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DS2, Version

Quick Start Guide
• Install using the latest program using the file from the web at This is a self extracting zip file. Double click to install. The TorayDS2 program
will install by default to you’re my Documents folder. You may select any folder but it is best to
select one in which you have read/write permissions, which you do not generally have in the
Program Files folder.
o DS2 only requires one bit of system software – Microsoft’s SQL Server Compact Edition (CE)
version 3.5 or above. Many Win 7 computers come with this installed already and if already
present the installer will bypass it.
• If DS2 is already installed, then download just the latest update file from the web. These are called file from the web. Place this file in the TorayDS2 directory and
double click to update your exe file and the latest TorayMembrane file.

Make your first run….

• Find the program Icon and double click to start. Select your preferred language.
• The main screen will show “Select Project from Template.” Use the radio button under More
Templates to select a water type, then select and available template – eg 50% recovery, Two Pass
Sea, etc.
o Tip – Starting from a project
template is by far the easiest
way to use Toray DS2.
• The template disclaimer will open, accept
by saying OK. The database selection
screen will open – click Open to start
• The Feed Data screen will open. Here you
can modify the feedwater analysis or click
on the “Load / Review” button to the left and look at all water analyses in your project database
(The “Templates” database may take a few seconds to load as it has literally hundreds of projects to
choose from. When the dropdown arrow works it is fully loaded). All data is mg/l.
• When satisfied with the analysis and water type. Click the next tab on the tab called RO Design and
you will be taken to the main project screen.
• Click the “Calculate Now” button on upper right of the screen to see the results.
• Click the “Report” tab to view and save a detailed printout of the project. The reports may be saved
as word docs, pdf files, or as single web pages (*.mht).

Other things to try….

• Click every tab to see what can be accessed. Each tab has a different set of items to view or change
or add.
• Change the layout of the Results Panes – right click on the top row of an occupied column to clear it,
then left click and hold the mouse down on a numbered flow icon and drag it to the Result Pane

Toray DS2 Quick Start Page 1 November 2011

column you want. Left click on the word “Item” to reconfigure Ions or LSI or EC displayed in the
table. Right click anywhere in the table to set the number of decimals to display.
• Mouse over the primary RO system icon (with recovery showing in the middle) to
display a quick look. Click it see the element configuration and selection screen Or
just click the “Select” tab at the lower left.
• Toray DS2 allows 10 elements per vessel and 10 stages. Each element can
be different configured for different age, fouling, or salt passage increase. You can even mix
different diameter elements in a single vessel.
• Use the “reset fouling
factor and SPI....”
button to reset all
elements to the recommended default values.
• The Chemical, Degas and Pressure tab can be used for dosing, CO2
stripping and setting back pressures and vessel boost or DP.
• Try the Project Configuration / USGS Pitzer calculations to display scaling information and osmotic
pressure information calculated using the Pitzer method. Note the analytical data for the Pitzer
calculations are displayed as ppm (mg/kg) not mg/l so they will be different than what you input or
see on the outputs of the DS2 program itself which uses mg/l.
• Export some runs to Excel. Use the AutoCalculate feature. DS2 is very fast for most projects so
bypass the Calculate Now button. This even works as you change element age or number of vessels.

Accessing and Saving Projects….

• Toray DS2 uses a database file ending in the suffix *.sdf. This is a Microsoft SQL Compact Edition file
which can store hundreds of thousands of projects. The default location is in the TorayDS program
folder at <\app_data\DS2.sdf> Toray DS2 can also use a full-on SQL server system if desired. Please
contact Toray for the SQL script create this database. Your IT people may want to get involved but
this allows all users to access and use the same central database – backed up you presume on a
regular basis by the IT department.
• Local users of the SQL CE database – the default version should regularly backup their database. DS2
provides a convenient scheduler for this activity. Look under the top level menu bar – “Project
Configuration / Configure Backup Operations. Here set a frequency and schedule for backups.
• You may also create a common *.sdf database stored on a network drive by copying your database
file to the network drive and pointing your copy of DS2 to this file. There is some network latency
with the CE versions and response is slower than with the local copy or full version SQL server.
However, the rate is acceptable on most networks.
• Set the location of the database file using the Project Tab then the sub tab “Database” (tab 3 of 3).
Navigate to the file you want and then click Save Database Configuration.
• TorayDS2 can read Toray DS1 files (*.TID) with no problem – use File / Import DS1 Project File (*.tid).
• TorayDS2 can also export or import project files for emailing. These are called *.tds2 and are stored
by default under the TorayDS2 program folder at <\Report\Tds2\*.tds2>. These are small – about 5
kb and fully readable text files so they should pass through all email virus scanners with no problem.
• Template project files are provided with TorayDS2. They provide a quick start. Modify them to suit
your project. Hundreds of typical example projects can be accessed from the “See More Templates”
button on the main screen.

