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CALVARY PANDAN BIBLE- their virtues, to the glory of God and

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH for the edification of the saints.

[Adapted from Bethel Bible-Presbyterian God had appeared to Solomon on
Church, 10 Downing St. Oakleigh, Vic., 3166] two previous occasions (6:11-13; 9:2-
9). On both occasions God promised
to bless him if he would walk in His
DHW BIBLE CLASS ways like David his father, in integrity
LESSON 6 of heart and in uprightness to keep
God’s commandments and statutes.
Solomon had a choice either to remain
CHAPTER 11 in God’s favour or to opt out of it. This
chapter narrates Solomon’s choice.
The first part of the chapter relates
INTRODUCTION Solomon’s slide into waywardness (vv.
In the previous chapters, the 1-8). The next part relates God’s
divinely inspired author gave a glowing response to Solomon’s waywardness
description of Solomon’s wisdom, (vv, 9-13). This is followed by a series
wealth and power. He was praised by of opposition to his rule which is
the Queen of Sheba who took a long brought about by God as a result of
trek to Jerusalem to see for herself Solomon’s many sins (vv. 14-40) and
what she had heard -- the greatness of finally, a statement of the length of his
Solomon and the LORD God whom he reign and his eventual death (vv. 41-
worshipped. This chapter begins with 43). It was a sad end for such a
the conjunction “but”. It is an important promising and great man who was so
conjunction that suggests a dramatic richly blessed!
turn of events, and intimates a warning
of impending disaster.
Solomon had fallen into spiritual
decline. The divine author does not Solomon Followed Not the LORD
hide the faults of God’s people, Completely – 11:1-8
especially of leaders and heroes. This The opening statement reveals
is a striking characteristic of the Word Solomon’s weakness for women
of God. In most secular historical (“strange” means “foreign”). Why
records where the noblest leaders are Pharaoh’s daughter is specifically
portrayed the authors, more often than mentioned is not revealed by the
not, tend to “soft pedal” the bad and author. The other women whom he
evil things about them and overtly took for his wives included the
exaggerate their accomplishments. But Moabites, the Ammonites, Edomites,
the Bible is different. It describes its Zidonians, and Hittites. These were
leaders with absolute honesty inhabitants of the land whom the
documenting all their faults as well as LORD specifically forbade His people

from marrying1 “for surely they will turn kingly practices. Even if there were
away your heart after their gods”. They none of these examples, the Word of
were probably married more for God still stands.
political expediency than the lust of the There are a few possible
flesh. An adoption of such a method to reasons why he married them. One
stabilize one’s country might be was that these marriages were political
acceptable for other Gentile nations marriages, which he contracted to
but not for Israel. Israel was a nation of obtain a friendly relationship with the
God where she must trust in God neighbouring countries thereby,
alone for stability and safety. Solomon strengthening the nation of Israel.
had sinned against God by what he Secondly, he wanted to keep up with
did. Solomon’s polygamous lifestyle the times. He wanted to be like the
and political compromises made him other kings. In those days, it was
the king that divided a united nation. common for the kings of the ancient
But Solomon loved them. He Near East to have a harem of wives
had seven hundred wives, who were and concubines. Then it was a
princesses, and three hundred measure of the greatness of a king.
concubines! And just as the LORD Solomon wanted to be great. Another
said, they turned Solomon’s heart reason is that he loved women, period!
away from the LORD. Why did he want Solomon reaped what he
to have so many wives and sowed. When he was old, his wives
concubines? Some sceptics think that turned away his heart to worship other
the number is fictitious. It is not. The gods. His heart was not perfect with
King of Saasanid Persia whose name the LORD, his God. Did God really
is Chosroes II (lived 590-628 A.D.) had expect perfection from Solomon?
3,012 concubines. Mulai Ismail, the Solomon went after Ashtoreth the
ruler of Morocco (1672-1727) had goddess of the Zidonians and after
2,000 wives and 800 concubines, and Milcom, the god of the Ammonites.
hundreds of sons and daughters. So it Solomon worshipped these gods as
was not strange or untrue that the text indicates. He “went after”
Solomon had as many wives and these gods of which the LORD had
concubines as stated. The Bible is the warned him to refrain from doing.
perfect Word of God and these Solomon’s heart was not fully after the
examples are merely cited to LORD. He worshipped the LORD God
demonstrate the commonality of such as well as the gods of his foreign
wives. He built “a high place” (an altar)
Exodus 34:15 Lest thou make a
for Chemosh, which is the national god
covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and of Moab in the hill that was before
they go a whoring after their gods, and do Jerusalem. In addition, he built another
sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and high place for Moloch (or Molech) the
thou eat of his sacrifice; 16 And thou take of
their daughters unto thy sons, and their god of the Ammonites (v.7). The hill
daughters go a whoring after their gods, and that was before Jerusalem is the
make thy sons go a whoring after their gods.


