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Rheumatology 2008;47:1741–1746 doi:10.

Advance Access publication 12 August 2008


Amitriptyline in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a systematic review

of its efficacy
B. Nishishinya1,2,3, G. Urrútia1,4, B. Walitt5, A. Rodriguez6, X. Bonfill1,4, C. Alegre6 and G. Darko5

The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of amitriptyline as a treatment of FM. A comprehensive computerized
search in Medline (Pubmed), EMBASE and The Cochrane Library was performed. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing
amitriptyline vs placebo in adult patients suffering from FM were identified, the methodological quality was assessed and the results of the
main outcomes were evaluated. Ten RCTs were identified. Large clinical variability and statistical heterogeneity precluded quantitative meta-
analysis. Overall, the study quality was moderate to high. Amitriptyline 25 mg/day (six RCTs) demonstrated a therapeutic response compared
with placebo in the domains of pain, sleep, fatigue and overall patient and investigator impression. This benefit was generally seen at 6–8
weeks of treatment but no effect was noted at 12 weeks. Amitriptyline 50 mg/day (four RCTs) did not demonstrate a therapeutic effect
compared with placebo. Neither dose of amitriptyline had an effect on tender points count. No clear statements on adverse events with
amitriptyline can be made due to inconsistencies in data among the studies. A definitive clinical recommendation regarding the efficacy of
amitriptyline for FM symptoms cannot be made. There is some evidence to support the short-term efficacy of amitriptyline 25 mg/day in FM.
There is no evidence to support the efficacy of amitriptyline at higher doses or for periods >8 weeks. More stringent RCTs with longer follow-
up periods are required to determine the long-term efficacy and safety of the amitriptyline and define its role in the multidisciplinary
management of FM.

KEY WORDS: Fibromyalgia, Amitriptyline, Randomized controlled trials, Systematic review, Tricyclic anti-depressants.

Introduction effectiveness of TCAs is related to modulation of the monoamine

neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine [17–19].
FM is a common chronic pain condition that affects >2% of the However, the role of these neurotransmitters in FM pathogenesis
adult population in the developed world [1–4]. FM is a chronic is still unknown.
condition of pain, stiffness and tenderness of the muscles, tendons This systematic review aims to synthesize the evidence from
and joints in the absence of clinically apparent pathology. These randomized controlled trials (RCTs) into a comprehensive
painful symptoms often co-exist with restless and unrefreshing statement about the known effectiveness of amitriptyline as a
sleep, fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression, exercise intolerance symptomatic treatment for FM.
and neurocognitive and neuroendocrine dysfunction [5]. FM has
substantial impact on quality of life (QoL) [6] and adversely
affects both social and work functioning [7]. Methods
While FM is one of the most common musculoskeletal pain
syndromes, its pathogenesis is not known. Recent evidence Selection criteria
implicates the central nervous system as key in maintaining pain
We selected studies for inclusion if they met the following criteria:
and other somatic symptoms of FM [8–11]. Current treatment
RCTs that assessed the efficacy of amitriptyline in patients having
approaches to FM pain attempt to influence these central a clinical diagnosis of FM or fibrositis by any recognized criteria
mechanisms. This had led to a range of medical treatments [5, 20–23]. Trials needed to be double-blinded and compare any
being used, including anti-depressants, opioids, NSAIDs, seda- dose of amitriptyline with placebo. Trials comparing active
tives, muscle relaxants and anti-epileptics. treatments without a placebo control arm were excluded.
Several studies that reported tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs)
are effective compared with placebo in the treatment of FM
[12–15] established amitriptyline and other TCAs as the corner- Literature search
stone of drug therapy in FM for 20 yrs. Amitriptyline is currently
We performed an exhaustive computerized literature searches in
recommended by experts [16] in the context of a multidisciplinary
the following databases EMBASE (via OVID; 1991–2007), The
strategy that includes both pharmacological and non-pharmaco-
Cochrane Library; 2007, Issue 2 and MEDLINE (via PubMed;
logic therapies in the management of FM. It is believed that the
1966–2007). The search combined the terms ‘fibromyalgia’ and
‘fibrositis’ with a validated filter for RCTs [24]. This search
strategy was part of a broader previous global search of all
Iberoamerican Cochrane Center, Public Health and Clinical Epidemiology pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments of FM,
Service, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Universitat Autònoma de which is why amitriptyline and TCA were not included as discrete
Barcelona, 2Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 3Kovacs search terms.
Foundation, Palma de Mallorca, 4CIBER Epidemiologı́a y Salud Pública Two independent reviewers screened the search results, select-
(CIBERESP), Spain, 5Washington Hospital Center, WA, USA and 6Hospital de ing the studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. We examined
la Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain. databases of ongoing trials and checked the reference lists of
Submitted 28 February 2008; revised version accepted 7 July 2008. relevant studies to identify any additional trial. All trials captured
Correspondence to: G. Urrútia, Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano, Hospital de la by our search that utilized amitriptyline were selected for this
Santa Creu i Sant Pau, C/Sant Antoni Maria Claret 171, 08041 Barcelona, Spain. review. There was no language restriction. The only non-English
E-mail: paper identified was disqualified by eligibility criteria.
ß The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
1742 B. Nishishinya et al.

