his team:
i go to conferences and read publications, it feels like an even playing Ava Segal, M.S., mechanical engineering, lab supervisor, conducts
field,” she said. biomechanic studies to measure how amputees walk while wearing
Laura Miller, Ph.D., a prosthetist at the rehabilitation institute of different limb systems to discover whether novel prostheses improve
Chicago and assistant professor in physical medicine and rehabilitation their mobility.
at northwestern University, is involved in research at the neural Katie Bates, M.S., mechanical engineering, measures the thermal
engineering Center for Artificial Limbs. regarding the increase of women environment inside the prosthetic limb to develop a microcontroller-
in prostheses research and engineering, she said: “Prosthetics used to operated cooling system to create a more comfortable prosthesis.
be the old boys club. the field has started to change. there is a definite Katie Treadwell, M.S., mechanical engineering, explores the
increase of women entering this profession. there’s a level of patient structural properties of prosthetic feet and uses a robot that simulates
involvement that draws many people because of the combination of the human gait to measure their performance.
sciences, building things, and caring directly for a patient.” Jocelyn Berge, M.S., bioengineering, uses a fiber-optic sensor
while searching for a university that fit her interest in mechanical to measure the amount of oxygen in the residual limb tissue while
engineering, nydia Marzán-Harding discovered the field of prosthetics. amputees wear different prostheses and perform different activities.
During a tour of the university, her cousin, who was a student, told her She is trying to identify which limb systems result in greater tissue
about the myoelectric upper-limb prosthetics research being performed oxygenation, which leads to healthier limbs.
there. Myoelectrics, the use of the electrical impulses of muscle tissue Rose Beemer, B.S., bioengineering, runs the lab’s motion capture
to control prosthetic limbs, intrigued Marzán-Harding. She is currently system and analyzes data to identify kinematic and kinetic differences in
a lecturer in prosthetics and orthotics education at the northwestern amputee gait while they walk wearing different prototype prostheses.

30 SWE • winter 2013

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Technologies, which has expertise in


building prosthetic limb systems.

Electric fingers
Another technological breakthrough
that has affected a broad range of
prosthetics is the miniaturization
of components. Previously, the tools
that made prosthetic limbs move were
strapped to the body or in another loca-
tion. Technology now allows for mobile
applications as computer power gets
stronger and batteries get smaller.
“Reality is beginning to catch up
with what we see in movies,” explained
Miguelez, comparing older prosthetic
hands that could only open and close to
the latest designs that allow for multiple
grasp patterns. “Prosthetics are becom-
ing more anatomically correct in size
as electrical and body-powered digits
advance. Compared to five years ago, we Courtney Moran, associate, professional staff at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (center), talks with Air Force
Tech. Sgt. Joe Delauriers, left, who lost both legs and part of an arm serving in Afghanistan. In 2009, the Defense Advanced Research
are now light years ahead,” he added.
Projects Agency awarded Johns Hopkins APL a four-year contract to manage the development and testing of the modular prosthetic
Electrically powered digits are a limb (MPL) that would include a brain-controlled interface. It has since been renewed twice, bringing the research to phase III.
factor in duplicating the movement and
dexterity of the human hand as each include lightweight plastics, silicones, simulations of amputees participating in
finger now has its own motor. “A lot of and metals that are more durable and a variety of movement tasks.
progress has been made to improve lifelike offer additional improvements. With this knowledge, Dr. Neptune and
input signals,” said Miguelez. “There a team of graduate students will be able
have been huge advances in technology A prosthetic designed for each to design and build lower-limb prosthet-
that allow motors to be smaller and individual ics according to the variations in each
more robust.” In addition, smaller bat- In a paper titled, “Clinical Investiga- patient’s height and weight, including
teries can be embedded in prostheses. tions: Insight from Computer Modeling their walking characteristics. In the
Anatomically correct electric fingers are and Simulation Techniques,” Richard November 2011 article, “Prosthetic
more proportional in size and have a Neptune, Ph.D., professor in the me- Devices Give Injured Troops a Second
more natural feeling. New materials that chanical engineering department at the Chance,” published by the University of
University of Texas at Austin, wrote that Texas at Austin Cockrell School of Engi-
“…modeling and simulation of human neering, Dr. Neptune noted that, “We’re
movement is an exceedingly powerful having them walk over uneven ground,
tool that provides a framework for going up and down stairs, running, and
significant advances in patient care and a whole battery of other tests to be able
clinical and biomechanical research.” to understand how they adapt to the
He is analyzing amputee locomotion different stiffness levels of these orthotic
through research collaboration with the and prosthetic devices.” He pointed to
Department of Veteran Affairs Center other advances in modeling and simula-
of Excellence for Limb Loss Prevention tion that make that possible, such as
and Prosthetic Engineering in Seattle. individual muscle actuators that make
The goal of the research is to understand the body move. This helps researchers
the multifaceted dynamic interactions determine whether a particular muscle
between the human musculoskeletal has a specific biomechanical function,
A selection of prosthetics from the 19th and 20th centuries system and the design characteristics such as helping with balance control or
in the archives of the Science Museum in London. Photo by of prosthetic devices. To achieve this to take a step.
Stewart Emmens; image courtesy of the Science Museum /
understanding, his research group To illustrate the complexity of
SSPL. Image from http://www.collectorsweekly.com/articles/
war-and-prosthetics/ War and Prosthetics: How Veterans is developing and analyzing complex this research, Dr. Neptune noted the
Fought for the Perfect Artificial Limb, Oct .29, 2012 musculoskeletal models and computer difficulties of getting a robot to walk

