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Ten Simple Rules for Getting Grants

Philip E. Bourne*, Leo M. Chalupa
his piece follows an earlier and that you are the best person to do an inappropriately formulated

T Editorial, ‘‘Ten Simple Rules

for Getting Published’’ [1],
which has generated significant
it. Different granting programs require
differing amounts of preliminary data.
For certain programs, it can be said
application may aggravate the
reviewers, and will have a negative
impact even if the science is sound.
interest, is well read, and continues to that the work must be essentially done Length and format are the most
generate a variety of positive before the grant is awarded, and that frequent offenders.
comments. That Editorial was aimed at the funds are then used for the next
students in the early stages of a life of phase of the research program. There is Rule 5: Obey the Three Cs—Concise,
scientific paper writing. This interest some truth in this. So where Clear, and Complete
has prompted us to try to help appropriate, do provide some The grant does not have to fill the
scientists in making the next academic tantalizing preliminary result, making allotted page count. Your goal should
career step—becoming a young sure to tell the reviewers what these be to provide a complete reckoning of
principal investigator. Leo Chalupa has results imply with respect to the what is to be done, as briefly as
joined us in putting together ten simple specific aims of your proposal. In possible. Do not rely on supplements
rules for getting grants, based on our formulating the motivation for your (which may not be allowed) or on Web
many collective years of writing both proposal, make sure to cite all relevant sites (review may be actively
successful and unsuccessful grants. work—there is nothing worse than not discouraged since it has the potential
While our grant writing efforts have appropriately citing the work of a to compromise anonymity). Specify the
been aimed mainly at United States reviewer! Finally, convince the reviewer scope up-front and make sure it is
government funding agencies, we that you have the technical and realistic with respect to the funds
believe the rules presented here are scientific background to perform the requested. A common temptation for
generic, transcending funding work as proposed. inexperienced grant writers is to
institutions and national boundaries. propose to do too much. Such
At the present time, US funding is Rule 3: Find the Appropriate Funding applications are usually judged as
frequently below 10% for a given grant Mechanism, Read the Associated overly ambitious and consequently
program. Today, more than ever, we Request for Applications Very poorly rated.
need all the help we can get in writing Carefully, and Respond Specifically to
successful grant proposals. We hope Rule 6: Remember, Reviewers Are
the Request
you find these rules useful in reaching People, Too
Most funding organizations have
your research career goals. Typically, reviewers will have a large
specific staff to assist in finding funding
number of grants to review in a short
Rule 1: Be Novel, but Not Too Novel opportunities, and most funding
period. They will easily lose
Good science begins with new and agencies have components of their Web
concentration and miss key points of
fresh ideas. The grant writing process sites designed to help investigators find
your proposal if these are buried in an
should be a pleasure (no, we are not the appropriate programs. Remember,
overly lengthy or difficult-to-read
kidding), for it allows you to articulate programs want to give away money—
document. Also, more than likely, not
those ideas to peers who have to read the jobs of the program’s staff depend
all the reviewers will be experts in your
your grants but not necessarily your on it. The program staff can help you
papers. Look at grant writing as an identify the best opportunities. If your
opportunity to have an impact. Feel grant does not fit a particular program,
save your time and energy, and apply Citation: Bourne PE, Chalupa LM (2006) Ten simple
passionate about what you are rules for getting grants. PLoS Comput Biol 2(2): e12.
writing—if you are not passionate elsewhere, where there is a better
programmatic fit. Copyright: Ó 2006 Bourne and Chalupa. This is an
about the work, it is probably not a open-access article distributed under the terms of
good grant and is unlikely to get the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
funded. ‘‘Me-too’’ science will not get Rule 4: Follow the Guidelines for permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
funded when funding levels are low. On Submission Very Carefully and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
the other hand, science that is too Comply
Many funding bodies will Philip E. Bourne is a professor in the Department of
speculative will not be supported Pharmacology, University of California San Diego, La
either, particularly when funds are immediately triage grants that do not Jolla, California, United States of America, and is
tight—sad but true. comply with the guidelines—it saves Editor-in-Chief of PLoS Computational Biology. Leo M.
Chalupa is a professor and chair in the Section of
the program time and money. This Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, University of
Rule 2: Include the Appropriate extends to all the onerous supporting California Davis, Davis, California, United States of
Background and Preliminary Data as material—budget justification, America.
Required bibliographies, etc. Get them right and DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0020012
You need to convince reviewers that keep them updated for future * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-
the work you propose needs to be done applications. Even if it goes to review, mail:

PLoS Computational Biology | 0059 February 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | e12
discipline. It is a skill to capture the understand each other can make a defensive; address each criticism head
interest of experts and nonexperts difference. Many grant administrators on and respond with facts and not
alike. Develop that skill. Unlike a paper, have some measure (limited to emotional arguments. When
a grant provides more opportunity to complete) discretionary control over resubmission is necessary, make it very
apply literary skills. Historical what they fund. The more they know clear to the reviewer that you
perspectives, human interest, and and understand you and your work, the understand what was wrong the first
humor can all be used judiciously in better your chances of success. Do not time. Indicate precisely how you have
grants to good effect. Use formatting rely just on E-mail to get to know the fixed the problems. In the resubmitted
tricks (without disobeying rule 4), for grant administrator. Do not be application, never argue with the
example, underlining, bolding, etc., and intimidated. Talk to them on the validity of the prior review. If the grant
restate your key points as appropriate. telephone and at meetings where was close to being funded the first time
Each section can start with a summary possible—they want to help. around, remind the reviewers of that
of the key points. fact by including the previous score if
Rule 9: Become a Grant Reviewer
Rule 7: Timing and Internal Review appropriate, and make it crystal clear
Early in Your Career
why this version is much improved.
Are Important Being on review panels will help you
There are no previously unrevealed
Give yourself the appropriate lead write better grants. Understanding why
secrets to grant writing presented here.
time. We all have different approaches grants get triaged before complete
to deadlines. Ideally, you should Rather, it is a concise picture intended
review, how a panel reacts to a grant,
complete a draft, leave sufficient time what the discretionary role of program to help our early career readers take
to get feedback from colleagues, and officers is, and what the role of the next step. If you feel like you need
then look at the grant again yourself oversight councils is provide valuable more detail, take a look at Kraicer’s
with a fresh eye. Having a spectrum of lessons for writing successful grants of article [2]. Good luck on getting those
scientific colleagues who are similar to your own and for giving others advice grants. “
the likely reviewer pool critique your about this process.
grant is very valuable.
Rule 10: Accept Rejection and Deal References
Rule 8: Know Your Grant 1. Bourne PE (2005) Ten simple rules for getting
with It Appropriately published. PLoS Comput Biol 1: DOI: 10.1371/
Administrator at the Institution Rejection is inevitable, even for very journal.pcbi.0010057
Funding Your Grant good grants when funding levels are 2. Kraicer J (1997) The art of grantmanship.
Strasbourg: Human Frontier Science Program.
At the end of the day, this person is low. Learn to live with rejection and to Available:
your best advocate. How well you respond appropriately. Do not be ArtOfGrants.htm. Accessed 19 January 2006.

PLoS Computational Biology | 0060 February 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | e12

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