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Dr. Manmohan Singh

He was born on 26 September,
1932, Gah, West Punjab (now in Pakistan)
Singh has been married since 1958; he and his wife
have three daughters.
Singh is regarded as the architect of India's
original economic reform programme. His policies
of economic liberalization, serving in his
capacity as Finance Minister under the government
of Narasimha Rao in the early 1990s, brought the
country back from a looming economic bankruptcy.
Now the country is enjoying record economic growth
on the foundations laid by him. Singh is an
economist by training, and has formerly served in
the International Monetary Fund. He was educated
at Nuffield College, Oxford, St John's College,
Cambridge and Punjab University; he holds a
doctorate in economics from Oxford.
Dr. Manmohan Singh, an economic bureaucrat, was
the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India in the
late 1980s. In 1991, he was asked to head the
Finance Ministry by Prime Minister Narasimha Rao,
who was aware of an acute economic crisis due to
decades of stagnant socialist policies and a
government riddled by fractious alliances,
corruption and imcompetence. The crisis was so bad
that the Government was about to mortgage its gold
reserves to the Bank of England to obtain the cash
reserves to run the country. All this while more
than 400 million people starved and struggled in
poverty and miserable living conditions.
* First Class Honours degree in Economics,
University of Cambridge, (1957)
* Punjab University, Chandigarh, India
** Senior Lecturer, Economics (1957-1959)
** Reader (1959-1963)
** Professor (1963-1965)
* D.Phil in Economics, Nuffield College,
Oxford|Nuffield College at Oxford University,
* Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
** Professor of International Trade (1969-1971)
** Honorary Professor (1996)
* Economic Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Trade,
India (1971-1972)
* Chief Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance,
India, (1972-1976)
* Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi (1976)
* Director, Reserve Bank of India (1976-1980)
* Director, Industrial Development Bank of India
* Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Department of
Economic Affairs), Government of India,
*Governor of the Reserve Bank of India| years=1982 1985|
* Governor, Reserve Bank of India (1982-1985)
* Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission of India,
* Advisor to Prime Minister of India on Economic
Affairs (1990-1991)
* Finance Minister of India, (June 21, 1991 - May
15, 1996)
* Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha
* Prime Minister of India (May 22,2004 - Present)
Singh graduated from Punjab University in 1948 and attended Cambridge University
in Britain, earning a First Class Honours degree in economics in 1957. He conti
nued with his graduate studies at Oxford University and achieved a doctorate in
economics in 1962. He returned to India, lecturing at Punjab University and at t
he Delhi School of Economics. In 1971 he joined the Indian civil service as an e
conomic adviser in the commerce ministry. His talents were quickly rewarded, and
he was appointed chief economic adviser in the ministry of finance in 1972.

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