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From the book, “The White Christmas and Other Merry Christmas Plays” By Walter Ben Hare




Scene I: Home

Narrator 1: It’s the night before Christmas and the three brothers Mateo, Jeronimo and Tomas are getting
ready to go to bed. The adults are going to a Christmas party and they are leaving everything ready. The
boys don’t know that this is going to be a really interesting night

MATEO (dismounting). Oh, Grandpa, I love my pony. It's the best of all my presents.
GRANDPA. Well, it's time you put him in his bed.
JERONIMO (dismounting). I'm going to call my pony after Mr. Luffy because he looks just like him.
UNCLE (helping TOMAS from pony). And what are you going to call your pony, TOMAS?
TOMAS. Going to call him Peter, just like you UNCLE.
UNCLE: Thank you Thomas! I think…
MOTHER. UNCLE, we'd better get our hats and coats. It's nearly time for the car to be after us.
FATHER. Come, Grandpa. It's nearly eight o'clock.
GRANDPA. But I don't like to leave the children alone.
MOTHER. Let’s go! We cannot be late for Clara’s party. (Exits with UNCLE.)
GRANDPA. Come, children. (They gather around him.) I'm glad you've had such a happy Christmas. You
got everything you wanted, didn't you?
JERONIMO. Yes, everything. I wish Christmas would come every day.
MATEO. Tell us the story about Santa Claus, Grandpa.
GRAND PA: It’s Christmas Eve. Santa and Rudolf are getting ready for Christmas. Santa puts on his red
jacket and his red hat.
SANTA: ‘Ho, ho, ho!’
GRAND PA: There are lots of presents in Santa’s sleigh for children around the world. Now they are flying in
the air! Santa leaves a present for good boys and girls. He eats one of the pies they leave for him. Then,
two, three, four ... ‘Hmm, yum, yum.’
The children are asleep at home. Santa climbs down the chimney with the presents. But, oh dear ... he is
too fat, he can’t move!
SANTA: ‘Help, Rudolf!’
GRAND PA: A boy heard Santa in trouble and helps him and was so happy to see him!!
SANTA: ‘Thank you, boy Can you help me take the presents?’ The kid said: ‘Yes, Santa. Let’s go!’
GRAND PA: The boy and Santa fly into the air. They go all around the world with the Christmas presents.
SANTA: Remember Tom we only go to the houses of kids with a good heart. Those kids that help their
parents, their neighbors and never mistreat others.
GRAND PA: The boy learned that night that helping is what kids should do and promise never to forget!!!!
SANTA: ‘Thank you for helping me, Boy!’
CHILDREN. Oh, that was a great story.
JERONIMO. I just wish I could see him. Just once!
MATEO. Me too. I'm going to catch him some Christmas Eve.
TOMAS. Me, too!
MOTHER and UNCLE enter wearing winter coats and hats. 21
MOTHER. Here, Grandpa, put on your coat and hat, or we'll be late for the dinner. (Helps him.)
GRANDPA: Good night boys
BOYS: Good night Grandpa!

Scene II: The Wishing Man

Narrator 2: The boys go to bed thinking about Santa Claus and all the presents that they received. They
never share their toys and presents and they always want more and more and more… The wishing man is
going to visit them and teach them a lesson they won’t forget. The true meaning of Christmas

The WISHING MAN enters the stage and hides, The boys wake up
MATEO and JERONIMO (scared.). Who’s there?
TOMAS : It must be the cat, go to bed
WISHING MAN. I am no cat!
MATEO. Who are you????
WISHING MAN. I am The Wishing man!

Narrator 3: He’s the friend of all the children, And he’ll help you if he can
Just tell him what your wishes are, For he’s the Wishing Man.

Narrator 1,2,3: He has wishbones in his fingers, He has mystery in his eyes,
His clothes are trimmed with horseshoes, And they're stained with magic dyes.
So tell him what your wishes are—For he’s the Wishing Man.

MATEO. And can you really give us anything we wish for?

