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Basic skills

Classification and Principal steps in the management of an acute

management of acute wound

Steps Core issues and activities

Assessment Accurate history: magnitude of trauma,

Senthil Kumar contamination
Diagnosis and stratification
David John Leaper
Associated injuries: neurovascular,
musculoskeletal, visceral
Need for referral/multidisciplinary
Abstract approach/triage
Acute wounds are aetiologically and pathophysiologically diverse, Preparation Prophylaxis: antibiotic, tetanus
­features that impact on their natural history and guide management. Analgesia/anaesthesia
Wound healing is a dynamic process and requires appropriate shifts in Exploration, toilet and debridement
perspective in the clinical management of the wound, and is reflected Haemostasis
in the terminology and classification systems which address different Definitive treatment Closure: when, how, where, which first?
domains of the wound. Wound management begins with assessment Drainage
and classification and may continue well after the wound has clinically Referral/multidisciplinary approach?
healed. Before a wound can be closed, it may need to be prepared by After-care Dressings
toilet and debridement and protected against infection by appropriate Removal of sutures/splints
prophylactic measures. Judgement and surgical skill are necessary to Surveillance for complications
decide whether a wound is best allowed to heal by first, second or third Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
intention. Wounds may be directly closed by approximation of edges or
by transfer of tissues. Table 1

Keywords acute wounds; general surgery; wound classification; wound Design: the diversity of wounds and the potential for continual
closure; wound management change makes it difficult to design a single, all-encompassing
classification system that incorporates all attributes of a wound
at all times. Hence, the descriptors used in classifications often
focus on one or a few of the aspects of the wound relevant to
Wounds have diverse causes with varied anatomical associa- the clinical context. The different systems of classification are
tions that influence their morphology, natural history and man- complementary, thus a comprehensive description of a given
agement. Wound healing is a dynamic process and the clinical wound requires the use of descriptors from more than one
perspective changes depending on the phase of healing. ­system.
Management of a wound consists of several interrelated steps
influenced by a number of factors that extend beyond the imme- Types
diate confines of the wound and the operating theatre. The gen- Aetiological and morphological: the mode and pattern of injury
eral principles are outlined in Table 1, but wounds often require are the focus. Acute wounds usually follow trauma or inflam-
additional, individual treatment. mation and usually heal within six weeks. Chronic wounds (in
addition to failing to heal after six weeks) have characteristic
pathological associations that inhibit or delay healing. The USA
Wound classification systems (Table 2)
National Research Council classification (Table 3) segregates
Aims: wound classification systems provide frameworks that: wounds according to the degree of contamination, which has
• aid diagnosis and stratification implications for management and predicts infection risk.
• ensure uniformity of documentation
• offer prognostic information Wound complexity provides a wider perspective of the clinical
• guide management. context of the wound and incorporates useful clinical informa-
tion with implications for management.
A simple wound involves skin and subcutaneous tissue,
Senthil Kumar FRCSC(Ed) is a Clinical Research Fellow in Surgery at without significant tissue loss and without any associated
University Hospital of North Tees, Stockton-on-Tees, UK. Conflicts of ­complications.
interest: none declared. A complex wound is associated with significant tissue loss
or devitalization; communicates with viscera (e.g. fistula), body
David John Leaper FRCS FRCS(Ed) is Emeritus Professor of Surgery at cavities (e.g. laparostomy), joints or prosthesis; or has associated
Newcastle upon Tyne University, Newcastle, UK, and Visiting Professor injuries or paths leading to vital structures. A complicated wound
of Surgery, Wound Healing Research Unit, Department of Surgery, has suffered a secondary complication such as an infection, isch-
Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. aemia (flap necrosis), haematoma or compartment syndrome.

SURGERY 26:2 43 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Basic skills

Synopsis of wound classification systems for acute wounds

Aetiological Morphological Contamination Complexity

Surgical Abrasion Clean Simple

Penetrating trauma Incision Implant Complex
Stab Superficial Non-implant Open fracture
Projectile injury Deep Clean-contaminated Laparostomy
Bite/envenomation Laceration Contaminated Complicated
Blunt trauma Superficial Dirty-infected Wound infection
Avulsion/traction Deep Gas gangrene
Crush injury Degloving injury Flap necrosis
Burns Ulceration
Thermal Superficial
Electrical Deep