Mount of Olives which was directly from perfect but he was a man after
opposite the Temple. Solomon God’s own heart. Solomon was
pleased all his foreign wives and did compared with his father, David.
likewise for them. When crowds of The LORD Was Angry With
people came to worship the LORD at Solomon – 11:9-13
the Temple, they could see the pagan
altar on Mount Olives and be tempted The LORD was angry with
to imitate the royal princesses’ practice Solomon because he had become
of worshipping their gods. This was idolatrous. He worshipped the LORD
evil in the sight of the LORD. as well as the idols of his foreign wives
and concubines. The divine author
Solomon’s wives should not be makes it unquestionably clear that
blamed for turning away his heart from Solomon could not plead ignorance for
God. The responsibility was solely and the LORD appeared to him twice. If the
fully Solomon’s. He had no one to LORD appears to someone to give His
blame but himself. He was very promise and warn him once, it should
conversant with the Mosaic Law which be sufficient to make him heed His
forbade intermarriages of differing Word. . In Solomon’s case, the LORD
faiths, as well as the sin of polygamy. appeared to him twice to make sure
Moses clearly declared in Exodus that he clearly understood. Though
34:15, 16 that the Israelite men should Solomon worshipped the LORD, he
not marry the daughters of their also worshipped the pagan gods. This
neighbours. Moses repeated this was not acceptable. The LORD God,
commandment twice in Deuteronomy who is the living and true God,
7:3, 4 and 17:17.2 This comment of the deserves everything, all or nothing—
LORD on Solomon in verse 6 is very not even 90 percent for the LORD as
revealing. 1 Kings 11:6 says, “And against 10 percent in favour of the
Solomon did evil in the sight of the other gods. The LORD must have
LORD, and went not fully after the spoken to him through a prophet, for it
LORD, as did David his father.” God is not mentioned that the LORD spoke
did not expect perfection from any of to him directly. For his sins, the LORD
His children, only obedience and prophesied that He would divide the
genuine repentance. David was far kingdom of Israel into two parts; and
one part was to be given to his
2. Deuteronomy 7:3 Neither shalt thou servant. That was His judgement. But
make marriages with them; thy daughter thou God would not let it happen in
shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter Solomon’s lifetime for David’s sake. It
shalt thou take unto thy son. 4 For they will
turn away thy son from following me, that
would only happen after his death.
they may serve other gods: so will the anger of Moreover the covenant He made with
the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy David would not be broken. The other
thee suddenly. part would be given to Solomon’s son
Deuteronomy 17:17 Neither shall he
multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn for David’s sake and also for that of
not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to the city of Jerusalem which He had
himself silver and gold.


chosen. The covenant that the LORD means “an adversary” or “opponent” or
made with David would run its full “enemy”. It is the descriptive name
course. given to the Devil, Satan. But its use in
We see that the LORD is ever this context is in its general sense as
faithful to His Word. Sin has to be dealt an adversary, or one who opposes or
with and the one that sins is rebels.
responsible for his actions. God will A historical background is given
give His judgement because He is a concerning Hadad. As an Edomite, he
holy and righteous God. His love does was somewhat related to Solomon.
not preclude His holiness and The Edomites were descendants of
righteousness as many have Esau, the elder twin brother of Jacob.
misunderstood it to be. In this case, He In Genesis, we learn that even before
judged Solomon for his failure to walk the twins were born, they were
in His ways and to keep His struggling inside their mother’s womb.3
commandments. This is true biblical When they were born, Esau came out
love. If God had continued to bless first but Jacob had a grip on his
Solomon for his idolatry, then God brother’s ankle as if to take his place.
would be a derelict Father, which He David had subjugated Edom,
definitely is not. Instead, Solomon and Joab his army commander had
trusted in his own wisdom, wealth, slain every Edomite male. But Hadad,
power and international fame. God then a young child, had escaped with
showed Solomon grace despite his some Edomites and his father’s
terrible sin of idolatry. God allowed him servants. He fled to Midian and then to
to live out his days as the king of Paran. When Hadad grew to be a
Israel. Subsequently, his son would be young man, they settled in Egypt. The
allowed to rule part of the divided Pharaoh welcomed him and gave him
kingdom. God will not negate His a house, provisions and land. Hadad
covenant which He had made with must have acquitted himself very well.
David. The Davidic dynasty would Pharaoh was so pleased that he gave
continue through the tribe of Judah. him the sister of his wife, Tahpenes
Ultimately, the Messiah, David’s the queen, for a wife. She bore Hadad
Greater Son, who is none other than a son whom they named Genubath,
the Lord Jesus Christ, would come and whom Tahpenes the queen weaned in
rule Israel. We can take comfort and Pharaoh’s palace. When Hadad heard
assurance in the Word of God! that David and Joab were dead, he
The LORD asked Pharaoh to let him return to
Is Sovereign – 11:14-25 3
Genesis 25:23 And the LORD said unto
The text declares that “the LORD her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two
stirred up an adversary” against manner of people shall be separated from thy
Solomon in the person of Hadad, the bowels; and the one people shall be stronger
than the other people; and the elder shall serve
Edomite. The word “adversary” is the the younger.
Hebrew word “Satan” which literally


