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A Adjec ves Teacher: Debra Jenkins

2 3

5 6 7 8

9 10

11 12 13


15 16


18 19




Across Down
2 Alive, lively 1 Passionate
4 Worried, anxious 3 Disposed to follow
6 Unyielding 4 Equally skilled at using both hands
9 Helping 5 Undecided
15 Ruling by force or higher posi on 7 Theore cal, lacking substance
16 Sharp, shrewd 8 Genuine
17 Shrewd 10 Austere, self-denying
18 Skillful 11 Overly proud
19 Suitable 12 Able to express oneself clearly
20 Having to do with beauty 13 Unclear in meaning, confusing
21 Living in water; an event or ac vity performed in 14 Skilled
or on the water
20 Friendly
22 Nimble
21 Sharp to the taste or smell

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