Table 2

Grading and scoring systems exist for specific conditions (e.g. The National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance system score
pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers), but are beyond the scope of was adopted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
this review. Two systems that are relevant to the acute surgical (Atlanta, USA). The score assigns one point each for:
wound when comparing outcomes in audit and for risk predic- • a non-clean (clean-contaminated, contaminated and dirty)
tion are discussed below. wound
The ASEPSIS scoring system assigns empirical scores to dif- • American Society of Anesthesiology physical status of 3 or more
ferent dimensions of the wound (additional treatment, serous dis- • an operative time more than the seventy-fifth centile for similar
charge, erythema, purulent discharge, separation of deep tissues, procedures.
isolation of bacteria, duration of hospital stay). The wound is seri- The higher the score, the greater the risk of infection. This score
ally assessed and scored over five days. The individual scores are is a risk stratification score used primarily to adjust for case-mix
summated to give a single numerical value which is used to grade and allow for comparing groups of patients across institutions.
the wound. A summated score of >20 defines an infection. However, it underlines the fact that, in addition to ­contamination,

USA National Research Council system of wound classification

Wound classification Criteria Examples

Clean An incised wound through uninflamed tissue created at elective surgery and Non-implant
closed primarily. Only a closed system of drainage employed Mastectomy
Oropharyngeal, tracheobronchial, gastrointestinal, biliopancreatic, genitourinary Herniorrhaphy
tracts are not entered Implant
No breach in aseptic technique Hip replacement
Clean-contaminated Wound (that is otherwise clean) created at emergency surgery Cholecystectomy
Reoperation via clean incision within 7 days Elective lung resection
Elective controlled entry into visceral tracts with minimum spillage of contents
Minor break in aseptic technique
Contaminated Wounds left open; fresh accidental wounds; penetrating trauma < 4 hours old Stab wound
Operations with gross spillage of gastrointestinal contents; major breaks in Non-perforated appendicitis
sterile technique
Dirty Presence of pus Laparotomy wound for
Preoperative perforation of oropharyngeal, tracheobronchial, gastrointestinal, sigmoid diverticular
biliopancreatic, genitourinary tracts perforation
Penetrating trauma > 4 hours old

Table 3

SURGERY 26:2 44 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Basic skills

operative factors and comorbid conditions are important factors The choice of antibiotic varies depending on the site of trauma
in wound outcomes. or surgery, which determines the type of organisms encoun-
tered. In general, an agent with a broad spectrum (e.g. second-
­generation cephalosporin) is recommended, and metronidazole is
added if anaerobic cover is necessary. In wounds with significant
Preparation contamination, prophylaxis against gas gangrene must be insti-
A wound represents a violation of natural defence barriers and tuted (e.g. benzyl penicillin 1.2 g (i.v.) 4–6 hourly for 48 hours).
encourages invasion by micro-organisms. Many factors related to
the host, the wound and the micro-organism interact soon after Adjuncts to antibiotic prophylaxis: there are two adjuncts to
the wound is created and influence the occurrence of wound antibiotic prophylaxis that may further reduce the incidence of
infection. Chief factors in otherwise immunocompetent individu- wound infections.
als are the size and virulence of the inoculum, the presence of Perioperative oxygen supplementation – oxygen tension in
foreign body, and tissue hypoxia. One or more of these factors the wound plays a vital role in local defence mechanisms. Peri-
can be manipulated in most clinical settings and form the basis operative oxygen supplementation reduces wound infection rates
of infection prevention. Antibiotics (see below) have a role in after colorectal surgery.
reducing wound infections, but they do not replace the need for Maintenence of perioperative normothermia has immuno­
aseptic technique, atraumatic handling of tissue and good peri- logical and haemorrheological advantages that augment the
operative wound care. capacity of the wound to fight infection; it also improves the
oxygen tension of the wound. Perioperative systemic warming
Antibiotic prophylaxis is needed for clean-contaminated and and local warming reduce wound infection rates after colorectal
contaminated wounds. The use of antibiotics in dirty wounds surgery, as well as breast, hernia and varicose vein surgery.
must be prolonged and is essentially therapeutic.
The role of antibiotic prophylaxis in clean wounds is contro- Tetanus prophylaxis (Table 4): a decision regarding tetanus
versial and subject to a wide variation in practice. The situations prophylaxis must be made in every patient with an injury. Teta-
described below may warrant antibiotic prophylaxis in clean nus is rare in clean wounds, but is more likely in wounds:
wounds. • contaminated with soil or manure
When the risk of infection is high • with extensive devitalized tissue (especially muscle)
• Observed rates of infection for a particular procedure in a • in the lower limbs, axilla
given clinical environment is >4% (arbitrary cut-off point). • caused by bites
• National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance score of >1. • that are punctured deeply.
• Presence of other high-risk factors (e.g. immunosuppression,
poorly controlled diabetes, morbid obesity, remote infection, re- Wound exploration, wound toilet and debridement: acute
operation, prior local irradiation, severe malnutrition, extremes post-traumatic wounds are often contaminated when they pr-
of age). e­sent. They must be prepared by a combination of exploration,
When the consequences of an infection are potentially wound toilet and debridement before a definitive treatment
­disastrous plan can be formulated.
• Involves an implant (vascular graft, joint prosthesis). Wound exploration – with the exception of minor superficial
• Involves incised bone leading to a cavity (sternotomy, wounds, most post-traumatic wounds must be explored to assess
­craniotomy). the anatomical extent of injury and to detect associated injur­
• Presence of a prosthetic heart valve. ies to underlying neurovascular structures, tendons, joints and

