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A characteristic feature of German is its ability to create verbs with new meanings through the

addition of prefixes to nouns, adjectives, or other verbs.

For example:

 aus + gehen = ausgehen - to go out

 ver + kaufen = verkaufen - to sell
German has two categories of prefixes: inseparable prefixes and separable prefixes. However,
few prefixes exist that can be used in either catgory.
Also, a verb could have more than one prefix, each giving a new verb with a different
meaning than the others. Take the verb 'kommen' for example:

Verb Definition

kommen to come

ankommen to arrive

mitkommen to come along

weiterkommen to get on

hereinkommen to come in

herauskommen to come out

nachkommen to come later

zurückkommen to come back

Inseparable Prefixes
These prefixes are always attached to the front end of a verb and are never removed from it no
matter the tense or form of the verb. When pronouncing a verb with an inseparable prefix, the
stress is always on the stem of the verb.
The table below shows these prefixes, along with some examples:

Prefix Verb Definition

bekommen to get/receive


besuchen to visit/attend

empfehlen to recommend


empfinden to feel

entlassen to discharge/fire


entscheiden to decide/determine

erfinden to invent/make-up


erwarten to expect/anticipate

ge- gehorchen to obey

Prefix Verb Definition

gestatten to permit/allow

missachtest to disobey/disregard


misstrauen to mistrust/suspect

vergessen to forget


verstehen to understand

zerstören to destroy


zerkratzen to scratch

The inseparable prefix remains attached to the verb when its conjugated. Notice the position
of the inseparable prefix in the following examples:

 Ich verstehe sehr gut Deutsch - I understant very good German

 Ich besuche meine Eltern jeden Tag - I visit my parents everyday

Separable Prefixes
Separable prefixes are adverbs and prepositions that are detached from the verb when it is
conjugated. It would be completely impractical to list all of those prefixes; as there are many.
When pronouncing a verb with a separable prefix, the stress is always on the separable prefix.
The table below shows the most common ones along with some examples:

Prefix Verb Definition

ankommen to arrive


anrufen to phone somebody

aufstehen to wake up


aufhören to stop/cease

ausgehen to go out


aussprechen to pronounce

beibringen to teach


beitragen to add/contribute

einkaufen to go shopping


einladen to invite

Prefix Verb Definition

fortfahren to continue/proceed


fortgehen to go away

mitgehen to go along


mitarbeiten to collaborate

nachahmen to imitate/copy


nacharbeiten to rework/revise

vorstellen to present/introduce


vorbereiten to prepare/set up

wegfahren to drive away


weglaufen to run away

Prefix Verb Definition

zuhören to listen


zunehmen to increase/grow

As already mentioned, when a verb with a separable prefix is conjugated in the present tense,
the separable prefix is detached from it. The prefix is moved to the end of its clause. Notice
the position of the inseparable prefix in the following examples:

 Herr Bauer ruft seine Frau an - Mr Bauer is calling his wife

 Ich gehe mit meinen Freunden jeden Tag aus - I go out with my friends everyday
 Sie kauft im Supermarkt ein - She is shopping in the supermarket

Prefixes that can be Separable or Inseparable

A few prefixes exist that can be either separable or inseparable, depending on the way the
verb is pronounced. When the stress is on the prefix itself, the prefix is separable. But when
the stress is on the stem of the verb, it's a strong signal that the prefix is an inseparable one.
A few examples are shown in the next table:

Prefix Separable Verb Inseparable Verb

durch- durchfallen durchdringen

um- umsteigen umarmen

wieder- wiedergeben wiederholen

Of course, the verb conjugation depends on whether the prefix is separable or inseparable, as
shown in the next example:

 Wir steigen in Berlin um (umsteigen) - We change (busses) in Berlin

 Wir umarmen uns (umarmen) - We embrace ourselves


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