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Name: Subject: Halloween

Date: Sheet: Halloween comprehension

Halloween Comprehension
The word Halloween is linked to the Celtic festival 'Samhain' which means 'summers end'.
Halloween was originally called All Hallows' Eve which means the evening before All Saints' Day.

The holiday comes from the Celts who lived in Europe more than 2000 years ago. They celebrated
their new year on November 1 which marked the end of the summer and the beginning of the
dark, cold winter. Celts believed that on the night before the new year the border between the
world of the living and the world of the dead became thin and that evil spirits would pass through.
On the 31st October they celebrated Samhain, when it was thought that the spirits of the dead
returned to earth.
The Celts wore costumes made of animal heads and skins to disguise themselves so that no harm
would come to them. Lanterns carved from turnips and potatoes were also used to frighten away
evil spirits.


1. What does the word 'Samhain' mean? ________________________________________

2. When did the Celts celebrate their new year? ________________________________________

3. What did the Celts believe happened on the night before the new year?


4. Why did the Celts wear costumes? _______________________________________

5. What did the Celts use instead of pumpkins? ________________________________________

6. Will you be wearing a costume on Halloween? If so, what will you wear?


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