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Randy Orton

Wrestling's Tough Guys Series • Glossary Crossword Puzzle

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1. the championship 2. a team of two or more wrestlers who battle
6. a person who becomes very famous for a other teams of wrestlers; usually only one
talent or an action wrestler from each team is allowed in the ring at a
7. when a wrestler ends a match by holding his or time and teammates switch places inside and
her opponent’s shoulders down on the floor for a outside the ring by “tagging” or hand-slapping one
count of three another
9. to remove from competition 3. people who take part in a contest or sporting
10. the main person one is competing against event
11. overly confident, too proud of oneself 4. the main pro wrestling organization in the
12. to strike or hit repeatedly United States
13. one of the WWE’s most important titles, along 5. time periods between two events
with the World Heavyweight Championship 8. the opinion that most people have about a

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