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1. Assign the data types for the following data: M4

Date_of_birth _________
Student_name _________
Total_marks _________
Class _________

2. Explain the use of ADC and why is it needed. M2

3. Sally runs a Diagnostic lab and is linked to a doctor’s office as well as a M4

hospital. She needs to store her patient’s data referred to her by the
doctor and forward it to the hospital when needed. What kind of data
structure should she use for better efficiency of data, and why.

4. What is a primary key and why is it needed? M2

5. Differentiate between M4
a) Alphanumeric and text data
b) Flat file and relational database

6. In the following table what operators would you use to find the following: M4

Book name Date borrowed Stud ID Class

Narnia 12/02/2015 0156 6
Kane chronicles 22/01/2015 0162 5
Harry Potter 14/01/2015 0171 5
Diary of a wimpy kid 03/02/2015 0151 5
Bones 28/01/2015 0143 6
Harry Potter 28/01/2015 0157 7
Narnia 15/02/2015 0165 7

i) Books borrowed by grade 5 in February

ii) Total no of books borrowed in January by grade 5 or 6

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