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Lesson Plan.

Maintain Tools and Equipment


General Information



Title of Lesson

Maintain Tools and Equipment


45 minutes




TLE (Carpentry)


Grade 7-8

Objectives and Assessment


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

· Classify the different types of Hand tools,

· Perform basic preventive maintenance;

· Appreciate the importance of knowing the appropriate procedures in checking the

conditions of tools and equipment.

· Pre-test

· Homework

· Group Activity


Materials / Resources

· Cartolina, pentelpen, adhesive tape and chalks.

(Reason for using it: To help students to have a active participation in the class discussion)

· Hand-outs

Students' Preparation

Each student should do their homework to be able to participate actively in class.

Teacher Preparation

Prepare an activity that will suit to the lesson to be discussed. Make sure that this will require an overall
participation from the class.


Learners' Activities

1. Classify the materials given and post it on the board.

2. Go to your respective groups and choose your leader.

3. Discuss the topic given to your group in 5 minutes.

4. Make sure that everyone in the group will participate.

5. Present your activity as your teacher tells you to do so.

Teacher Activities

· Conduct a socialized recitation regarding the past lesson

· Assess your students’ knowledge about the topic by giving a Pre-test.

· Give students materials and let them classify it on the board.

· Give the instructions regarding the group activity.

· Give the scoring rubric of their presentation.

· Help students who have questions.

· Ask questions to check students' status.

· What are the common tools and equipments that can be seen at home?

· What are the possible ways to maintain tools and equipment in the good

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