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AI Diet

For a longer and healthier life

Presented by:
HIMA BINDU.V (2011CS020486)
 Abstract
 Objective
 Existing system
 Proposed System- The model
 Implementation
 Conclusion
Exercising is the most important thing to live a healthy life. To be free from injuries and getting the most from our
workout proper form of exercise is important. Doing too much repetition and over training can cause muscle
soreness. Unendingly doing exercise incorrectly could eventually cause severe future injuries. The rest between
the sets should be optimum depending on the repetition of the exercise, what muscle group is being trained and
the load that is being put in the muscle. Maximum Muscle hypertrophy is achieved with the correct form of
exercise. The goal of the project is to build an exercise repetition counter and form corrector in a way so the
optimum growth can be achieved with the help of cutting edge technology. The whole project is written in python.
Simple easy to use tkinter GUI is used, Computer vision for live video input, media pipe for building machine
learning solutions and numpy for mathematical calculations. Our system is built on the most recent
advancements in deep learning for build cause estimation. We tend to the area units that are able to observe
and find errors in user’s activity (pose) by effectively supporting some threshold deviation between the limb
angles. If a person is doing exercises with the help of this system, the user\'s form is checked (corrections in
form also will be given if any) repetition’s status and count is displayed. Along with this the AI dietitian calculates
the maintenance calories, BMR, etc. This will increase muscle hypertrophy and reduce the risk of injury.
In this proposed AI Diet Consultant system of android artificial intelligence diet consultant, using
the technique of artificial intelligence, you will get access to all the facilities via this application,
which is actually provided by a human dietitian.

Currently, according to Fister et al. (2015), algorithm applications of Artificial

Intelligence (AI) have been used for sports training with the purpose of supporting
the professional in the area, prescribing plans for Sports Training Sessions,
Counseling on Nutrition, and Recovery from Injuries.
Although AI is not yet widely used in the areas of nutrition and fitness, it is found that the current
technology available is favorable to the application of AI, since a large amount of data is collected
by these technologies and, therefore, AI could be very useful in their mining.

The use of AI in the nutritional monitoring of people with cancer is still scarce, but some
technologies have been used for adequate nutritional management, so that there is a great
amount of information monitoring and, therefore, the use of AI for management/mining of these
data would be of great contribution.
Existing System

An example of existing definition of AI Dietitian include AI for Nutrition - and Nutrition AI-

In the existing AI Diet Consultant system, you have to hire a dietitian in order
to get advice. Hiring a nutrition doctor will not only waste your time and efforts
for calling them, going to them and so on but also cost you very high as their
charges per month are very high. The moment will also arrives when they will
not available for you and you have to search for some other dietitian urgently.
Proposed System – The model.
 In this proposed AI Diet Consultant system of android artificial intelligence diet
consultant, using the technique of artificial intelligence, you will get access to all
the facilities via this application, which is actually provided by a human dietitian.
The main advantage of using this standalone AI Diet Consultant application is that
the time required by the people to travel to the dietitian will be reduced and also it
reduces the cost of hiring dietitians for some particular purpose.
 Also, this AI Diet Consultant application offers more than one diet plan also, for
some particular kind of functionalities of human bodies.
Following is the Algorithm of AI Dietitian-
For the proposed project, a series of steps were followed for the system to recommend a diet plan.

Step 1: Clean and prepare the data as per the requirements

Step 2: Input details from the user: Age (in years), Weight (in pounds), Height (in Feet and Inches) and
daily exercise level.
Step 3: Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using the Harris-Benedict Equations:
Men BMR= 88.362 + (13.397 * weight in kg) + (4.799 * height in cm) – (5.677 * age in years)
Women BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 * weight in kg) + (3.099 * height in cm) – (4.330 * age in years)
Step 4: Calculate the calorie intake using the following table:
Exercise level Daily Calories Required (Kcal/day)
Little to no exercise Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.2
Light exercise (1–3 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.375
Moderate exercise (3–5 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.55
Heavy exercise (6–7 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.725
Very heavy exercise (twice per day, extra heavy workouts) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.9

Step 5: Then we use randint(0,6) function to select items from list

Step 6: Recommend a diet plan based on the above steps. If not interested, look for an alternative plan using the
defined rules by clicking on submit.
Technologies and Requirements
Technologies Used Software Requirements Hardware Requirements
 Java • Hard Disk – 2 GB.
• Android SDK • RAM – 1 GB.
 Android • Windows XP • Processor – Dual Core or
• Java JDK Above.
• Notepad • Mouse.
 Kivy • Keyboard.
• Monitor.
 Ms SQL Server • Printer.
 python
 In this Project the frontend gui is designed by Tkinter. It will collect basic inputs like
body weight, height, body age and gender. Further it will ask about fitness goals and
accordingly information will be displayed. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), maintenance
calories with macronutrients can be calculated using buttons. An output box is present in
the gui on which information will be displayed. All this functionality is coded in python.
It has a clear button to clear the screen. Following that there are a few exercises added
like bicycle curls, shoulder press, squats and this AI powered tool will count reparations
of your set. Any number of exercises can be added just by adding a few lines in the code.
In the bottom there is a quit button to close the system after using it.
 [1]
 [2] 47
 [3]
 [4]
apps/ [5] Azure kinect body tracking joints.
us/azure/ HYPERLINK \"
joints\"kinect-dk HYPERLINK \"
dk/body-joints\"/body-joints. [Online; accessed April 2,2020].
Thank you

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