Guidelines for tetanus prophylaxis

Immunization status Type of wound

Low risk High risk

Last of 3-dose course or a reinforcing dose Further immunization is not needed None if moderate risk
given < 10 years ago Give a dose of tetanus immunoglobulin (250 IU in
1 ml i.m.) if particularly high risk
Last of 3-dose course or reinforcing dose A single reinforcing dose of A single reinforcing dose of adsorbed tetanus vaccine
given > 10 years ago adsorbed vaccine (0.5 ml i.m./deep +
subcutaneous) Human tetanus immunoglobulin in a different site
Not immunized/status unknown Full course of adsorbed vaccine Full course of adsorbed vaccine
Human tetanus immunoglobulin in a different site

Table 4

SURGERY 26:2 45 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Basic skills

bones. This is particularly important in penetrating (especially of wound edges, heals without complications at the first instance.
projectile) injuries because significant damage to deeper struc- Advantages of primary closure are good cosmetic effect and
tures may be masked by an apparently small surface wound. shorter time to clinical healing. Primary closure is the preferred
The second purpose of exploration is to locate and remove for- method of closure for clean wounds with minimal tissue loss.
eign bodies. If glass, gravel or metallic foreign bodies are suspected, Primary closure should ideally be performed within 6–8 hours
radiological expertise with surface markers in place before and of trauma. However, wounds in vascular areas (e.g. face, scalp)
after exploration may be useful. However, many organic foreign may be closed up to 24 hours after trauma.
bodies (e.g. wooden splinters) and many synthetic materials (e.g. Secondary closure (healing by secondary or second inten-
plastic) may be missed on a radiograph. Even if no foreign body tion) occurs when a wound which is left open heals largely by
is suspected, exploration may be necessary for better access for formation of granulation tissue and contraction. Wounds that are
debridement of potentially devitalized tissue and for haemostasis. candidates for secondary closure include those with ­ significant
Wound toilet is the cleansing of the wound with water, saline tissue loss precluding tension-free approximation of edges, de­­
or antiseptics (e.g. chlorhexidine, cetrimide, povidone iodine). vitalized edges, ulcerations, and abscess cavities. There is evi-
Several litres of warmed isotonic fluid may be needed for large dence that the wound contraction that occurs with secondary
wounds. A soft brush or sponge may be used to gently scrub the healing gives a better cosmetic result than early skin grafting in
wound to clear particulate matter. Wound toilet should be per- certain situations (e.g. healing of fasciotomy wounds).
formed at the first available opportunity because bacterial counts Tertiary closure (healing by tertiary or third intention) is
increase with time. the delayed closure of a wound after a variable period of time for
Debridement is the removal of foreign matter, necrotic and which it has been left open. In general, tertiary closure is applied
devitalized tissue from the wound. Debridement aims to achieve to wounds that are grossly contaminated or present late, but do
a clean, raw area that is well perfused and has a low bacterial not have significant tissue loss. Wounds that need to be consid-
count. Surgical and mechanical debridement are commonly used ered for delayed primary closure include those contaminated by
in acute wounds, whereas autolytic, enzymatic and biologi- soil, manure or faeces, caused by animal bites or projectiles. Such
cal methods are more relevant in wounds presenting late or in wounds need a thorough wound toilet, exploration and debride-
chronic wounds (Table 5). ment, after which they are observed for 3–7 days before closure.
Surgical debridement is the most rapid method and, in post- The term ‘secondary suture’ is usually applied when a wound is
traumatic wounds, involves excising subcutaneous tissue and left open for >10 days, allowing the formation of clean granula-
muscle until bleeding from the cut edges is satisfactory. Free-lying tion tissue before mechanical closure can be undertaken.
bone denuded of periosteum must be removed. The skin must not
be undermined because the blood supply may be compromised. Modes of closure: there are two types
Direct closure is the closure of wound by approximation of the
Wound closure wound edges. Wound closure includes ensuring a clean wound
Types of healing: the three types of clinical wound healing depend with satisfactory vascularity and haemostasis, and ap­position
on the timing and method by which wound closure is achieved. without tension, inversion or dead space.
Primary closure (healing by primary or first intention) refers Tension in the wound may be reduced by the use of subcu-
to a wound which, when mechanically closed by ­approximation taneous sutures or undermining of the wound edges. Eversion


