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The Creative Resolution Ebook

The Creative Resolution

How To Eliminate Excuses, Establish Creative Habits,

And Experience Divine Fulfillment.

Dean Mitchum

©2017 Dean Mitchum

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Dean Mitchum is the Worship Pastor and Director of Worship Ministries for Christian International
and Vision Church@ CI where he has served for the last 20 years.

Dean is an author and teacher. He has developed and taught courses on how praise and worship
advances the Kingdom of God. Written and taught more than ten workshops on Worship Leadership
ranging from Building a Worship Team to Running an Effective Rehearsal. He has developed, taught, and
published the course Songwriter: Mastering the process of Writing Great Worship Songs.

Dean’s Books include The Tabernacle of God, Apostolic Kingdom Praise and his article are featured on The
Elijah List. His teaching materials have been translated into multiple languages.

Dean and Lisa have written over 100 songs with many of these being sung in churches around the
world. They have recorded 16 albums, four Instrumental CDs, and one children’s worship album.

He has taught seminars and conferences on current trends of worship and music in the movements of
the church. He’s ministered in Bible Schools and training centers throughout Europe, Asia, and
Central America, as well as the USA.

Dean and Lisa have been married for thirty-four years. They have five children, four grandchildren
and live near the beautiful emerald coast on the Florida panhandle.

They are ordained through Christian International Ministries Network and serve as elders for Vision
Church @ CI.
The Creative Resolution Ebook


To the creative soul, one of the greatest ways to experience fulfillment is to

create. It is becoming one with God.
The Creator creating a creature who in turn creates for the Creator. It
reminds me of the scripture that says in Him we live and move and have our
being (Acts 17:28.)
To live and not create is to not live. Yet many inspired souls live without
being creative battling fear and a lack of self respect.
The thought of having someone judge what they create is daunting enough
without the accusations of the enemy who strategically tries to stifle their
To overcome and live a creative life we must resolve to be creative. To
investigate our inspired purpose and talents and then make a firm decision to be
creative. To express that decision publicly and exhibit that resolve by creating
things that add beauty, solve problems, or any other thing that God want in His
My desire is to help you solidify your resolve to be a creative person. To
harness your inspiration and maximize your creative calling. This is The
Creative Resolution.

Your Creative Worship Mentor,

Dean Mitchum
The Creative Resolution Ebook

Resolve To Be Creative


Investigate. Decide. Express. Act.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Investigate Your Inspiration

The very fact that you are living is an act of inspiration. God not only created you, He
inspired you.

God Created You To Be Inspired

When God created Adam, He breathed into him and Adam became a living being. The
archaic definition of inspiration means to breathe into. Adam became an inspired being and
that inspiration became life to Adam.

God first created Adam and then inspired him. Then God inspired Adam to create. The bible
tells us God brought all the animals to Adam to see what he would call them (Gen. 2:19.)

God Inspires You To Be Creative

Now God inspires us to create. We were created to be inspired and we are inspired to be
creative. God will bring us all kind of things (ideas) to see what we will do with them.

Investigate Your Inspirational Ideas

The creative person treats inspiration as valuable seed for future harvest. Determine to collect
as much seed as you can. Write it down or record it. It is better to discard an idea that to lose

What kind of ideas come to you? When you have an idea realize that it is the seed form for
creativity. Not every idea results in creativity but all creativity starts from ideas so we capture
every idea for future creativity.

All the inspiration of a lifetime matters very little if we don’t turn it in to something people
benefit from. Resolve to be creative by investigating your inspirations.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Decide To Be Creative

A resolution is a formal decision on a matter.

The Matter At Hand Is Your Decision To Be Creative

Your decision is not a whimsical one but a thorough desire, burning, or joyful
decision to be a creative being.
When deciding to be creative you have to be able to say that you are creative
from your heart. Deep down where people cannot talk you out of it.
Can you say without hesitation that you are creative? Can you take and idea
and act on it? Is yes, then you are creative!

