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Group Discussion Guide Directions For

Finding Common Characteristics

Step One: First group member shares findings (answer to 1
question, 1 explanation, etc.)
Step Two: Next group member repeats what previous
member stated and shares his/her own findings ("Group
member _____ said…., and I found…).
Step Three: Next group member repeats what each
previous member stated and shares his/her own findings
(Group member ____ said…., the next group member
said….., and I found….).
Step Four: Repeat Steps 1-3 until all group members have
shared their findings.
Step Five: First group member repeats what every other
group member stated.
Step Six: Each member states similarities and/or differences
between ideas stated by group members (This is similar to
what he/she said because…. This is different from what
he/she said because….).
Step Seven: Repeat steps 1-6 for each element explored
Step Eight: Group decides on a list of common
characteristics among their findings
Group Discussion Recording Template
Name ___________________________________________________ Date ____________________________

Directions: Fill in the boxes below. This template will be turned in as a way to hold you accountable for
listening to your group's discussion.

Group Members (list the names of the members other than yourself):

What was each group member's response?

Similarities/Differences I found between group members' responses

Similarities/Differences other group members found

Common Characteristics Found

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