Type Description

Surgical Excision of devitalized tissue and particulate matter using sharp instruments. Useful in the following wound types: post-
traumatic, infected or necrotic postoperative, chronic.
Mechanical Forced irrigation of saline from a 50 ml syringe through an 18-G catheter applies about 15 pounds per square inch of pressure
to remove loose necrotic tissue.
An alternative is the wet-to-dry dressing method, in which a moist gauze dressing is allowed to dry on the wound. Removal
without wetting results in removal of fibrin and slough. This method as often insufficient, can be painful and may damage
underlying epithelium.
Topical negative pressure (vacuum-assisted closure) removes exudate and necrotic tissue, and is used in a variety of wounds
to reduce the size of the defect (e.g. laparostomies, wounds after pilonidal sinus excision).
Autolytic An occlusive dressing applied to the wound allows wound proteases to liquefy the necrotic tissues, which may be washed
away at dressing changes.
Enzymatic Collagenase liquefies collagen and elastin (but not fibrin); papain with urea degrades fibrin and collagen. Enzymatic debriding
agents should be applied only on non-viable areas of the wound. They are expensive and have a limited role in selected
chronic wounds.
Biological Medical-grade larvae of Lucilia sericata are necrophagous and are useful in selected chronic wounds.

Table 5

SURGERY 26:2 46 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Basic skills

can be achieved by using vertical or horizontal mattress sutures. • raw areas resulting after wound excision for full-thickness
Dead space in clean wounds may be obliterated by deep subcu- burns.
taneous sutures. However, overzealous closure tends to leave a Split-skin grafts have a superior take rate, but poorer cosmetic ef-
large volume of suture material in the depths and increases the fect when compared to full-thickness grafts. Skin should not be
risk of infection. Sutures, staples, skin tapes and cyanoacrylate grafted over bare bone, tendon, cartilage, major vessels or an irra-
glue are commonly used in direct closure of wounds. diated area. Local or distant flaps are preferred to skin grafting if:
Subcuticular sutures produce a better cosmetic result than • the wound bed is not very vascular
percutaneous sutures and are suitable in most postoperative • bare tendons or nerves are exposed
wounds. In post-traumatic wounds, interrupted percutaneous • the wound is over a bony prominence
sutures are preferred because they accommodate wound oedema • radiotherapy or repeat surgery is contemplated
and allow efflux of wound fluid. The smallest-diameter suture • better cosmetic effect is required.
necessary to provide wound strength should be chosen. In the
face, a 5/0 or 6/0 suture is usually used; 3/0 or 4/0 sutures will Wound drainage: blood and wound fluid collecting within or
suffice in most other areas. Synthetic monofilament sutures are under a wound may give rise to:
the least reactive and are preferred to silk and catgut. Sutures • pressure effects (vascular compromise, airway compromise,
should be removed in: pressure on nerves, compartment syndromes)
• 48 hours in the eyelid • infectious complications (infected seroma, infected haematoma,
• 4 days in the face abscess)
• 7–10 days in the trunk • unsightly swellings that may or may not be symptomatic.
• 10–12 days in the upper limb Wound drainage is usually employed if the risk of a fluid collec-
• 10–14 days in the lower limb. tion is estimated to be high or unacceptable because of anatom­
Staples are inert, may be used in most straight lacerations and ical factors (which lead to pressure effects) or if the volume of
are particularly useful if quick closure of skin is necessary. They collection is anticipated to be high.
should be avoided in the hands, face and if imaging (CT, MRI) of A closed system of drainage should be employed because it is
the area is planned. aseptic. Open systems such as wicks and corrugated drains cov-
Skin tapes do not leave scars and are suitable for superficial ered with gauze swabs are not ideal for clean wounds (though
wounds under no tension and for additional support for the they may have advantages in selected contaminated wounds).
wound after suture removal. Another useful application is in avul- Drains may fail because of blocked or exposed holes, kinking, or
sions with doubtful skin viability; for example, a pretibial injury due to thick effluent or coagulum. Suction may make the drains
that leaves a distal triangulated flap, where suturing is contraindi- more efficient, but is contraindicated if the drain is close to major
cated but the flap needs to be replaced back on its bed. vessels or bowel.
Transplanted closure is the term used if non-native tissue There are no evidence-based guidelines for the duration of
(e.g. skin grafts, skin flaps) is employed to achieve closure. Skin drainage because it depends on the site and complexity of the
grafting can provide wound cover in large raw areas that cannot wound, and the purpose it was employed for. The volume and
be closed by direct closure, for example: quality of the effluent should inform decision making. Leaving
• wounds following avulsion injuries (especially injuries that the drain for too long may act as a foreign body, irritating the raw
cause a distal flap in the leg) area and be a potential nidus for infection. ◆

SURGERY 26:2 47 © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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