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Tarrif war – applying tax rates on products of other countries to hurt them economically

Impact of US-China trade wars on other countries

Countries like Taiwan and Malaysia who sell intermediate goods to China would face a sizeabe impact
with the fall of Chinese imports from the US

Japan, which relies on the United States for 19% of its exports and on China for another 19%, would face
a relatively low direct impact from the tariffs, according to Marcel Thieliant, senior Japan economist at
Capital Economics. But the country's economy could be significantly impacted by stock market volatility
and fluctuations in its currency, the yen, if trade tensions escalate, he added.

South Korea, which counts both China and the United States among its largest trading partners, would
be one of the biggest casualties if a trade war breaks out.

China's proposed tariffs on fossil fuel imports from the United States could also see the Middle East
gaining a greater share of Chinese trade.

South Korea could also potentially benefit from a greater Chinese need for polyethylene

China relies for ployhtelene imports on other countries

China, Mexico and Canada to be most affected

Thailand, Taiwan, and Switzerland are among nations that could be damaged by rising
The US has imposed steep tariffs on steel and aluminium imported from three of America’s largest
trading partners, including the EU, after a deadline for trade negotiations passed without a deal.

US and Chinda key rading partners of Nigeria.

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