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Look at me I’m sharing

my food!
Assalamu Alaikum and Kia Ora Arazu.
Over the past two weeks I have noticed
you spending more time playing with your
Today at morning tea, as I put Mariam on
the high chair, You showed me that you
wanted to join her too. You pointed on the
chair and waited for me to lift you up.
You were really excited to eat your fruits, so as soon as I finished the dua’a you started
eating. I noticed that your friend Mariam watned to eat some of your Manderins, and
before I even asked you to share with her
you did! You gave her some of your
manderins 😊 You kept giving her pieces
as she ate.
The smile on your face was priceless. You
were very proud of what you did and so
was I my dear!
What learning occurred?
Arazu is learning about using a range of
strategies and skills to learn and play with
She is learning about recognizing and
responding to other children’s needs and
today this showed as she shared some of
her own food. She is also learning to show
empathy and caring for other children.
How can we extend this learning?
We will support Arazu’s developing
empathy by praising her efforts when she
cares for others.
6th of June 2018
Teacher Farah

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