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particularly those with diabetes who

reHABiLitAtiOn inStitUte Of CHiCAGO

have poor circulation, say they are

too heavy. Addressing the difference Bones as Beams:
between upper- and lower-limb pros- The Human Body in
thetics, Dr. Klute compared the weight of Engineering Terms
picking up a coffee cup to the power and
weight involved in lifting one’s leg while
walking for any length of time.
w hile engineers bring their skills
to the research, design, and
manufacturing of prosthetics, their
Upper- and lower-limb prosthetics
collaboration with doctors, clinicians,
differ in comfort levels. Compared with and patients demands additional skills
lower-limb prosthetics, upper-limb and knowledge. Speaking of the team
prosthetics require less power to move, of orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists,
so the electrodes to make the limb move rehabilitation psychologists, and
can touch the skin directly. Lower-limb human motion biomechanists who
work with engineers, Glenn Klute,
prosthetics require a suspension system,
Ph.D., research health scientist with
which might be a rubber sock, for in-
the Department of Veterans Affairs
stance, that is placed directly against the Puget Sound Healthcare System,
skin. Putting a normal-size electrode in Seattle Division, and affiliate associate
The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago tests the first neural-
this sock causes multiple problems that professor of electrical and mechanical
controlled prosthetic leg that interacts with its user. Using
can have serious side effects. engineering at the University of
targeted muscle reinnervation, amputees have more natural
control with a powered knee and ankle that reads users’ To address this problem and offer washington, advised engineers to
intent and pushes back to propel them up the stairs. learn the clinician’s language by taking
comfort and usability, Dr. Klute and
classes in anatomy and physiology.
other researchers at the VA Center of
“Clinicians can’t communicate with
with stability. “The human body is an Excellence for Limb Loss Prevention engineers about microcontrollers,”
incredible design. We can’t come close and Prosthetic Engineering studied commented Dr. Klute.
to replicating it,” he observed. When the the temperature of an amputee’s limb “the transition is hard at first,”
relationship between the prosthetic and inside the socket of a prosthesis by using said Courtney Moran, associate,
how a person walks is better understood, miniaturized and flexible temperature professional staff at Johns Hopkins
University Applied Physics
designers can then produce precise sensors. When the amputee walked on
Laboratory. to make the jump
devices for the lower limb that will give a treadmill, for instance, researchers
between engineering and the
each person the appropriate device for could determine the increase in skin human body, she sees the brain as
his or her particular needs. temperatures. Even with rest periods, a circuit, for example. “engineering
To design specific devices, Dr. the temperature did not significantly is directly applicable to medical and
Neptune and his students use an drop to give some relief to the amputee. rehabilitation applications. You have
advanced additive manufacturing to understand the materials properties
of skin and muscle and bone and
technique called selective laser sintering The future of prosthetics
how they interact from a mechanical
that was developed at the University of Looking ahead, Dr. Klute noted,
Texas at Austin. With this technology, “The next step is making devices that Courtney Shell, a graduate research
computers produce a 3-D design that is communicate with the environment.” assistant in the neuromuscular
then replicated by a laser process that Osseointegrated prosthetic limbs are a Biomechanics Lab at the University
melts nylon powder layer by layer into a direct connection between an amputee’s of texas at Austin, refers to the body
hardened prosthetic device specific to an bone and an artificial implant and are in engineering terms, speaking of
the stresses and strains of bones and
individual’s way of walking and moving. already under research. Researchers at
beams. “Civil engineers design trusses.
the University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
we look at bone and body segments.
Overcoming the discomfort of and the George E. Wahlen Department the physics are similar.” As an
prosthetics of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Salt engineer, she wants to know how the
The comfort of a prosthetic device is Lake City, are involved in feasibility design choices she makes will affect
also a major obstacle for the user and trials. Without a socket, this device goes the mobility of the patient she
the engineer. “Our biggest challenge through the person’s skin to the bone. is working with.
is the interface with the user,” said Dr. Predicting the possibilities 20 years
Miller, who pointed out that prostheses ahead, Dr. Klute talked about the need
“hang on the human body” so that the for communications between a person’s
wearer bears its weight with only skin neural systems and the prosthetic limb.
and muscle, not bones. While today’s No doubt engineering skills and technol-
lower-limb devices weigh less, amputees, ogy will make it happen. n

32 SWE • winter 2013

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