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Cerita dari video project kelompok saya yang berjudul “what a teribble day” . dalam
video project ini menceritakan tentang seorang mahasiswi (saya sendiri) yang sedang bahagia
mendapat kiriman oleh ayahnya, She has planned for a long time to buy something that still in
sale with a big discount. Tetapi malangnya nasib mahasiswi tersebut saat mengambil uang di
ATM bersama temannya, ATM nya terdebet dan rencananya pun gagal. Yola temannya berkata
kalau uang yang terdebet bisa kembali dalam waktu 24 jam, saripun percaya dan kemudian
mereka pulang. Esok harinya, uang yang terdebet pun belum kembali sari langsung kebank untuk
mengajukan complaint kepada pihak bank, pihak bank pun meminta maaf dan berjanji untuk
memproses complaint tersebut secepat mungkin. Tetapi sari pun tidak mau memberi waktu
kepada pihak bank tersebut, dia kecewa, dia langsung menutup akunnya dan mendapatkan uang
sebesar Rp. 14 jt.

Singkat cerita pada saat perjalanan dia bertemu dengan teman lamanya bernama azhar,
mereka pun cerita-cerita tentang masa lalu mereka pada saat di Sekolah Menengah Pertama 4 di
Jakarta, Azhar bertanya tentang masalah di bank tersebut, sari menjawab bahwa uangnya akan
digunakan untuk berbisnis kebetulan azhar memiliki bisnis pisang dan mengajak sari untuk join
bisnis “pisang ricuh comel” saripun setuju. Namun, azhar telah memiliki niat tidak baik diapun
menipu sari dan bersenang-senang dengan teman serta pacarnya.


Story from my group's video project entitled "WHAT A TERIBBLE DAY". In this
project video tells of a student (myself) who is happily getting a shipment by her father, She has
planned for a long time to buy something that still in sale with a big discount. But unfortunately
the student's fate when withdraw at an ATM with his friend, after withdraw her money, Sari
getting shocked. Because her money didn't come out from the machine, but her balance was
debited . Her friend Yola said that the money that could be balance was debited can come back
within 24 hours, believe it and then they go home.

The next day, the money that had been refunded hasn’t returned directly from the bank to file a
complaint to the bank, the bank apologized and promised to process the complaint as soon as
possible. But sari didn’t want to give time to the bank, She was disappointed, She immediately
And then Sari, choose to close her account in there of Rp. Long story short on
the way they met their old friend named azhar, they also stories about their past at the junior
high school 4 in Jakarta, Azhar asked about the complaint her in the bank, sari replied that his
money will be used to do business And then Azhar ask Sari to join with him to do a small
business “banana ricuh comela” Sari also agree to join with Azhar easily.

However, Azhar has a bad intention he deceived the sari and had fun with his friend and
his girlfriend. In the end of the story, Sari was deeived by her friend.


1. saling percaya bahwa segala suatu masalah butuh proses.

2. jangan mempoyakan uang biarpun lagi big sale.

3. jangan mudah terpengaruh sama orang lain.

4. memiliki sifat teliti serta cerdas dalam mengambil keputusan.


1. trust each other that all a problem needs a process.

2. do not raise money even more big sale.
3. do not be easily affected by others.
4. have meticulous and intelligent in making decisions.


Saya senang diberi tugas dalam video project ini dengan teman-teman (ade arianti,novita
dwi cahyoningrum,khareniya tasya N, Annisa yola N, dan ahmad azhar) membuat kami saling
dekat dan semakin kompak. Pada proses pembuatan video tersebut banyak hal yang saya
dapatkan dalam bentuk “kerjasama” serta “tanggung jawab” dalam berkelompok. Kendala dalam
pembuatan video ini pun banyak apalagi saya dapat "peran utama" disini saat take video pada
saat saya menghafal take, keseriusan dalam take video, belum lagi lupa dalam take videonya dan
terlebih lagi dalam edit videonya butuh ketelitian dan keseriusan. Tetapi kembali lagi dalam
kelompok ini dapat bekerja sama dengan baik serta memiliki rasa saling percaya, saling paham
dan saling mengerti. Sehingga video ini pun selesai tepat waktu dengan hasil yang memuaskan
bahkan video kami pun mendapat apresiasi baik dan di posting di akun youtube miss nina. Kami
senang sekali, sangat terasa jika sesuatu yang dilakukan dengan baik mendapatkan hasil yang
baik juga. Terima kasih miss nina.


I am happy to be assigned this video project with my friends (ade arianti, novita dwi
cahyoningrum, khareniya tasya n, annisa yola N, and ahmad azhar) make us closer and more
compact. In the process of making the video a lot of things that I get in the form of "cooperation"
and "responsibility" in the group. Constraints in making this video too much more I can "main
role" here when taking video when I memorize the take, seriousness in taking video, not to forget
in the take video and moreover in the video editing takes precision and seriousness. But back
again in this group can work together well and have mutual trust, understand each other and
understand each other. So this video was completed on time with satisfactory results even our
video got a good appreciation and post in youtube account miss nina. We love it, it feels great if
something well done gets good results too. Thank you miss nina.


Saya kagum dengan miss nina dalam proses belajar mengajar matkul praktik English ini, saya
mendapatkan banyak ide dalam belajar bahwa belajar pun tak hanya harus terpaku pada buku
dan teori tetapi bisa juga lewat game. Lewat game pun menurut saya lebih paham dan dapat
dimengerti. Dalam proses mengajarpun miss nina juga mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab yang
tinggi serta sifat dosen yang professional. Hanya itu yang dapat saya sampaikan, terlebihnya
maaf atas tindakan saya dalam proses mengajar yang kurang menyenangkan ya miss dan terima
kasih telah memberi ilmu yang bermanfaat.


I am amazed with miss nina in teaching and learning process of English practice, I get
many ideas in learning that learning is not only to be glued to books and theory but can also pass
the game. Through the game was in my opinion more understandable and understandable. In the
process of teaching also miss nina also have a high sense of responsibility and the nature of
professional lecturers. That's all I can say, especially sorry for my actions in the less enjoyable
teaching process miss and thank you for giving useful knowledge.


Tetap menjadi dosen yang profesionalis,kharismatic, dan tertanggung jawab dalam segala hal.
hanya itu saja, dan terima kasih banyak pada proses belajar selama 6 bulan ini.


Still a professional, kharismatic, and responsible lecturer in everything. that's all, and thank you
very much for this 6 months learning process.

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