Make A Formal Decision That You Will Be Creative

Formal in the sense that you will not treat it like a passing choice. Formal in
the sense that you will live according to your decision. Decide right now that
you are a creative being.
It doesn’t matter what you have created up to now. What matter is that this
one decision will awaken you to a new level of self expectation.

Declare Yourself To Be A Creative Person And Live Up To Your Claim.

Let your speech be consistent with your intended outcome. We can live up
to our words or down to our words. Your intentions are to be a creative person
and your formal decision requires a life of creativity.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Express Your Intention To Be Creative

A resolution is a formal expression of an intent or decision by a legislative

body, committee, or other formal meeting.

The Committee of The Trinity has expressed through your creation their will
and intent that you should be creative.

Convey That You Are Creative Person

Does anyone know that you are creative? Do they know what you can
do? Do your words, actions, and lifestyle convey that you are creative?
Convey your intentions of creativity by talking about what you do. Show
your passion for creating and blessing people and their lives.
Express it to God, to yourself, to your family, and anywhere it needs to be

Display That You Are A Creative Person

What is your formal expression? Have you written down what you are? Your
creative intentions? Do you have a business card?
Do you have a logo or marketing slogan that lets people know how ou can
help them?
Can you say I am a writer. I am an artist, a designer, or an atmosphere
creator? What can you print about your creative abilities that describes what
you do?

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Act On Your Creative Intentions

A resolution is the act of solving a problem.

“Believe you already are what you want to be and then start acting like it.”
- Jeff Goins, Author and Blogger

Within mankind is the ability to perceive conflict and to desire a resolution.

To have expectations and desire fulfillment. Have you considered that your
creativity could be used to solve someone problem? To resolve their conflict or
help them find the glory of God?

Act With Authority

God has authorized you to be creative for whatever you do, do as unto the
Lord. He has anointed you to be creative so act with that authority.

Act With Authenticity

Let it be original. Create from the authentic anointing in you that is in no one
else. It is waiting to be released into the world.

Act With Audacity

Be bold and take creative risk. The feelings of regret you experience for not
being creative are the ideas still inside of you desperately struggling to live
before you die.

Prov. 13:19 “A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul,...” Thomas Nelson (NKJV)

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Eliminate Excuses


Define. Identify. Execute.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Define Your Excuses

Understanding what excuses really are will help to identify how we use them.
Excuses are poor decisions made in advance of opportunity.They are the “go to”
reasons that you give when you we fail to do something you claim you wanted to

The two basic types of excuses are the defensive excuse and the concealing
excuse. One justifies and the other hides.

The Defensive Excuse

The defensive excuse is used to justify inaction or wrong action at the expense of
right action. What should have been done.

Things you might defend include laziness, lack of organization, incomplete

projects or projects never started.

We all know that person who has tons of ideas but nothing to show for them.

The Concealing Excuse

The concealing excuse is a lie we tell ourselves as much as we might tell others.
It works great at not addressing the real problem. What we won’t admit we don’t
have to change.

Things you might conceal are fear based or shame based. Including lack of
knowledge, lack of skills, lack of money, and low self respect.

The average creative person cares not about defending or concealing on the
surface. More often we haven’t faced our excuses. Recognize the poison that is
hidden inside of excuses and refuse to take the pill. Refuse to let yourself be sub-

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Identify Your Excuses

Self preservation is a horrible friend of initiative.

Are you the type of person who defends or conceals through your excuses?
Most of us are probably both. We defend and conceal.

Identify With Reality

Which one of these excuses ring true to you?

Fear of criticism. Lack of money. Lack of time. Lack of energy. Too stressed.
Not creative. Don’t know where to start. Lack of education. Lack of skills
needed. Don’t know if I’m any good. Don’t know anyone. Not organized. Not
good with people. I’m an introvert. I did horrible in school. I’m too old now. I’m
not ready.

