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1. Vietnam War and the US invasion of Afghanistan are similar in terms of the guerrilla war

that both the countries fought with a European power (Vietnam fought France and

Afghanistan fought Russia) and were successful in defeating them. Later, both got

involved in civil war in the name of national reunification. The US invaded both the

countries and failed to understand the nature of their enemy. The people of both Vietnam

and Afghanistan were portrayed as terrorists. Their strategies of war were quite similar

and literacy rate was really poor i.e. about 10%.

However, the US provided funds and weapons to Vietnam to fight the North communists

whereas are conducting an anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan. The scale at which

both wars were fought is very different. Vietnam had a huge amount of resources and

massive support from Super Powers whereas the Taliban of Afghanistan have only little


2. The Vietnam War was not at all necessary. The war has always brought destruction in

any era or part of the world. So many innocent lives are lost. Numerous amounts of

people suffer. There was absolutely no point of United State engaging in Vietnam. They

should have learned from the defeat of France. The intrusion of the United States in

Vietnam was morally wrong. Their invasion of every other country for the sake of

economic growth and the extension of their rule is highly disturbing. The United States

involvement in the civil war of Vietnam and killing thousands of innocent people as

military targets proves that they are an imperial state. However, some people might say

that the Vietnam War prevented communism from entering Indonesia and Thailand but it

does not justify the US fighting Vietnamese fight without their will and slaughtering

hundreds of people (McMahon, 2008).



McMahon, R. (2008). Major Problems in the history of the Vietnam War. Boston: Houghton

Mifflin Company.

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