Toray DS2 Quick Start Page 2 November 2011

Design a Project, Save it, Make some REVISIONS, save those as well, send the report pdf to a friend …
• Let’s try a single pass seawater system with an energy recovery device. The seawater you want
should be have about 40000 mg/l TDS, a pH of 8.2, and a bicarbonate of 137 mg/l. Temperature of
seawater should be 27.5 C. Recovery should be 43%. Permeate flow should be 500,000 US gpd.
• Click the “start” tab on left top.
• Select the radio button for “Sea Open”
• Click the button diagram labeled ”40% rec with ERD”. Click OK, then Click Open.
• You are now at the Feed Data screen.
o Click on the HCO3 / mg/l grid box and change to 137 mg/l
o Click the “Balance with NaCl” to reset the balance
o Click on the number in the text box labeled TDS (should default with this project to about
40,945 mg/l after the above changes). Type in 40000 and use the tab key to move away or
click somewhere else. The analysis will reset to about 40,000 mg/l.
o Reset the HCO3 one more time to 137
o Set pH to 8.2, Temperature to 27.5
• Click the RO Design tab above to go to the design screen.
• Click Calculate Now to run the default design.
• Notice that the default units for this template are m^3/hr and bar. You may want to change to gpd.
Click the “Unit” on the top level menu and select units. To convert to just gpd, use the “volumetric
flow” drop and down and select gpd. Change element flux to gfd if desired as well. Press “done”
when ready. Return to the Design Screen
• Use the Up down arrows near the 40.00 to change the recovery to 43.00 percent or just type in 43.
• Click the Product text box and type in the desired flow rate – 500000.
• Now – the gfd value will be way too high – 77.81 with the current template so you need to add some
vessels. Click the colored box around the recovery value to go to the element and vessel
configuration screen.
o This is a single stage system so very simple. While looking at the gfd value (panel on right of
main screen titled “Flux Information”) change the number of vessels per stage until you
reach a flux rate suitable for this seawater – say about 10 gfd. This should be 15 vessels with
8 elements per vessel. See picture on next page for an example.
• Return to the main design screen by clicking the button “View flow dig” as shown below

• Click the “Calculate Now” button to see the results. If

you have followed the example the pressure should
show up as about 66-67 bar with a flux of 10.37 gfd.
Permeate TDS should be about 270 mg/l. Total power is
in the box SYS kW/kWH/m^3 as shown at left
• To try the same system with no ERD, click the Work
Exchanger icon on the main screen. Then select Clear
ERD to return to the main screen. Click “Calculate Now”
and the pressure should go down to about 65-66 bar
but the permeate TDS should improve somewhat. Of
course the total power and energy will go way up
without the ERD device present. This type of device has
some leakage, which accounts for the slightly different

Toray DS2 Quick Start Page 3 November 2011

pressure values. You can see this leakage in the results pane by inspecting stream number 10 with
and without the ERD device.
• Save your new project. This project started out in life as a template, so you should create a new
project to save the runs. Do this with the File | Save as new Project in Database command. You will
need to Enter a New Project name and a Case Description at minimum, Then click the “Save Current
Run to Project” button and the project is saved.
• Modifications…. Click the RO Design tab to return the design screen.
o Add the ERD device back by clicking the “Config” tab at lower left .
Then hit the large ERD Icon above to bring up the energy recovery selection screen.
You may choose Pelton wheel, two types of turbo chargers or two types of work
exchanger devices. Each have different configuration options – mouse over the
text boxes to get an idea of what is required. The default values are typical for the industry.
Let’s say you choose the high efficiency turbo charger and accept the default conditions.
Click save to return to the design screen. Hit “calculate now” again to see the results.
o Now – your project is already created so to save this “revision” just hit the menu item called
Save Now as New Revision. Your run will be saved to the project you created.

o Now change the element type and age. From the RO Design tab Click the RO system icon to
go to the element and vessel selection and configuration are. The numbers below eah
element are the individual element flux rates as calculated by DS2.

• Toray DS2 can have different elements in a vessel. Let’s try a hybrid design and change the last three
o Uncheck the All Elements the Same check box.
o In the left hand column go down and find the element called TM820V-440. Click the element
icon once and drag it to the last element in the position above. Change the years to 1.00.
o Repeat for elements 5 and 6.
o The screen
should look
like this one.
o Hit the
“View Flow
button to return to the main screen and recalculate.
o Note that Results Pane will be purple. This indicates a warning is present , while red text
indicates an error condition. For this run the warning can be seen by clicking the “Warnings”
tab below the results pane. Note the warning – “Flux not smoothly decreasing….” This

Toray DS2 Quick Start Page 4 November 2011

occurs because the last 3 elements in the tube are higher flux membrane than the first five
elements. If the elements were all the same age, type, spi, etc this would indicate a real
calculation warning. For this project it can be ignored.
• Hit Save Now as New Revision. Make some more changes and save them if you want.
• You decide to send the 2nd run you made to your colleague via email. Recover that run from the
database. Click the “Project” tab. Your current project should be in the drop down. Hit the Revision
drop down. Revisions start at “0” so your 2nd run is number 1. Select it and hit the Open button to
recover your project run.
• Go thru the Feed Data screen to the RO Design Screen and hit Calculate Now. Verify this is the
project run you want then hit the “Report” tab. This will bring up the overview or “short report”
format. To see nearly every value computed by DS2 go to the Project Configuration menu item and
select Long Report. Hit the RO Design Tab then the Report tab to refresh the project report. The
report may be printed or saved using the icons at the top. The default folder for
storing the reports so generated is <\report\html\....”. The default folder locations
can be changed with the “Project Configuration tab /Set Default Files and Folders”

Final Words…
It is almost impossible to cause any problems with DS2 files or database using the program. However, it
is entirely possible to delete projects you want or to overwrite good projects. So use care with these
features and when connecting to a database.
• Backup the database by simply copying it yourself to a back up network drive, or email it to yourself
or use DS2 to make a copy and remind you to back up regularly.
• Click menu “Project Configuration” / Backup Options
• Set the directory (like a network or backup drive) and set the radio button Back Up Automatically.
Click the Save… button to Save configuration

Email with questions or comments

Toray DS2 Quick Start Page 5 November 2011

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