Edom, his homeland. Pharaoh an industrious man and appointed him

reluctantly let him go. Precisely what to be ruler over the conscript slaves of
his adversarial activities against the house of Joseph, the Ephrathites
Solomon were is not revealed. He (or Ephraimites). One day as
might have carried out periodic Jeroboam made a trip out of
incursions into Israel. Jerusalem, he was met by the prophet
Then God stirred up another Ahijah, the Shilonite. Ahijah was
adversary against Solomon. He was wearing a new garment and they were
Rezon, the son of Eliadah. He fled together alone.
from his master Hadadezer who was Ahijah took off the garment that he
king of Zobah. Zobah was situated not was wearing and tore it into twelve
far north of Damascus (today’s Syria). pieces. He then said to Jeroboam:
The explanation behind his flight is that “Take thee ten pieces: for thus saith
when David defeated and slew his the LORD the God of Israel, Behold, I
master Hadadezer, he fled to will rend the kingdom out of the hand
Damascus. He settled in Damascus of Solomon, and will give ten tribes to
and reigned in that city. He hated thee” (11:31). The prophet continued
Israel and became its adversary all the and explained that it was because the
days of Solomon’s rule. Once again, people had forsaken the LORD and
we are not told the nature of his had worshipped Ashtoreth, the
adversarial activities against Israel goddess of the Zidonians, Chemosh
except that he and Hadad made the god of the Moabites, and Milcom
trouble for Israel. the god of the children of Ammon.
The LORD Gives to Jeroboam Ten They had not walked in the ways of the
Northern Tribes – 11:26-40 LORD to do that which was right in His
eyes. Ahijah further explained that the
Jeroboam was the son of Nebat, an LORD would not take the whole
Ephrathite of Zereda. Jeroboam’s kingdom out of Solomon’s hand for
father died and he was raised by his David’s sake. But the LORD would
mother Zeruah. The Ephrathites were give ten tribes of the kingdom to
a proud people. It was one of the Jeroboam, and one tribe to David
largest tribes in the north of Judah. whose descendants would continue to
Why did Jeroboam rebel against rule in Jerusalem. Ahijah then charged
Solomon? Solomon had imposed Jeroboam that he could rule over
heavy taxes on the people to finance Israel (the ten tribes) as he desired.
his building projects, which were
concentrated in and around The condition was that he must
Jerusalem. keep the commandments and statutes
of God and walk in all His ways and do
Jeroboam was a “man of valour”. that which was right in His sight, as
This phrase means that he was a man David had done. God promised him
of ability and wealth. His wealth could that He would be with him and build
have been an inheritance from his him a sure house (dynasty) just as He
father. Solomon noticed that he was


had built for David, and would give sought to kill Jeroboam. This is a great
Israel (the northern ten tribes) to him. contrast to his great achievements in
Jeroboam who would rule the northern his earlier years. His activities were
tribes would afflict “the seed of David” now reduced to the level of
that is Judah with Benjamin. It would vengeance, murder, protecting his own
not be forever. This means that interest, womanizing, and idolatry and
Jeroboam or his descendants would trying to delay the inevitable.
not rule for ever. God’s punishment of
“the seed of David” would end at His
appointed time. PRACTICAL VALUE

