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Respond to each of the following statements by circling whether you agree or disagree.
Then explain why you answered as you did.

1. I believe that the responsibility for controlling sexual behavior lies with both the
boy and the girl.
I (agree, disagree) because

2. I believe the best way to prevent sexual involvement is provide to young people
with the factual knowledge necessary for them to make appropriate decisions.
I (agree, disagree) because

3. I believe that parents, schools, and religious leaders should provide guidelines
for young people concerning sexual behavior. The ultimate decision, however,
rests with individual.
I (agree, disagree) because

4. I believe teens get mixed messages about sexuality from the media and from
parents and other authority figures.
I (agree, disagree) because

5. I believe that some teenagers feel that becoming a parent is the best away to
affirm their adulthood.
I (agree, disagree) because

6. I believe the double standards still exist. It’s okay for the boy to go all the way,
but it’s not okay for the girl.
I (agree, disagree) because

7. I believe that the father of a child born out of wedlock should have equal
responsibility, emotionally and financially, as the mother.
I (agree, disagree) because

8. Place the letters in the blanks to Rank the following consequences of sexual
A) Damage to reputation among peers
B) Damage to personal self-esteem
C) Exposure to STIs
D) Feeling obligated to continue a relationship based on sex
E) Pregnancy
F) Sex becomes a habit, interfering with other methods of communicating

Most serious consequence

Least serious consequence

I have chosen as the most serious consequence


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