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Artificial intelligence, immersive experiences, digital twins,

event-thinking and continuous adaptive security create a

foundation for the next generation of digital business
models and ecosystems.

How do designers make cars safer? They treat them like a

school of fish. Safe Swarm, recently unveiled by Honda, uses vehicle-to-
vehicle communication to allow cars to pass information on to other cars in the
vicinity. For example, alerts about an accident miles up the road could be
relayed to cars miles back, enabling them to operate collaboratively and
intelligently to avoid accidents and mitigate traffic.

The evolution of intelligent things, such as collective thinking car swarms, is

one of 10 strategic trends with broad industry impact and significant potential
for disruption.

As intelligent things proliferate, expect a shift from stand-alone intelligent

things to a swarm of collaborative intelligent things. In this model, multiple
devices will work together, either independently or with human input. The
leading edge of this area is being used by the military, which is studying the
use of drone swarms to attack or defend military targets
Trend No. 4: Digital Twins
A digital twin is a digital representation of a real-world entity or system. In the
context of IoT, digital twins are linked to real-world objects and offer
information on the state of the counterparts, respond to changes, improve
operations and add value. With an estimated 21 billion connected sensors and
endpoints by 2020, digital twins will exist for billions of things in the near
future. Potentially billions of dollars of savings in maintenance repair and
operation (MRO) and optimized IoT asset performance are on the table, says
Outside of the IoT, there is a growing potential to link digital twins to entities
that are not simply “things.” “Over time, digital representations of virtually
every aspect of our world will be connected dynamically with their real-world
counterparts and with one another and infused with AI-based capabilities to
enable advanced simulation, operation and analysis,” says Cearley. “City
planners, digital marketers, healthcare professionals and industrial planners
will all benefit from this long-term shift to the integrated digital twin world.” For
example, future models of humans could offer biometric and medical data,
and digital twins for entire cities will allow for advanced simulations.
Edge computing describes a computing topology in which information
processing and content collection and delivery are placed closer to the
sources of this information.
Trend No. 7: Immersive Experience
Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality are changing the
way that people perceive and interact with the digital world. Combined with
conversational platforms, a fundamental shift in the user experience to an
invisible and immersive experience will emerge.

Trend No. 8: Blockchain
Blockchain is a shared, distributed, decentralized and tokenized ledger that
removes business friction by being independent of individual applications or
participants. It allows untrusted parties to exchange commercial transactions.
The technology holds the promise to change industries, and although the
conversation often surrounds financial opportunities, blockchain has many
potential applications in government, healthcare, content distribution, supply
chain and more. However, many blockchain technologies are immature and
unproven, and are largely unregulated.

These days, buzz around Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. You hear about self-
driving cars, futuristic personal assistants, and computers beating professional human
players at board games. AI has the potential to radically improve our lives with early
diagnostic tools and customized treatment applications in the medical industry. On the
flip side, Elon Musk predicts that AI-driven technologies will displace 12-15% of the
global workforce within 20 years. Stephen Hawking warns us that the rise of AI could be
the best or worst thing to happen to humanity, depending on how it’s used.
Going one step further, when you hear the term, Deep Learning, know that this is the
most promising and cutting-edge subset of Machine Learning, involving the
development of algorithms to build artificial neural networks that mimic the structure and
function of the human brain. This discipline was godfathered by Andrew Ng while at
Google, where he famously taught his algorithm to recognize cats.

But, the land owners, who have been opposing TDR in lieu of their lands, stuck to their stands.

Reddy told BM BBMP officials had tried hard to convince the residents to give up their land

BBMP officials said that they will try to hold one more round of discussion with the residents as it
was vital to widen the Sarjapura Road.

Artificial brains could soon be reality: 
Superconducting switch, which can 'learn' 
like human brain, developed 
Researchers have developed a superconducting switch that can make future
computers think like the human brain.
By : Kukil Bora

January 29, 2018 15:37 IST


Researchers have developed a superconductive switch that can make computers think like the
human brain.Creative Commons

Computers could soon be able to function like artificial brains to make decisions
like humans, thanks to a newly-developed superconducting switch. This novel
technology is expected to pave way for a new type of artificial intelligence (AI)
that may help us in a range of areas, from transportation to medicine.

Developed by researchers at the US National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST) in Colorado, the switch, called a synapse, "learns" like its
biological counterpart. It can connect processors and store memories in future
computers operating like the human brain.
Can human brain be replaced by computer 
chip? Fingernail‐sized chips to replace 
supercomputers soon 
Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have attempted to
design computer chips that work like the human brain.
By : Raymond Ronamai

January 25, 2018 08:38 IST


AI chip implants can allow humans to communicate via telepathy in the future, according to
some experts (Representational picture)Creative Commons
Technology companies continue to manufacture computer chips with
overwhelming processing power, taking portable artificial intelligence devices to a
higher level every time such new technology is developed or enhanced, but can it
ever replace human brain?

Well, the human brain has billions of neurons and trillions of synapses (the
spaces between neurons across which neurotransmitters are exchanged),
enabling it to remember the fact, recognize patterns, transmit instructions to
various parts of the human body and learn new things at an incredible speed. Its
processing power may be unbeatable but researchers have attempted to design
computer chips that work like the human brain, which will help in the
manufacturing of small chips as powerful as supercomputers.

he human brain is the world’s most efficient computer, performing profoundly complex
calculations using less energy — just 20 watts — than a dim light bulb. For decades, engineers
have been trying to build brain-like computer chips that process information far more organically
and efficiently. Now such a “neuromorphic computer” may only be five to 10 years away thanks
to a new type of artificial synapse.
Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have created a tiny
switch that mimics the function of synapses in the brain. The cylindrical artificial synapse
measures only 10 micrometers in diameter, which is much smaller than the thickness of human
hair, and works just like a real synapse by regulating incoming and outgoing electrical pulses,
according to a paper published in Science Advances. These artificial synapses could enable next-
generation artificial intelligence that runs on a chip rather than a giant supercomputer.

In the brain, neurons “talk” to one another by sending electrochemical impulses across tiny gates
or switches called synapses. When a synapse receives a strong enough incoming signal from one
neuron, it triggers an electrochemical reaction that produces an outgoing spike in a second

RELATED: This Artificial Intelligence System Can ID Faces Even If They Are Disguised

What’s amazing is that the more two neurons talk to one another, the less power is required to
cross the synapse and trigger the spiking response. That’s why our brains are so efficient at
learning and remembering — it’s built into the wiring.

Mike Schneider is a NIST physicist and lead author of the artificial synapse paper. He told
Seeker that today’s most advanced AI — like the image recognition capabilities of Google’s
Deep Dream — is achieved by deep neural network softwarerunning on conventional
supercomputers. But those deep neural network algorithms would be many times more powerful
and efficient if they ran on hardware that crunches data like a biological neural network.

The artificial synapse developed at NIST is an analog switch, just like real synapses. That means
that it takes in an incoming electrical signal and produces a complementary outgoing spike of
energy. And like a real synapse, it can be “tuned” to produce a wide range of spikes based on
varying signal strengths. Compare that to a conventional digital transistor on a silicon chip which
can only be “on” or “off,” 1 or 0.

Satya Nadella
The second profound shift is the infusion of AI, or AI is intrinsic in every application experience you
build , I mean think about this, an autonomous car is going to generate about 4 giga bytes of data per
sec and when you have that type of data that is being generated across all the IoT devices, so AI itself
being distributed. AI is about reasoning using compute power over all this rich data to create
To manage all these complexity, we need a new efficient frontier for how we develop applications,
Manage applications. And that’s what this server less revolution all about, containers , micro services


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