WISHING MAN. I can, if it's a good wish--and if you all agree on the same thing.
JERONIMO. Anything in the entire world?
WISHING MAN. Yes, anything. Would you like some new toys?
JERONIMO: Oh yes please.
TOMAS. A lot of toys.
WISHING MAN. Which toys do you want
TOMAS. An ipad, an xbox one, a set of legos, a bicycle…. Perhaps a car too!
WISHING MAN. Are you sure it's a good wish?
MATEO. Oh, yes, it's a very good wish.
JERONIMO. Yes, sir; that's just what we want.

Narrator 2: The wishing man stood in front of the children and thought very carefully, this was the first time
he had had such a funny wish. The children stood waiting for his answer. After 10 long minutes, the
Wishing man finally spoke.

WISHING MAN: OK, here we go! Witchery, twitchery, kangaroo, Thunder and lightning, Kalamazoo!
TOMAS: Hey, nothing happened!

WISHING MAN Well children, I’m sorry but I don’t think it is possible.
CHILDREN. Why not?
WISHING MAN. You must answer a question if you want your wish
JERONIMO. Sure, tell us! I am the best of my class! I can answer anything
MATEO. Oh, yes. And I was the best in the science fair, just ask!
TOMAS. Hurry!
WISHING MAN: Tell me boys, what is the true meaning of Christmas?
TOMAS: That is easy! It’s all about getting presents!
MATEO: No, The true meaning Christmas is not having to go to school!
JERONIMO: No, you two, lets us Mr Wishing man! Mr Wishing Man, what is the true meaning of Christmas?
WISHING MAN. Well, to know it you must come with me to Wishing Land.
CHILDREN. Oh, wow! (Clapping hands.) We love vacations. Can you take us there? 21
WISHING MAN. Of course I can. Lets go to the Wishing Land.
MATEO. Will we be home for dinner?
JERONIMO. Will it be cold flying through the air?
WISHING MAN. Oh, no. We'd fly so fast it only takes 2 seconds!
THE THREE. Oh, yes; let's go.
WISHING MAN. All right. Now, you need to close your eyes, give me your hands and hold on tight and we're
off to the Wishing Land.

Narrator 1: The children flew through the sky holding hands with the wishing man.
Narrator 2: Suddenly, they hit the ground and looked around nervously.
Narrator 3: They were in a beautiful place, and there was no one but them there.

WISHING MAN. Well, here we are in the Wishing Land, my kingdom!

KAZINSKI: Hello, everyone, how may I help you? Welcome to Wishing Land
WISHING MAN: Oh, Kazinski, hello! These boys are looking for the true meaning of Christmas
KAZINSKI: Is that true? Well, then you will have to start asking all the creatures that live here. The spirit of
Christmas can be found in each one of them. At the end of your journey you will let me know if you found it
or not
TOMAS: Can you give us a clue to start?
KAZINSKI: Sure, the true meaning of Christmas can be found in a book! Good luck! (leaves)
JERONIMO: Books… Books.… Look! 3 bears, let’s ask them 21
Scene III: The Bears
(The three bears are sitting, eating.)
TEDDY BEAR: Heavens almighty! What are you boys doing here? Shouldn’t you be enjoying with your
JIMMIE BEAR: (Annoyed.) Yes…shouldn’t you be home? We are eating….. (The boys look uncomfortable.)
BIGGIE BEAR: this the FIRST time boys have visited us.
JERONIMO: We’re looking for a clue that’s supposed to be in a book…but we don’t know which one…
TOMAS: The clue will help us the true meaning of Christmas
TEDDY BEAR: Christmas! No one understands the true meaning of Christmas anymore. They think it’s all
about presents
JIMMIE BEAR: (Cutting him off.) All the kids want are iPads and Xboxes!
BIGGIE BEAR: Now, now, boys, don’t worry. We’ll help you. What else does the clue say?
MATEO: Nothing else… Do you have books?
TEDDY BEAR: Sure, this is my favorite book. Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” The best story about
the TRUE meaning of Christmas.
BIGGIE BEAR: (Holding the book and pulling out an envelope.) Look, maybe this can help you
TOMAS: Wow, Another clue! Let’s see what it says:
The next clue is that you must greet
Some elves who work across the street.
These elves, old and wise
They will share with you a surprise.
These older friends will help you understand
How this special day began.
Hurry, hurry to the Red Tower!
To find your present and Christmas’s true power!
Pablo Arias: “The Red Tower?” What is this clue talking about?!
BIGGIE: The elves factory, it’s a red tower!
TOMAS: That’s gotta be it. Let’s go! (Everyone runs off.)
BIGGIE BEAR: Good luck!

