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I’m so hungry right now.

Actually I have a slice of bread, but my bread is-

Dead! It is dead! My cat is dead. It was still alive in the morning. I always take a good care of it. If it
wants to sleep, I will put it into-

An oven. The hot oven. Put it in the oven to make it well-cooked. If you don’t have an oven at home, you
can bake it into-

A purse. Yes! It is a purse. Something that I always bring everywhere I go. Like, go to café, go to
restaurant, go to school, go to-

Stomach… oh it hurts because I’m so hungry, but… I see an old man who is starving, just like me. What
should I do?

You should wait until the cake is cooked. While you are waiting, you can-

Bury… I bury my beloved cat. When I will bury it… suddenly-

Boom! It lost. I lost it. I still remember that I put it inside my bag. Then, I try to find it everywhere until I-

Scorched. Oh no!!!! What should I do? I’ve done my best to make it. How it can happen. Then, I throw-

My pants… Yeah, my pants! Maybe I can find it there. But… in my pants there is only-

Flowers. I spread flowers on the top of my beloved cat’s grave. I’m so-

Hungry. Oh, I’m really really hungry, but it looks like that old man is more starving than me. So I decide
to give that old man a-

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