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Focus for this term er Farah from her maternity leave.

It is wonderful to
have all of these teachers with us. Teacher Huda is taking
The focus at preschool for this term was ‘Caring for
2 months leave and we look forward to seeing her back 2
Ourselves and our Environment’. During the summer holi-
days a week in May. Teacher Lynda is taking extended
days the teachers sorted our toys into boxes Teacher
leave and we look forward to her return.
Lynda bought. Teachers taught the children to put the
toys away in the right box when they finished playing with
them. Our tamariki (children) learnt the new system
Red Day/Healthy Heart Award
quickly and are learning responsibility for keeping our
rooms tidy. Putting toys away is one way children can take One of the highlights of our term was ‘Heart Day’ on 15
responsibility at home. February as part of National Heart week. We celebrated
Heart week as part of our centre’s Healthy Heart Award.
The children dressed in red and we had ‘red themed’ ac-
Islamic Programme tivities throughout the day. Our children enjoyed a range
of red fruit (plums, strawberries, tomatoes and cherries)
This term our Islamic Programme was learning about Wu-
for morning tea. Baking red pancakes and red playdough
du, Adhan, Prayers and reciting Surahs. We have been
were fun activities for the children. Children also partici-
linking the Islamic Programme with the Preschool Pro-
pated in lots of physically active games such as bike rac-
gramme planning. es, jumping, hula hoops and skipping. Children learnt more
Tamarki have been learning how to look after their health about ways to keep their hearts healthy which is part of
by practicing Hygiene in the Islamic way of doing “Wudu”. looking after ourselves (our theme this term), A big thank
Tamariki are practicing the body movement in the form of you to parents who sent red food, especially the cherry
prayers that they use the body in different positions a cake. Thank you too for the donations for the Heart
good exercise for a good healthy heart. Foundation. Our centre raised $32 which they were very
grateful for.
Some of our children have been attending regular swim-
ming sessions booked by An-Nur at Aidanfield swimming
pool with their mothers, as a way to keep their hearts
healthy . Please contact Teacher Maysoon if you would like
to know more about these sessions.
Comings and goings
This term we welcomed several children and their families
back after long holiday overseas. We welcome Arazu, Aya,
Talia, Lilia, Thaakierah, Salma, Karam and Abdulrahman
and their families to preschool. We are excited to have
each child join us and look forward to being part of their
learning journey in the months and years ahead.
Term Two
This term we have said goodbye to Salma, Hodo and Ayan,
Ramadan occurs during Term 2 so the teachers are making Rahma, Ayrah, Sayed Mohammed and Asma as they are
Ramadan and the Islamic culture our focus for Term 2. off to school. We wish each one and their family very
Our children will be involved in lots of activities as we best wishes for the future.
prepare for, and journey through Ramadan.
Thank you for your continued support of our centre. We
are here to support you as parents in your important role
Staff News: of caring for and teaching your precious child. If you
have any comments or concerns about your child please
This term we welcomed Teachers Haya (Carol) and don’t hesitate to talk to a teacher.
Hadeel who have joined our staff as relievers. We wel-
come back Teacher Naema who is a qualified early child- Prepared by Teachers Maysoon, Liz, Catherine, Naema,
hood teacher. Some of you may remember her from her Farah, and Ahlam,
time at An Nur a few years ago. We welcome back Teach-

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