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The SD Experience 

The San Dieguito Experience was a collaborative project in which 
11th grade students explored biological, historical, and mathematics 
based information of the watershed which stretches from Volcan 
mountain in Julian to the coast of Del Mar. In the last week of the project, 
as a culmination to the work on Mandalas, the students were split based 
on their interest. A portion of students stayed at the school to research 
and interview individuals on the history of the watershed as well as reach 
out to organizations to contribute and get involved in our exhibition. 
Another group of students hiked across the coast to crest trail, identifying 
plant and animal life and connecting those observations to habitat 
transitions. After the end of the week, the eleventh grade exhibited their 
work and knowledge at the dog beach in Del Mar, talking with the Del Mar 
times, the board of the San DIeguito River Valley Conservancy and REI 
representatives about how to best contribute to efforts to preserve the 
As part of the San Dieguito Experience, each student was asked to 
pick a plant native to San Diego county to research and represent in a 
mandala design. Each design incorporated three different layers showing 
molecular/cellular characteristics, tissue characteristics, and organism 
characteristics. These plants also belong to one of the five main biomes, 
or vegetation communities, in San Diego county, through which students 
were able to better understand the structures, functions, and evolutionary 
characteristics of organisms in their community in order to adapt to both 
the environment and other organisms. 
- Kaitlyn Tremble, High Tech High North County Student 

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