Identify Your Number One Excuse

Your most often repeated excuse is a great place to start. Has anyone ever said
to you that you always use the same excuse?

Ask the people in your life who care about you and are honest with you to give
you feedback on what you say.

Eliminate that excuse by focusing on what you could create if you quit giving
that excuse.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Execute Your Excuses

We should treat our negative habits as enemies of our future.

“For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will
destroy them;” Proverbs 1:32 NIV

Wouldn’t be nice to line up our excuses and execute them like sitting ducks at
a carnival? The problem with carnival ducks is they bounce back at a later time.
Like our excuses, they can’t simply be nocked down by words. They have to be
executed by new actions.
The best way to execute your excuses is to replace the habits and implement
plans and steps to replace them. “Execute” - carry out new plans.
Become passionate about planning. Planning helps to eliminate excuses like,
“I didn’t plan on that happening.” We’ll cover new habits in the next section.

The Process of Execution

Identify the excuse.
What is it defending or concealing?
What creativity is it stopping?
How can I replace this excuse with a new action?
What will this new action result in?
What reminder will I use to employ this new action?

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Establish Creative Habits


Learn. Initiate. Validate. Emanate.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Establish Creative Habits

Inspiration can come at anytime but creativity requires an appointment.

Understand Inspiration And Creativity

Be careful to not confuse inspiration with creativity. Inspiration is like the wind
and can come from any direction. Inspiration comes to you while creativity
comes through you. Creativity is a response to inspiration. Creativity is a
deliberate act that flourishes when given time, place, and focus.

“The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, But diligence is man’s
precious possession.” Prov. 12:27 NKJV

Establish Creative Fruit That Will Remain

Don’t fear that you’ll not be creative if you establish a routine. Routines are
strategic steps or actions that we establish in order to form new habits. Habits
are actions we do without thought or extra effort. These new strategic habits will
help to foster creativity.

Creative habits are those patterns, places, and procedures that we set up in order
to allow creativity to flow. We have to answer the questions of when, where, and
how can we be the most creative.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Learn The Habits Of Creative People

The starting point to establishing creative habits is to learn from other creative
people. Especially those who are doing what you want to do. You don’t have to
limit it to what they do or copy what they do but it’s a great place to start.

My three elements of creativity are time, place, and focus. The goal is to find the
place where you can spend time to focus on creativity.

When Are They Creative?

Time. Time is the currency of the creative economy. You must spend it in order
to be creative. Without making time for being creativity it is difficult to create.
We have to be creative in “finding” time to create.

Creative people budget their time. They develop a habit of deliberately

scheduling creative time. Some call it work time, productive time, thinking time,
but either way they schedule it.

Be careful not limit your creativity to the ideal time. Once your ideal time is
scheduled still remain open to being creative at other times.

The wonderful thing about time is that no one has more hours in a day than you
do. So if others can”find” time then you can too. It’s a matter of priorities. Mom’s
with young children have different priorities than empty-nesters do. I choose to
make time so I can go to my creative place.

Where Are They Creative?

Place. Place is the environment that you create or choose that allows you to
spend the time to focus. It can be a home office, studio, library, or anywhere you
can keep your tools of creativity.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Creative people create creative places. By that I mean they choose or find places
where creativity is optimized. They are able to have their tools of creativity.

My home office is my favorite place but not my only place. I choose to be

creative wherever I can spend time to focus. And sometimes change of place
leads to more creativity.

How Are They Able To Focus?

Focus: Focus is the ability to not be distracted. A distraction followed becomes
an excuse later on. Creative people protect the power of focus.

A distraction can be anything that draws your attention away from creating or
scatters your creative thought process. Creative people remove distractions and
harness their creativity. Harnessing creativity can be done by templates or
routines that guide your creativity.

In order to focus on creativity your mind needs to be free from worry. To some
that means to get up early and create. To others it is to complete responsibilities
and then focus. To most of us it means turn off outside distractions.

