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s80/s40/s60 v50/v70/xc90/xc70/c30/c70

anil abmani deal BIG cinemas connect

Image from the patent filed by Michael Jackson to describe the method of leaning
beyond the centre of gravity,
similar to that seen in the pop video "Smooth Criminal" (which used a more trad
itional wire-harness mechanism)
Indian troops parade on the Champs-Elysees during the Bastille Day's celebration
s, on July 14, 2009 in Paris.
Indian troops star at France's Bastille Day military parade, with a proud 400-st
rong detachment marching down the
Champs Elysees under the eyes of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Which was the first african country visited by barack obama as the president of
Who was appointed as the chairman of the new Unique Identification Authority of
India (UIDAI).
what is ?
Moon Walker
what is special about july 20,1969?
Who was the guy who orbitted the moon while armstrong landed on the moon.Michael
Who was the president of USA who had givena target of reaching a man on moon and
getting him back safely?
What is the name of India's unmanned mission to moon.
What was michael jackson's first solo debut album. Got to be there 1971
What does Ginni Coefficient measure. It is commonly used as a measure of inequal
ity of income or wealth
What is the designation of Vladimir Putin.
Which state in USA did Sarah Palin serve as a governor.
When was lifebuoy soap launched? 1895
Who are the judges of India got talent?
Felipe massa was injured in a freak accident in the last F1 race. Where was the
race held and name of track? Hungaroring.
Name the documentary that won the 81st Academy Award for Best Documentary (Short
Subject). Smile Pinki. Smile Pinki (2008)
is a 39 minute documentary directed by Megan Mylan [1]. The film shows the story
of a poor girl in rural India whose life
is transformed when she receives free surgery to correct her cleft lip. The doc
umentary was made in Hindi and Bhojpuri,
and won the 81st Academy Award for Best Documentary (Short Subject).
What is the name of first nuclear submarine developed in india? Arihant
What is the full form of AK.
Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark,
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

The inspiration for the comic strip Dennis the Menace came from Dennis Ketcham,
the real life son of Hank Ketcham,
who was only four years old when he refused to take a nap and somehow messed up
his whole room. Hank tried many possible
names for the character, and translated them into rough pencil sketches. But whe
n his studio door flew open and his
then-wife Alice, in utter exasperation exclaimed, "Your son is a menace!", the "
Dennis the Menace" name stuck. The
character of Henry Mitchell bore a striking resemblance to Ketcham. The Mitchel
l family of Dennis, Hank/Henry and
Alice were all named after the Ketchams.

A - Bangaru Adigalar
B - Mata Amritanandamayi
C - Sri Karunamayi

This caricature condemns a judgement by a Judge, which said that a man may legal
ly beat his wife, provided that he used
a stick no thicker than his thumb. According to him, this was necessary for Fami
ly Correction. What phrase did this give
rise to?
Mahinda Rajapaksa

What was the amount paid for the transfer of Christiano Ronaldo by Real Madrid?
80 mn pounds
Michael Schumacher is making a come bak as a temporary driver for Ferrari. Where
will he race first for ferrari?
Valencia Street Circuit, Valencia, Spain
What was the controversy in which Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Harbhajan singh were
invloved lately?
Padma Sports award. They sent substitutes to collect their awards.
Ashes Urn
Which championship did saina nehwal currently rank no 6 in the world win in July
? Indonesia Open
Who won the 2009 T20 world cup for women? England

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