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The Path to the Holocaust

Aftermath of WWI and the rise of Nazism

1) In the Treaty of Versailles, the victors dictated a future in which Germany was deprived of
any significant military power
2) Germany’s territory was reduced by 13%
3) Germany was forced to accept full responsibility
4) Germany was forced to pay heavy reparations
5) A new democratic form of government called the Wiener public replaced the old
authoritarian empire.
6) In the early 1920s thousands of Germans had to queue for work and food
7) The life savings of Germans were wiped out by severe repatriation
8) In 1929 the worldwide depression hit
9) Many political parties had their own paramilitary units to attack opponents and intimidate
10) In 1932 99 people were killed in the streets in 1month
11) Many Germans feared a communist revolution
12) The new constitution gave women the right to vote

The rise of Nazism

1) Adolf Hitler had been the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party since 1929
2) In 1923 he was imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government
3) while in prison, Hitler dictated his book called mein kampi my struggle
4) Hitler’s ideological goals included: Territorial expansion, consolidation a racially pure state,
elimination of Europeans Jews, and other perceived enemies of Germany
5) The Nazi party downplayed their extreme goals offering simple solutions for Germany
problems exploiting people fears, frustrations and hopes
6) The Nazi party gained support from middle class, intellectuals, students, civil servants, shop
keepers and clerks ruined by depression
7) January 1933, Hindenburg invited Hitler to as chancellor in a coalition government
8) One month later, the German parliament built burnt down
9) Hitler and the Nazis blamed communists for the fire and declared emergency rule
10) President Hindenburg signed a decree which suspended all basic civil rights and
constitutional protections
11) Under the emergency decree, political threats could be terrorised and beaten and held
12) Goebbels argued that a good government requires good propaganda

Building a “National Community”

1) In March 1 1933 ceremonial re opening of parliament
2) Nazi controlled news reels gave the impression that the army supported the new
3) Hindenburg remained president until his death in august 1934
4) After Hindenburg died Hitler abolished office of president declaring himself of leader of the
nation and of government
5) The armed forces swore oath of allegiance to Adolf Hitler as fuhrer
6) The Nazis improved the economy through public works projects for the unemployed
7) In 1935, Germany openly defies the Treaty of Versailles by reinitiating the draft and
increased military strength.
8) The Nazis achievements led many to overlook racial Nazi polices or even to support them
9) In September 1935, the Nazi party gathered in Nuremburg for the rally
10) At the end of the Nuremburg rally, during a special parliament was held which newrace laws
were introduced by Hitler
11) The Nazi regime aimed to create radically pure Germany
12) Nazi ideology taught radical struggle was the driving force in history superior races must
battle inferior races or be corrupted by them.
13) The ideological battle was led by Hendrich hindler
14) People deemed unworthy of life based on Nazi ideology included jews, salves, balck, roma,
gypies, mental and physical disabled persons

From Citizens to Outcasts

1) Before the Nazis assumed power, Jews enjoyed all rights of citizenship
2) After 1933, Jews _____________________________________________________________
3) By 1938, Jews ________________________________________________________________
4) The goal of Nazi propaganda was ________________________________________________
5) In March 1938, Germany defied the Treaty of Versailles by
6) On 9th November 1938 ________________________________________________________
7) Germans named the attacks ____________________________________________________
8) More than ____________ synagogues were destroyed
9) Jews put into concentration camps at this time were allowed to be released if
10) A new law in October 1938 required Jews to _______________________________________
11) In December 1938, a law froze __________________________________________________
12) At this point, many Jews _______________________________________________________

WWII and the Holocaust

1) Initial aggression against Germany’s neighbours ____________________________________

2) Hitler counted on _____________________________________________________________
3) September 1st 1939 ___________________________________________________________
4) This was the start of ____________________________________________
5) In April 1940, Germany ________________________________________________________
6) In May 1940, the German forces invaded
7) In June 1940 _________________________________________________________________
8) In June 1941 _________________________________________________________________
9) Across Eastern Europe, German authorities forced Jews ______________________________
10) Soviet prisoners were treated___________________________________________________
11) On the Eastern Front, racial political instruction was
12) Himmler described the invasion as ______________________________________________
13) July 1941, Goering authorised ___________________________________________________
14) As German military forced advanced _____________________________________________
15) The killing squads murdered at least _____________________________________________
16) In Germany, the SS and Police ___________________________________________________
17) The Warsaw Ghetto was _______________________________________________________
18) Ghettos were originally used as__________________________________________________
19) Later, the Ghettos are used as __________________________________________________
20) The largest of the camps was ________________________________________
21) Those judged unable to work ___________________________________________________
22) Those who could work were used for ____________________________________________
23) In several killing facilities, camp authorities used poisoned gas to
24) The first camps to be liberated were _____________________________________________
25) In April 1945 ________________________________________________________________
26) A new word, ____________________, was needed to describe these crimes.

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