When focusing on creativity the mind not only thinks of new ideas but it scans
the memory for any new ideas or information that was added. It also combs the
memory banks for stowed ideas. The more inspiration you put in to your mind
and soul the greater resource for your creativity.

Creative people discover their unique patterns over time.They discover what
works best for them. How they works best every week and every day? Creative
people develop healthy routines that empower their body, strengthen their soul,
awaken their spirit, and sharpen their mind.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Initiate Your Own Set Of Creative Habits

Once you have learned the habits of other creative people you can then use
that knowledge to initiate your own. Use your creativity to list new actions,
patterns or routines that will serve best.
The power in this process is in find ways that allow you to be creative. The
ones that work for YOU. Remember the three elements of time, place, and

What day of the week can I give the largest chunk of time to creativity?
What time of the day can I give the largest chunk of time to creativity?
How many hours per week do I want to work on creativity?
What activities am I willing to give up in order to spend time on creativity?
How will I spend my time?

Once you have determined your habits stick to them with diligence.

Remember that a kitchen table at 5:00 in the morning is a whole different
place than 7:00 in the morning when it’s time to get kids ready for school.

What room in my house can I use to be creative?

What room could I use at specific times of the day?
What place in my neighborhood could I use to be creative?
What tools do I need for my place?
List the possible places you can be creative.
Place is destined by the tools needed and the type of work you will be doing.

Here’s the list of my places;

My home office. My car. Starbucks. My dentist waiting office. Road trips.
My hotel room. Any place that can work for me.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Review things that you’ve already said wouldn’t work and find out why.
Maybe the there’s a work around or a reschedule that can happen.

What are my distractions?
What things can I do to eliminate my distractions?
What things can I do that will harness my creativity?
Is there a template I can use to guide my ideas?
What items do I need to inspire me to create?
Is there a special picture or saying I want near me?
Do I want music paying while I’m creating?
What project am I working on right now?

Do you remember getting a brand new box of crayons? Holding that box in
your hands and realizing that inside that box were the colors you would pull
from to color?
Remember opening the lid and seeing all those bright colors organized in
elevated rows so you could see theme all? At that moment anything was
Days later some crayons were missing, some broken and the beautiful display
of organized creative potential seemed just a memory.
When you establish creative routines it’s like starting with a fresh box of
crayons every time.
The processes that you discover for yourself will become a set up for

The Creative Resolution Ebook

At the end of this exercise you should be able to write out a creative habits


TIME: I will spend 15 hours per week on creativity. I will work every Saturday
from 5:00 AM until 10:00Am and every weekday from 5:00AM until 7:00AM.

PLACE: I will work at the kitchen table. I will keep my tools stored in my
bedroom closet and bring them out for my creative time.

FOCUS: I will set the coffee pot to start at 4:40AM so that I will smell the
aroma as I wake up. I will put my phone in airplane mode so I’m not distracted
by notifications or tempted to get on social media.

This is just an example of what could be done. Of course add to these your goals
and the actual projects you are working on.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Validate Your New Habits

Try Your New Routine For 30 Days

Don’t give in before you’ve gone the distance.
Keep the appointments with yourself.
Adjust your new habits to improve creativity.
Eliminate the ones that don’t work.
Filter and keep the good ones.

How is my schedule working out?
Did I schedule enough hours per week or too many?
Did I pick the best days of the week?
Did I pick the best time of the day?

Is the place I’m working at working out?
Are the tools I’m using the right ones?
Am I able to focus where I’m working?
Do I need a new place?

Are my routines productive?
Are my templates working?
Do I need a more inspiring picture or object?
Do I need to rethink the elements of time, place and focus.

