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Joy of Engineering - II

ABSTRACT (February 2024)

Group No. – 09
Project Name – Gyro_Grip_Culinary
Group Members – Suhas Kanwar (230603)
Amartya Kumar (230621)
Suryansh Mahajan (230627)
Yaksh Rohilla (230605)
Faculty Supervisor – Dr. Hirdesh Kumar Pharasi
Problem statement in general–
Individuals with Parkinson’s [5] encounter daily hurdles, especially in tasks like eating due to
motor control issues. Existing utensils fail to offer the needed support, intensifying
dependence and frustration. The Gyro Grip Culinary seeks to bridge this gap with a self-
balancing tool, ensuring stability and adaptability during meals. The design challenge
involves creating a customizable device, empowering individuals with Parkinson's [5] to
regain control and improve their overall quality of life by reducing daily challenges. This
innovative solution aims to enhance autonomy, making a meaningful impact on the daily
lives of those grappling with Parkinson's disease [5] during mealtime activities.

Problem statement in specific–

Design a self-balancing utensil, specifically a spoon, fork, and spork, named Gyro Grip
Culinary, tailored for individuals with Parkinson's disease [5]. The challenge is to create a
customizable device that adapts to users' tremors, providing stability and balance during
meals. The solution should be user-friendly, easy to clean, and durable, enhancing
autonomy and reducing daily challenges associated with mealtime activities.

Purpose and central theme of the project (Aim and objectives)–

 Stability: Utilize gyroscopic tech for tremor compensation.
 User-Friendly: Intuitive controls, grip sensors for customization.
 Battery Efficiency: Long-lasting power for daily use.
 Ergonomic Design: Comfortable, easy to clean, and food-safe.
 Customization: Adjustable settings for user preferences and symptom severity.
 Cost-Effective: Ensure affordability for widespread accessibility.
Brief information on project methodology–
The project methodology for the Gyro Grip Culinary, designed to assist individuals with
Parkinson's during mealtime activities, involves a comprehensive approach. We identify
specific challenges and leverage existing knowledge to inform our solution. The selection of
components, such as the Arduino Nano [1][2] for its compactness and community support,
the MPU6050 [3][4] for precise motion and orientation data, and servo motors for controlled
movements, is based on their suitability for addressing the targeted issues. The prototype
development phase integrates these components into a self-balancing tool with
customizable features, catering to individual user preferences. The project aims to not only
create a functional device but also considers to give an emotional support to the patients
facing this disease. The ultimate validation involves evaluating the impact on users'
autonomy and quality of life, establishing the Gyro Grip Culinary as an innovative and
effective solution for those grappling with Parkinson's disease [5] during mealtime activities.

Analytical tools/hardware/software/techniques to be used –

S.No. Name of the Specifications Quantity Estimated Source of
Component Cost(unit) Purchase
1) Arduino Nano [1][2] Microcontroller 1 ₹399 IOT Lab (BMU)

2) MPU6050 [3][4] Gyroscope | Tilt 1 ₹270 IOT Lab (BMU)

3) Servo Motor 180o Rotation 2 ₹244 IOT Lab (BMU)
4) 9V Battery Power source 1 ₹285 Amazon
5) Mini Breadboard 4.5 X 3.5 cm 1 ₹63 IOT Lab (BMU)

6) Switch Circuit Breaker 1 ₹5 IOT Lab (BMU)

7) Jumper Wires Connecting 10 ₹0.4 IOT Lab (BMU)


Discussing the key results/outcome/output expected of the project –

 Enhanced User Independence: Empower individuals with Parkinson's to regain
control during meals, fostering a sense of independence and reducing reliance on
 Stable Dining Experience: Gyroscopic [3] technology ensures stable utensil use,
mitigating tremors and involuntary movements for a more controlled and enjoyable
dining experience.
 Personalized Comfort: Customizable settings cater to individual needs, allowing users
to adapt the utensils' responsiveness based on symptom severity and personal
 Improved Caregiver Dynamics: Alleviate caregiver burden by providing a practical
tool that promotes patient autonomy, positively impacting the caregiver-patient
 Accessible and Affordable Solution: Cost-effective manufacturing ensures widespread
accessibility, making GyroGripCulinary a feasible solution for individuals across
diverse economic backgrounds affected by Parkinson's disease.

Discuss broad conclusions and the way forward–

The successful development of Gyro Grip Culinary signifies a breakthrough in addressing
mealtime challenges for individuals with Parkinson's disease [5]. Moving forward, our focus is
on continuous refinement based on user feedback, expanding customization options, and
enhancing accessibility. Through strategic partnerships, research initiatives, and awareness
campaigns, Gyro Grip Culinary aims to make a lasting positive impact, providing improved
dining experiences and greater independence for individuals with Parkinson's.

Parkinson’s Caregiver Tremor Gyroscopic Assistive
Disease Dynamics Compensation Technology Utensils

References –
3. Arduino Guide for MPU-6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope | Random Nerd Tutorials

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