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‘Make’ or ‘Do’ Exercise 4

Put in the correct form of ‘make’ or ‘do’:

1. How much money does a waitress ____________?

2. Could you ____________ the laundry today? We have no clean clothes.
3. She spent the evening watching black and white films and ____________ her
4. Did their new business ____________ a profit last year?
5. The teacher ____________ some very positive remarks about Susie’s work.
6. There’s so much paperwork to ____________! I’ll be here all night
7. The CEO of the company ____________ some interesting observations during
his visit to our department.
8. I’d like to ____________ Julie an offer of a job. It would be full time in our
9. There was a man sitting on the pier earlier. He was ____________ a painting
of the boats.
10. This lecture is so boring! Let’s ____________ an escape during the break and
go to the café!
11. William ____________ an excuse to the teacher about why he was late, but
she didn’t believe him.
12. Stop talking and ____________ some work!
13. Alison can’t come tonight. She’d already ____________ plans.
14. I’m going to work all weekend. I really want to ____________ some progress
on this project.
15. Could you please ____________ sure that the money has gone into the correct
bank account?
16. It takes Lizzie an hour a day to ____________ the washing up. She would
love to have a dishwasher.
17. I offered the job to Ian, and I said he had until Monday to ____________ his
mind up.
© 2012
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
18. In the morning she gets up, has a shower and gets dressed, then ____________
the bed. After that she goes downstairs and has breakfast.
19. John and Lucy ____________ their way through the crowded streets to their
20. Graham ____________ really well in the tennis competition. He came second
out of over a hundred people.

© 2012
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.

Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the present continuous tense.

In the case of questions, use the indicated subject as well.

1. Alexander _____ (study) for his exams at the moment.

2. Where _____ (you meet) Tim next week?
3. She _____ (not play) Golf tomorrow.
4. They _____ (make) dinner now.
5. The company (not finish) the plans this week.
6. She _____ (eat) oysters for lunch right now.
7. David _____ (not fly) to Chicago next week.
8. I _____ (work) on a special report today.
9. We _____ (not cook) dinner this evening because we're
eating out.
10. _____ (Tom drive) to work right now?
11. Alice _____ (read) a new book at the moment.

1. They _____ (not prepare) for the science exam at the

2. When _____ (you have) lunch tomorrow?
3. We _____ (joke)!
4. _____ (they give) a party this weekend?
5. Susan _____ (make) the decision at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
6. People _____ (play) tennis golf on a beautiful day like this!
7. What _____ (you do)?!
8. He _____ (bake) a cake at the moment.
9. Which motel _____ (they stay) at now?

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