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Information about where the sample was taken

The treatment system is located on the outskirts of the Jerusalem neighborhood,

on the grounds of the Los Almendros property owned by the municipality in La
Vereda Corral, in the geographic coordinates 8 ° 19'11.51 "of North Latitude and
73 ° 38'07.37" West Longitude, to 110 msnm, this lagoon affects both the
environment and the population because of its location, since the nearest house
is 100 meters away, take the lagoon to find out how much pollution exists, since
they are treated wastewater.

Type of contamination to which the place is being subjected

All the residual waters of the aguachiquence town are taken to the oxidation
lagoons, affecting the fauna that they could previously drink from that spout,
now it is not possible due to the pollution it brings; Even so, when they carry
out the treatment to purify the water, it can be observed that the treated water
is equally fetid, and the pipe that runs to the Magdalena River continues to be

Results obtained

By means of the bioassay it was possible to see the high contamination that the
lagoon has, since the seed when exposed to the sample of water does not
germinate, reason why the waters are not treated properly.


Seeing the high contamination to which the nearby population is exposed, it is

possible to understand the complaints they bring to the Ministry of Health and
the Environment, they do not relocate the lagoons and do not carry out the
due decontamination process affecting both the environment and the
environment, community.

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