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Hainanese Roasted Chicken

Rice Ingredients Roasted chicken

1 Kg chicken / 1 whole chicken, 2 tablespoons ginger powder, 2 tablespoons dark soy sauce, 1/2
cup honey, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon white pepper, 2 tablespoons Chinese 5 spice powder.

Rice (for chicken rice) 500 grams uncooked fragrant rice, 2 clove garlic, 2 shallot, 3cm ginger, 1
teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons chicken stock, 3 tablespoons oil (palm), pandan leaves.

Soup ( for chicken rice) 100 gram Pickel mustard (minced), some ginger (sliced), 2 chicken stock
cube, fried shallot (garnish), 2 liters water.

Chili sauce 250 grams red chili, 10 pcs bird's eye chili, 10 cloves garlic, 1/2 inch ginger, 1 cup water,
3 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoon calamondin (juice) or vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt. ►How to prepare
: Chilli Sauce For Hainanese Roasted Chicken Rice

Sesame Oil sauce 1/2 cup chicken stock ( 1 cube chicken stock mix with 1/2 cup hot water), 2
tablespoons oyster sauce, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 3 tablespoons sesame oil, 2 tablespoons

► How to prepare : Sesame seeds oil (for Roasted chicken rice)

Garnish (for chicken rice) Tomato, cucumber Step by Step Roasted chicken Marinate chicken for
few hour or overnight. Preheat oven 250 celsius for 10 minutes. In the same temperature, bake
chicken for 1 hour or until chicken cook. Rice (for chicken rice) wash rice (using a metal strainer with
small holes. Pour the rice in it and run it under the water from the tap. saute garlic, shallot & ginger
until aromatic. add pandan leaves In the same wok, add washed rice. mix in salt & chicken stock.
mix all ingredients for few minute. pour rice mixture into a rice cooker, cook until rice fluffy. Soup ( for
chicken rice) pour water into the small pot add minced pickle mustard, ginger, & chicken stock cube.
boil for few minute. Chili Sauce Add all ingredients into a blender or food processor. blend until
becoming sauce consistency. store in a container in the fridge.

►How to prepare : Chilli Sauce For Hainanese Roasted Chicken Rice Sesame Oil sauce mix all
ingredients in a bowl store inside a container. store in a container in the fridge.

► How to prepare : Sesame seeds oil (for Roasted chicken rice) Chicken Rice Fill a small bowl with
rice and turn it over onto a plate. Move bowl away and your rice should have a shape of a semi-
sphere. garnish the rice with tomato & cucumber. Place some chicken pieces onto the plate and
drizzle with sesame oil sauce. Serve with soup & chili sauce.

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