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Kristyn Lloyd Ed 304-02

Jean Piaget- Stages of Cognitive Development

Sensorimotor- (Birth to 2yrs)

- Object permanence:
1. Hides baby’s keys under a cloth and baby stops searching
2. Once object permanence is understood the object is changed to another
hiding place and baby looks under first cloth (A not B test)

Preoperational-(2-7 yrs)
1. Child thinks that there is more water in a tall glass than in the fat glass
2. When quarters are spread out child assumes there are more
3. When one graham cracker is cut in half the child sees there are two parts
and assumes that is the same as two crackers.

Concrete operational- (7-11 yrs)

-Rules and relations:
1. ask children about the difference of a feather and hammer logically
2. ask story problems and the logical solutions

Formal operational- (11yrs- adult)

-twisting norms to solve problems/ abstract thinking
1. ask “if you had a 3rd eye where would it be?” why?
2. if people stopped having children what would happen?
Kristyn Lloyd Ed 304-02


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