Please don’t lock yourself into a prison of processes that are not productive.
Remember the end goal is creativity. And if these processes don’t lead to
creativity they should be reviewed, adjusted, replaced, or tossed out.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Emanate Habits Of Creativity

Creative Habits Lead To Habitual Creativity

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme;

I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
© Thomas Nelson. “Holy Bible, New King James Version (NKJV).

Emanate Creative Confidence

Imagine walking in confidence in regards to creativity. You’re not afraid to
lose ideas because you have a habit to handle them when they come. You know
when you’ll be able to focus on using them.
Imagine how you will feel at the end of a week of creativity. When you know
you’ve given yourself to the time allotted for that week. Maybe you should wear
a sticker that says “I create.” Maybe not, but you get the picture.
You are confident because you know when and where you’re going to be
creative and you know how you’re going to focus. Bring on the inspiration. Let
creativity flow from you.

Emanate Creativity
After we have declared ourselves to be creative, eliminated our excuses and
established creative habits it’s time to let creativity flow.
To emanate creativity. To produce form our gifts original works from a
position of faith, purpose and confidence.
Start creating from your ideas. Start creating with small things at first if you
need to. One finished project leads to another.
No matter how big or small your works are they all follow a simple flow. The
concept, creativity, and completion. Following the process over and over again
will result in becoming a creative emanator.
The goal is to prime the well and create momentum for continued creativity.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Experience Divine Fulfillment


Settle. Offer. Accept. Recreate.

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Settle Up With God

Using the parable from Matthew 25: 14-30 as a guide let’s go through the
process of experiencing divine fulfillment.

Expect God To Come And Settle His Accounts

When God invest in us and gives us authority along with expectations, He will
come to us and settle up with us. He will call us to account.

Your desire to create is God placing a demand on the gift He’s put inside of
you. Knowing that you will report to God with what you’ve done is a real
confidence booster. Imagine your joy in reporting that you have doubled His

Expect God’s Investments To Increase

God knows that if you use his gifts they will bring a return. Even the smallest of
God’s investments are designed for increase.

The parable of the talents was dealing with money which is clearly measurable in
return but how do you measure creativity’s return? If that which was invisible
becomes tangible then God has a return on His investment.

If the idea you have can become a result then God has an increase on His
investment. An idea only has value to the originator or holder of the idea. It increases
in value once others can see it, hear it, or benefit from it.

Offer It All To God

Offer The Acknowledgement That God Owns It All

Offer to God your gratitude and gratefulness for the talents and gifts He gave
you by acknowledge they come from Him.

Offer To God The Results Of Your Creativity

The Creative Resolution Ebook

Remind God of what He gave you and offer up to him what you did with it.
Offer up to God what we have created with His investment.

Always Expect More Than Double

In this parable God gave praise for doubling his investment. He gave five and
received five more. He gave two and received two more. But the wonderful
thing about ideas is that they can create more than double. Once idea can create
many works.

Accept God’s Promotion And Invitation To Enter His Joy

God Rewards The Productivity Of Our Creativity With More Investment

Trust earned, earns new investment. Never fear running out of ideas or
creativity. When we use what God has given us there is always more.

God Offers The Opportunity To Enter Into His Joy

Say yes and enter the Joy of The Lord. Could it be said that the joy of the
Lord is more inspiration? More creativity? Well for sure it’s divine fulfillment,
Having God share his joy with you is worth it all.

Recreate With God

Create again with a new level of confidence knowing that God trust y o u .
Be even more creative from the joy that God has invited us into.

Divine fulfillment is the feeling you have when you experience doing what
you were created to do. And you know that God is happy with you and what
you have created. And that someone on this earth has benefitted from our

The Creative Resolution Ebook

I hope this eBook has empowered you to overcome and live a creative life
with great resolve. To eliminate excuses, establish creative habits, and
experience divine fulfillment.

Prov. 16:15 “In the light of the king’s face is life, And his favor is like a cloud of the latter
rain.” Thomas Nelson (NKJV)

Go Create!

Your Creative Worship Mentor,

Dean Mitchum

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