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Transform Your Habits

Learn How Psychology Makes It Easier for You to

Live Healthy and Actually Stick to Your Goals
James Clear
James Clear © 2013
46 pages

Rating Take-Aways

9 Applicability • Everyone struggles with unhealthy behaviors. To break a bad habit, replace it.
7 Innovation • To form a new habit, start small. Take a large goal, and break it down into small pieces.
8 Style
• The best way to change is to get into the routine of following these small steps
every day.
  • Habit formation is based on the “3 R’s of Habit Change”: “reminder, routine, reward.”
Focus • Sometimes you won’t be able to stick to your routine; just go back to it as soon as you
can. Reward yourself when you succeed.
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If you are looking for a simple, easy-to-read manual about changing your daily habits, this will provide some workable
solutions. Author James Clear’s useful guide explains how building new routines and sticking to new patterns can
lead to lasting change. He encourages you to make small, incremental changes using an identity-based goal, without
worrying about appearance or end results. He covers how to change your self-perception and routines. getAbstract
recommends this guide to fans of self-help books and those who want to change a bad habit.

Everyone struggles with unhealthy behaviors. Falling into bad habits is easy. However, you
can change bad habits step-by-step. Combine those observations with information from the
“If you plant a seed world of science to create lasting transformations.
in the right spot, it
will grow without
further coaxing. I The best way to change is to get into the routine of following new habits on a daily basis.
believe this is the best A lot of self-help information touts overnight successes, trumpeting huge changes that
metaphor for creating
habits.” (Stanford seemingly occur immediately. Focusing on such tales isn’t the best method for change.
professor B.J. Fogg) Instead, pay attention to how you approach your daily routines in order to build momentum
in transforming yourself in the positive ways you desire. Change comes from small
decisions over time, so don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to make too many big shifts
too quickly.

getabstract Forming a habit requires following the “3 R’s of Habit Change”: “reminder, routine and
“Daily habits – tiny reward.” Habits follow a three-step pattern. The reminder is the initial trigger that starts a
routines that are
repeatable – are what behavior. Something you already do habitually is a good trigger. The routine is the habit
make big dreams a you follow. The reward is the reinforcement you get from the patterns you carry out in
reality. Dream big, but
start small.” small steps. Adopting new identity-based habits can change your perception of who you are.
getabstract Decide who you want to be, and get on that path with a series of “small wins.” Combining
the quest for an improved identity with the three R’s helps you achieve permanent change.

To form a new habit, “start small.” To break a bad habit, replace it. People share a common
getabstract misconception that you need to achieve big changes to be successful. The best habits start
“Don’t have enough
time to do a full
small. For example, if you want to run a race, start by running five minutes every day. Baby
workout? Just squat. steps add up to lasting changes that eventually transform you into the person you want to
Don’t have enough time be. Prove to yourself that you can achieve the identity you want. Take a large goal, and
to write an article?
Write a paragraph. break it down into small pieces. Follow the small steps daily. Don’t set a deadline; set “a
Don’t have enough time schedule” and follow it.
to do yoga? Take ten
seconds to breathe.”
getabstract Sometimes you won’t be able to stick to your routine. When you fall off your habit-change
drill, start again. Stopping isn‘t a problem if you have a plan for getting back on track.

About the Author
James Clear writes online about behavioral psychology, habit formation and performance improvement. He has
written for TIME, Entrepreneur, Forbes and other publications.

Transform Your Habits                                                                                                                                                                 getAbstract © 2016 2 of 2

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