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“Little did I know, death wasn’t right. Didn’t always show every breath was a life.

It was to
captured be in suspended animation, to be felt by all, understood by every nation. What’s the sense of
hating, when I can show love?”
It’s the sense of self-realization, the recognition of a path that needs change, that I can identify
with in this quote from DMX. My name is Grayson Darwin. I’m loud, passionate, and can be an overall
nuisance. I’ve been drumming for almost twelve years now, have recorded and played with many bands,
and continue to play to this day. I’m loyal to my loved ones and would do anything for them. From their
support, I know they would do anything for me.Through struggle, I’ve come out with a forward thinking,
positive, mindset.
In the winter of 2015, my struggle with mental health overcame my ability to live a
healthy lifestyle. I left my previous high school and came to Garza in January of 2016. With the
welcoming Garza community for support, I began to see a better track for my life and a future for my
education. However, I attended Garza for only five months before my inner turmoil surfaced again. I
stopped coming to school and began to run with the wrong group of people. I was living a life of anger,
depression, and, at that point, the only future I could see was a violent one. Fortunately, those around me
took notice and lifted me out of what I believed would by a drowning tide. After a year and a half of
major life decisions and relationship changes, I decided the commitment was worth the opportunity, and
returned to Garza. I was welcomed back with nothing but love and encouragement which left me feeling
that I could actually achieve something I thought I never would.
Still, I was battling habits I was afraid I would never rid. I slid back down into violence against
myself. My visits to the ER became more frequent. Everyone feared for me. After six months of constant
harm, looking into the eyes of doctors as they told me I would die, I came to a final realization- Through
family loss and toxic relationships, I learned that I had to accept that it was up to me to change my
lifestyle. I found that life was something I wanted. Seeing my friends and family and those I love grow
and live their lives makes all of this worthwhile. To grow alongside them makes it all a little bit sweeter. I
have been clean from self harm for six months now, and I am so proud of that.
After I graduate, I will continue working with my uncle Lance as his art assistant, playing music,
as well picking up shifts as door person at Hotel Vegas. Beginning at thirteen it has been a dream of mine
to be a tattoo artist, and with my reinvigorated motivation, I know that I can take the steps to actualize
I want to thank all of the staff at Garza for supporting me, as well as putting up with me. Thank
you to the wonderful and patient Ms. Howard, to Ms. Mason for not giving up on me in math, to Ms.
Mailloux, Mr. Rees, Ms. Valencia, Ms. Aviles, and, well, really all of my teachers. A special shoutout to
Leonard: my time helping you around school and getting to know you will be some of my fondest
memories. Muchas gracias a la Se​ñora Benitez-Jaimes​ y Se​ñora Fraire tambien​, y a la Se​ñora​ Fraire,
“Viva mi raza!” Of course I would like to thank Dr. Webb as well, for always believing in me and
showing me love when I was struggling.
I’ve learned the value of life and the importance of love over aggression and hate. I have never
dealt with a purely negative experience, as ultimately, everything has been a lesson. Perhaps I can take
these teachings and help those who need them the most. I won’t forget my time here and I won’t forget
the person I became because of Garza.

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