Ahijah’s distribution of the twelve The wisest man of all men can also
pieces torn from his garment seems to fall. There is no guarantee that a
have a mathematical discrepancy. He person who is endowed with godly
gave ten to Jeroboam and mentioned wisdom, wealth, power and
that one tribe was to David. That adds international fame will continue to be
up to eleven. Where is the missing humble, trusting God and doing what
piece or tribe? There is no missing is right before Him according to His
piece or tribe at all. The one tribe was Word. Solomon is the example. His
given to Judah itself. 1 Kings 11:31- God given blessings had turned into a
32 reads, “And he said to Jeroboam, curse. He became proud and self-
Take thee ten pieces: for thus saith the exalting, trusting in his own ability and
LORD, the God of Israel, Behold, I will resources. He turned himself away
rend the kingdom out of the hand of from God, the very Person who had
Solomon, and will give ten tribes to raised and blessed him. It is very easy
thee: (But he shall have one tribe for for a man to succumb to temptation
my servant David's sake, and for when he is rich and powerful. When
Jerusalem's sake, the city which I have pride sets in, His eyes will shift from
chosen out of all the tribes of Israel:)” the LORD to mammon and self. The
NOTE that Jeroboam was given the love of money is indeed the root of all
same charge as those that were given evil and those who crave it will suffer
to Solomon. great spiritual losses. Fame and
fortune were causes of Solomon’s
Solomon’s Last Days – 11:41- 43 downfall.
Solomon sought to kill Once again, it is revealed to us that
Jeroboam knowing that Jeroboam obedience to God will bring God’s
would rebel against him. Jeroboam approval and blessings. Walking in all
fled to Egypt, to Shishak, the Pharaoh His ways and doing what is right
of Egypt, and he was in Egypt until the before Him is the way to success and
death of Solomon. Once again, Egypt blessings. Turning away from Him and
was a place of refuge for the Israelites. sinning against Him will incur His
Solomon ruled the united kingdom of anger and His judgement. Yet we
Israel for forty years. It is sad that the thank God that He is always faithful to
last mention of his works is that he His promises and His Word.


Chastisement will be for a time. We WEDNESDAY: 1 Kings 11:14-22;

ought to realise that sometimes, when Genesis 25:22-23.
we experience troubles and THURSDAY: 1 Kings 11:23-39; Psalm
tribulations, God may be drawing our 135:5-6; Acts 4:23-30.
attention to examine ourselves and to
confess and repent if we have sinned. FRIDAY: 1 Kings 11:40-43; Eccl 2:11;
God is righteous and just to forgive our Eccl 12:13; Matthew 16:26; 1 John
sins. Solomon learned his lesson. The 2:17.
Book of Ecclesiastes describes his life
of regret and shame and has a word of
Discussion Questions
warning that no one who professes to
be a Christian should ever follow in his 1. If our life-partner has such great
regrettable footsteps. But many influence in our life (especially of
Solomons have come and gone and men) what practical lesson can we
have not listened. Sadly, they will also learn from Solomon’s experience?
not be the last.
The quality of our evening years in _______________________________
life on earth depends on whether we
have been living in accordance to the
Word of God and doing His will. If we _______________________________
walk in His ways, He will bless us. If _______________________________
we disobey Him, we will incur His _______________________________
anger and displeasure and will suffer
the consequences of our own sins.
Proverbs 3:5-6 is what every Christian
needs daily, “Trust in the LORD with
2. What does it mean by Solomon’s
all thine heart; and lean not unto thine
heart was not “perfect” with the
own understanding. In all thy ways
LORD in 1 Kings 11:4? See 1
acknowledge him, and he shall direct
Kings 8:61; same word is used
thy paths.” AMEN
there. The Hebrew word is
Daily Readings
MONDAY: 1 Kings 11:1-8; Matthew
6:24; James 1:6; Psalm 86:11.
TUESDAY: 1 Kings 11:9-13;
1Corinthians 15:58; John 14:31;
Philippians 2:8. _______________________________


3. How would you feel if God were to _______________________________
say to you that the reason you do _______________________________
not live to see the punishment was _______________________________
for your father’s sake?
6. What do you think is the cause of
Solomon’s slide to apostasy? How
_______________________________ can we prevent the same from
_______________________________ happening to us?
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
4. What remarkable promises did the _______________________________
LORD make to Jeroboam? What _______________________________
spiritual lesson can we learn from it? If _______________________________
you have learned from it, state some
practical applications in your life? 7. What would you say are the most
_______________________________ useful and important lessons to
_______________________________ learn from Solomon’s mistakes in
_______________________________ this chapter?

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
5. Did God deal justly with Solomon? _______________________________
Why should the nation of Israel be _______________________________
judged for the sins of Solomon?

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