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4 cups Bread Flour

1 tsp Dough conditioner (optional)
1/2 tsp Salt
3 tsp Yeast
1-1/3 cup Warm Milk (I used whole milk)
4 Egg Yolks
1/3 cup Sugar
4 tbsp Unsalted Butter Softened

1) Take 1 tbsp of sugar and sprinkle it to the warm milk then sprinkle in the yeast and whisk then set
it aside until its foam up.

2) Once the yeast mixture is foam up and in 1/2 cup of flour and set it aside for 30 minutes.

3) Combine all drys ingredients such as, flour the remaining sugar and the salt.

4) In the bread machine bucket mixing bowl(if using) add in the milk and flour mixture, the flour,
softened butter, and the egg yolks.

5) And let the machine knead the dough until smooth and elastic. if using hand knead it until smooth
and elastic about 7-8 minutes.

6) Transfer the dough into a greased bowl and cover it. Let it rise for 2 hrs while the dough is rising
prepare you baking pan lined it with parchment paper.

7) After 2 hrs. transfer the dough into your work surface. Now I have 2 way of shaping it, you can
flatten the dough out with rolling pin into 20 inches long and 16 inches wide. Then using a dough
cutter cut the dough 1 inch wide. or you can cut the dough into 65 oz each so that you can have equal
sizes. I prefer the cutting and weighing the dough that way they all have the same sizes.

8) Roll each dough into a long rope 16 inches and start coiling it once you reach the end tuck it

9) After shaping all the dough cover it with kitchen towel or paper towel and let it rise again for
another 1 hr.

10) Preheat your oven to 350F and bake it for 10 to 12 minutes or until the top get a little bit golden
brown. let it cool down completely.

11) Once the ensaymada has cooled down take 1 tbsp of star magarine and spread it all over the top
and then dunk it into the granulated sugar.

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