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Assignment: Essay on

“Global Warming”
Paola Tassano
CeRP del Este
Language II
Prof. Mauricio de Vasconcellos
Maldonado, May 03, 2018

Global Warming

Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the

atmosphere. The general cause is the presence of greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants. Furthermore, global
warming has several effects on human health, economy, nature, among others.
However, it can be controlled in order to stop climate change to increase.

Global warming is a serious issue and it is not a single issue, but a number of
environmental issues. The issues that cause global warming can be divided into
two categories which are “natural” and “human influences”. Within the natural
causes, the most significant is that of the greenhouse gases such as carbon
monoxide and sulfur dioxide, which trap the solar heat rays and prevent them
from escaping from the surface of the earth. In addition, volcanic eruptions
release carbon dioxide and ash into the atmosphere. Moreover, methane is a
greenhouse gas; which can release from many areas such as cattle, landfill,
natural gas, coal mining, industrial waste, among others; and it is more effective
in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide by twenty times.

On the other hand, global warming caused by humans is more than that caused
by natural causes. It is said that humans have increased the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere by more than a third since the Industrial Revolution,
thus this is an important cause. Industrial uses fossil fuels for power machines. In
addition, the mine is another issue concerning global warming because during the
process of mining, the methane is trapped below the earth. What is more, the
most common issue is deforestation and it is also significant since trees absorb
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The effects that global warming has on earth are extremely serious, and these are
warmer water, more hurricanes, loss of some species, more polar ice caps
melting, spread of diseases and earthquake. For instance, when hurricanes
destroy and damage houses or even cities, the government has to spend a lot of
money on recovering the damage, leading to economic consequences. Similarly,
there have been reports of spread of major tropical diseases as the earth is
becoming warmer. Moreover, another effect of global warming is that of the ice
caps melting due to the temperature increase, which makes glaciers become
oceans resulting in a raise on sea levels. In addition, some species such as polar
bears and tropical frogs will be extinct.
Finally, this problem of global warming can be controlled by minimizing the
emission of greenhouse gases into the environment. The solutions to reduce it are
reducing the use of gasoline and electricity, planting trees, recycling, and so on.
Regarding the use of gasoline, going for a walk or riding a bike, as well as taking
the public transport instead of driving a car or a motorcycle are ways to help the
environment. Furthermore, “In addition to reducing the gases we emit into the
atmosphere, we can also increase the amount of gases we take out of the
atmosphere…” (National Geographic) by planting trees. Another way to help the
environment is to recycle. Recycling can reduce garbage by reusing plastic bags,
bottles, papers, or even glass.

All in all, global warming is a world-wire problem which has different causes,
being the most important the greenhouse gases, and it affects every life on earth
to an extend. Nevertheless, all of us can do something in some way to prevent
and control global warming.


Blegvad, E. (2014, May 19). The Science behind Global Warming (Documentary). Video
posted to

Global warming. (2018). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved April 28, 2018,


National Geographic. What is Global Warming?. Retrieved from https://www.national

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