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Phrasal verbs

Transitivos separables
Put on: (ponerse ropa, encender un aparato)

- I’ll put on this shirt

- I’ll put this shirt on
- I’ll put it on

Take off: (quitarse ropa)

- She’s taking off her cardigan

Put off: (apagar un aparato o una luz, retrasar una cita o cena)

- He put off his celebration

Turn on/Turn off (otra forma de decir encender o apagar un aparato):

- Turn on the i-pad. Don’t turn it off

Puto out: (apagar el fuego):

- He put out the fire

Turn up/down (subir/bajar):

- Turn up the volumen. Turn down the temperatura

Look up (consultar).

- She looked up the word in the dictionary

Look over (examinar, comprobar).

- He looked over the results

Find out (averiguar).

- He found out the answer on the internet

Pick up (recoger algo o a alguien).

- Jane picked up her brother and took him home

Transitivos inseparables
Look for (buscar)

- I was looking for my keys

Look after/Take care of (cuidar)

- He looks after his Little brother

Look forward to (estar deseando de)

- I’m looking forward to seeing you again

Look down on: (mirar con desprecio, inferior)

- That French man is always looking down on me

Break up (with): (cortar con alguien)

- John and Janet have broken up. She’s broken up with Tom

Get over (recuperarse)

- He got over his flu quickly

Slow down (disminuir la marcha)

- He was going too fast and slowed down

Shut up (callarse)

Make up (reconciliarse)

- They kissed each other and made up

Get on (llevarse con alguien)

- How are you getting with her?

- I’m getting on well

Talk back to (contestar mal educadamente)

- You shouldn’t talk back to your mother

Sit down (sentarse)

- Sit down, please

Hurry up (darse prisa)

Get rid of (deshacerse de)

- He got rid of his problems

Instransitivos e inseparables
Come back (volver aquí):

- He came back from London

Go back (volver allí):

- He went back to London

Get back (ambas anteriores)

Wake up (despertarse):

- He woke up and got up

Get up (levantarse)

Show off (alardear, chulearse):

- He thinks he is very good. He is always showing off

Grow up (crecer):

- Your children are growing up very quickly.

Break down (romperse, averiarse):

- The car broke down

Come in (entrar):

- Can I come in?

Take off (despegar):

- The airplane took off in the evening.

Work out (calcular, solucionar, entrenar)

- I worked out how much money I can spend in my holidays

Work abroad (trabajar fuera).

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