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Week IV Activity: Protocol Summary

Choose a Cooperative Group below and locate a clinical trial protocol for a specific disease site.
This must include a radiation therapy treatment regimen.

Read the protocol in its entirety. Evaluate items as discussed in course materials (e.g., eligibility,
trial phases, randomizations, etc.) as well as the specific protocol guidelines for radiation

Provide a PowerPoint & Oral presentation of the protocol and the specific medical dosimetry
portion of the protocol. Provide specific details about the treatment planning portion of the
protocol that the medical dosimetrist must follow in preparing the patient treatment plan. (Feel
free to add images for some creativity). Time limit is 20 minutes. I would advise 15-18 minutes
total. Powerpoint slides should be kept to 17-25 slides total.

See the following page for specific components of the presentation. This is the module four
discussion but also the major project for this course. So, please consider this when completing
this assignment. Points for this module are representative of the complexity of this assignment.
Grading will evaluate content, creativity, and presentation abilities (as well as discussion with
peers in the forum). See grading rubric for this specific activity.

Please try to avoid using the same cooperative group as another student. Use the student café
forum to discuss which group you are using for this assignment. In addition, if you are already
very familiar with RTOG protocols, look at a different group so you can learn something new.

Note: I understand that not all of you have access to specific sites that are password protected.
(links for these sites are included in module four content area)

The previous 12 cooperative groups were restructured in 2014 by the National Clinical Trials
Network (NCTN). This restructuring resulted into the following 5 US Groups and the Canadian
Collaborating Clinical Trials Network (CCCTN):

1. Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology

2. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group- American College of Radiology Imaging Network
(ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group)
3. National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel (NSABP), Radiation Therapy Oncology
(RTOG) and Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG)= NRG Oncology
4. Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG)
5. Children’s Oncology Group (COG)
Week IV Activity: Protocol Summary

Previous cooperative groups

1. American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG)
2. Cancer and Acute Leukemia Group B (CALBG)
3. Children's Cancer Study Group (CCSG)
4. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)
5. Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG)
6. Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group (IRSG)
7. National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP)
8. National Wilms Tumor Study Group (NWTSG)
9. North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG)
10. Pediatric Oncology Group (POG)
11. Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)
12. Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG)
Week IV Activity: Protocol Summary

Clinical Trials Presentation

Create a presentation about your clinical trial and what you have found.

Answer the following questions:

1) At what stage of the clinical trial process is the research described in your article?

2) What do you think would be the inclusion criteria, i.e., what people would be
accepted for this research?

3) What do you think would be the exclusion criteria, i.e. what people would NOT be
accepted for this research?

4) What question does this research address?

5) What is an appropriate control for this study? Do you see evidence that it is being

6) What organization is performing this study?

7) What is the benefit to the organization?

8) What is the group of people who will benefit from this study?

9) How will they benefit?

10) What is radiation oncology regimen?

11) What is the treatment planning protocol section?

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