Scene IV: The Elves

The boys enter the Factory. Three elves are working on making presents
TOMAS: Hey! Hey! We need your help!
ELF MACK: Hey boys, sorry we can’t be of help to you, we’re working and working!
ELF JACK: Yeah, shouldn’t you boys be home waiting for Christmas?
JERONIMO: Guys, we need help. We’re trying to solve a mystery and we were told the next clue is hidden
ELF RACK: Sorry, we don’t know anything about clues. We’re just packing up presents
MATEO: The clue says “These older friends will help you understand how this special day began…”
ELF JACK: Well, it sounds like whoever left you these clues wants you to think about the real meaning of
MATEO: (Laughing.) Yeah! A lot of the clues are saying that. But who even cares about that?
ELF MACK: Hmm…it sounds like you guys need to re-evaluate your priorities…
ELF MACK: Christmas isn’t just about toys and presents! It’s about love, sharing time with your family and
ELF JACK: Being thankful for what you have!
ELF RACK: And giving back to those who aren’t as lucky as you are!
TOMAS: Maybe they have a point guys…
TOMAS: But the first clue told us we would get a present!
JERONIMO: And…the clue said “These elves old and wise, they will share with you a surprise…” It has to
be here!
ELF MACK: I wish we could help you boys, but I don’t know what to tell you.
MATEO: Thanks, anyway. (The boys start to walk away.)
ELF JACK: Wait! Wait! I just thought of something!
TOMAS: What is it?!
ELF JACK: There is an old tradition here at Wishing Land. Every Christmas, the penguins do a Christmas 21
party for everyone
ELF RACK: Yeah! The penguins are very wise, they should know!
TOMAS: That must be it! Could you show us where it is?
ELF MACK: Go to the big lake and give this present to the penguins, they will help you
JERONIMO: Let’s go to the lake! (All the boys run off.)

Scene V: The Lake

(The boys come running into the lake. Three penguins are sitting, relaxing, and eating Christmas cookies.)
MATEO: Penguins! We need your help!
PENGUIN BOB: Boys, hello! Do you have an invitation for the party?
JERONIMO: Yes, it’s this present
PENGUIN TODD: Thank you, come on in! We’re preparing everything for the party
PENGUIN ROB: We’ve finally finished baking and now we’re getting reading to bring hundreds of cookies to
the party!
MATEO: Wow, that’s awesome!
JERONIMO: What time is the party?
PENGUIN BOB: It’s starting right now!
TOMAS: Guys, we don’t have time for that! We’re so close to finding the true meaning of Christmas!
PENGUIN TODD: (Holds up an envelope.) Ah, then this envelope must be for you.
TOMAS: Yes! That’s it! Where did you get it!?
PENGUIN ROB: It was left here by the wishing man, he said some boy would come here looking for it.
TOMAS: Well, what are you waiting for?! Give it here!
(The boy read it together.)
You have met every character of Wishing land
But you are still missing the big big man
There you will find the very last clue,
But it’s not something that will make you blue.
You’re secret gift is now so near,
The true meaning of Christmas cheer!
JERONIMO: Who is the big big man?
TOMAS: Oh, the story Grandpa told us!
MATEO: Santa Claus!
PENGUINS: (together) Santa Claus is ready to leave, he’s by the Christmas tree, you better catch him!

