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Tauranga failed subdivision

12 July 2018
Completed by Suzanne Edmonds


Operation Jigsaw were approached mid-June with information regarding Tauranga City Council staff
being directed to remove files of Bella Vista Homes Ltd, from the Council records.

The information that was provided gave the group cause to investigate this matter further.

Last Friday, an affidavit was provided to Danny Cancian, who forwarded the document to the group.

With this and other information received a complaint has been laid with the Ombudsmen and the Chief

The most significant part of the legislation that the complaint aligns with the Public Records Act 2005,
Sections 61 and 62.

It is also noted that Council did contract some of the work to an independent IT specialist.
Bella Vista Homes Limited was in dispute with Council in 2016 / 2017 (as previously reported in
Operation Jigsaws assessment summary). Mr Cancian states he spoke to the Council CEO, that he
had concerns that files would disappear. Accordingly he was given assurance, by CEO, Garry Poole,
that this would not occur and that the files would be safe.

Recently Mr Poole is recorded as saying files went missing when a computer system was changed.
Experts in the IT field say this is highly unlikely to happen in this day and age of sophisticated
technology. If it can be proven that a directive did come from the Executive of Council, to destroy Bella
Vista Homes files, whilst there was a dispute in place, this would result in a clear breach of the Public
Records Act.

It is a very serious situation upon Tauranga City, if documents have been destroyed, however it will be
up to the Authorities and the Courts to deal with this matter based on the evidence available.

There is strong evidence to stand by the allegation, however while an investigation is pending, this
evidence is unable to be made public.

The question has to be asked as to how safe is the Heath Report given that Mr Heath has undoubtedly
not been provided Bella Vista Homes Limited / Council documents that were highly likely very important
documents relating to Bella Vista Homes Limited, otherwise there would have been no reason for
Council to want them to be destroyed. It is important to add that the group have full confidence in Mr
Heaths reporting, based on the information he had.
Tauranga failed subdivision
12 July 2018
Completed by Suzanne Edmonds

This is the email that Danny Cancian sent on Wednesday 11 July 2018 at 12.10pm.

“Good Afternoon All,

This email is to notify Garry Poole and the Elected Members, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor that I am
putting you all on notice not to delete or alter any further public records in relation to Bella Vista Homes
Limited or myself.

I have received information in the past week, which has been transcribed into a sworn affidavit, that
between late 2016 and 2017, Bella Vista Homes Ltd public files have been deleted and possibly
altered, despite a reassurance from Garry Poole that this would not occur.

I am warning you not to delete or alter any other files as this an offence against the Public Records Act
and possibly a criminal offence.

Very concerned,
Danny Cancian
Director of Bella Vista Homes Ltd (In Liquidation)”

The conclusion is that there has been a conspiracy, to sabotage the business operation of Bella Vista
Homes Limited.

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