Scene VI: The Christmas tree

(The boys run into the chapel. The priest and three altar boys are leaving.)
PRIVATE #1: Stop, who goes there?
PRIVATE #2: Yes, we are Santa’s Private Guardians, what do you need?
SANTA: It’s ok , my friends. Let them pass. Well, hello there boys! What are you all doing here? You should
be home celebrating with your families!
MATEO: Hello, Santa! We’re sorry to bother you, but we need your help.
JERONIMO: We’ve found some clues and are hoping you can help us.
TOMAS: Maybe you have an envelope here for us?
SANTA: Sorry, boys, I don’t know anything about any clues.
TOMAS: But the last clue told us to come to you! It has to be here. We’re so close to finding the true
meaning of Christmas. We’re so close to our surprise present!
PRIVATE #1: Guys, that’s not what Christmas is about.
PRIVATE #2: Christmas isn’t just about iPads and xBoxes and cookies and vacation.
(PRIVATE #3 APPEARS and reads.)
The true meaning of Christmas is Love. "to give up one's very self — to think only of others — how to bring
the greatest happiness to others — that is the true meaning of Christmas" Think about Jesus Christ, we are
celebrating his birth. He gave us the biggest present of all: freedom and Love. Think about Santa Claus, he
gives toys to the kids without asking for something back. This is the true meaning of Christ,as
TOMAS: The birth of the Savior!
JERONIMO: Celebrating Christ the Lord! 21
MATEO: Peace on Earth!
SANTA: That’s what Christmas is all about.
TOMAS: But…but…what about the clues? Where do we go now?
PRIVATE #1: I don’t have the answer for that. But I do know that right now, there is a party at your aun’t
house. Maybe you will find what you’re looking for there.
PRIVATE #2: I am sure the wishing man is waiting there for you
TOMAS: What are we waiting for! Let’s go!

Scene VII: Aunt Clara’s Party

(The boys arrive at the party. Everyone is there.)
BUTLER: (opens door) Hello kids, I didn’t know you were coming! Welcome to Aunt Claras
Christmas party, your parents are here and they are celebrating with all the family. Please come in!
KAZINSKI: Welcome to Clarita’s annual Christmas party! We like to give a party so that everyone can have
some fun… we also invited kids that can not get any presents this year.
TOMAS: Wow, they don’t get anything?
MATEO: But they will have a lot of food to enjoy on Christmas day, right?
WISHING MAN: We hope to give a food basket to each family, but it won’t be enough. We do as much as
we can, but this year donations were low and we don’t have as much to give them.
JERONIMO: And…is there anything we can do to help?
FATHER: Just being here to play with the kids will make them happy!
WISHING MAN: Exactly boys, know you know that the real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of
the Lord and spend time with your loved ones.
BUTLER: This is exactly what we are doing here, we are celebrating with our loved ones by
spending time with them and sharing happy moments together.
MATEO: (Talking to the other boys.) Guys, I think I am starting to understand what all the clues are about.
JERONIMO: Me, too. The mystery wasn’t leading us to another present, it was leading us here!
MATEO: Giving us an opportunity to help others!
TOMAS: Teaching us what Christmas is really about!
MATEO: Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?!
TOMAS: Let’s give our toys to the kids who really need them! (All the boys, except TOMAS, start to cheer in
TOMAS: WHAT?! All this work, for nothing! We were promised a present! Something really cool! And now,
all of a sudden, we have to give up everything we have?
JERONIMO: TOMAS, don’t you get it? THAT’S the mystery. THAT’S what all the clues have been about.
MATEO: We don’t need more presents. These boys don’t have anything.
WISHING MAN: So…what do you say? (All the boys are looking at TOMAS, waiting for him to decide what
to do.)
TOMAS: I say…I say…Merry Christmas! (TOMAS takes his new iPhone out of his backpack and gives it to
the Wishing man.)
FATHER: Wow, are you serious? You want to donate this to the charity?
TOMAS: Yes, sir. We all want to give our new toys to these children. Isn’t that right, guys?
(The boys begin to hand over their toys, one by one.)
KAZINSKI: This is amazing! We can’t tell you how excited the kids will be to see their new toys! This truly is
a Christmas miracle!
UNCLE: What should we tell them when we give them the presents? Who are they from?
TOMAS: (Smiling.) Tell them they’re from Santa Claus.
BUTLER: Very good boys, I am really proud of you! Now lets get this party started!!
(All the boys cheer. Everyone starts to dance.) 21

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