Data abstraction and quality assessment 3020 references

screened for retrieval
Two independent reviewers abstracted the relevant data from the
included trials, and a third one solved possible disagreements.
Data was extracted regarding patients’ and intervention char-
acteristics, methodological quality and results for each group of
3005 references were
Methodological quality was assessed by two independent excluded for not fulfilling
reviewers by using the Schulz’s scale [25] and the Jadad’s score inclusion criteria or were
[26]. These applications were used to assess the risk of bias in the duplicated

results of the study by considering the particulars of random

sequence generation, concealment of randomization assignments,
baseline homogeneity of patient groups and intention to treat
analysis. The quality of each study was classified as ‘high’ or ‘low’,
depending on the Jadad’s score (‘low’ ¼ 0–2 and ‘high’ ¼ 3–5). 15 potentially appropriate
Discrepancies were settled through discussions with a third studies to be included in the
Five articles excluded :
reviewer. A consensus was reached about the effectiveness and • Two open RCTs [37, 38]
safety of the intervention for each study. • Two duplicated data from other studies [39, 40]
• One RCT compared amitriptyline vs laser [41]

Description of the studies
Fifteen studies with amitriptyline were identified, 10 of which met
10 studies included in the
the inclusion criteria [27–36] (n ¼ 615 patients). Three were cross- systematic review
over trials [29, 31, 34] while seven had a parallel design [27, 28, 30,
32, 33, 35, 36]. Five trials were excluded [37–41]. There was FIG. 1. Identification of eligible RCTs.
agreement between reviewers about the selection of included/
excluded studies. Figure 1 shows the trial flow.
Among the 10 included RCTs that compared amitriptyline vs
studies reported the details of the randomization method and five
placebo, four studies administered the dose of 50 mg/day [27, 28,
studies reported the process of allocation concealment. All studies
30, 31] and six the dose of 25 mg/day [29, 32–36]. Seven of the
were reported to be double-blind but one study did not provide
studies used the ACR [5] as the diagnostic criteria while the three information about the blinding method used. Three studies
studies that predated these consensus criteria used either the applied an intention-to-treat analysis while one study did not
Smythe criteria [20] or the Yunus criteria [21]. Eight of the studies provide information concerning the population analysis applied.
were 8-week long, one study was 12-week long and one study was Due to clinical and statistical heterogeneity and data-reporting
24-week long. Sample sizes ranged from 22 to 126 patients, with a issues of the included studies, our planned meta-analytic approach
mean of 61 patients per study. Sample size calculation method was had to be abandoned. One major factor was the fundamental
adequately reported in eight studies. The most common outcomes inability to combine the three cross-over trials with the other seven
measures in the studies included patient global assessment parallel design trials. This occurred because none of the cross-over
measured by Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) (9/10), pain measured trials provided separate baseline data previous to the cross-
by VAS (8/10), tender point counts (8/10) and physician global over therapy. In addition, many of the parallel design trials
assessment measured by VAS (7/10). Other outcomes, including reported either incomplete results or provided results only in
QoL, functional status and depression, were not routinely graphical form (3/7). In most cases, there was not enough raw
measured. The few studies that did make such measurements data to justify a meta-analysis. Our attempts to contact the
tended to use different scales, further complicating comparisons. authors to obtain this missing data were not fruitful. Finally, in
Most studies used acetaminophen or paracetamol for pain control the few cases where meta-analysis was thought to be possible (up
as a co-intervention. The effect of these treatments on symptoms to three RCT), a high statistical heterogeneity (I2 > 50–60%) was
was not felt to interfere with comparisons between amitriptyline identified. We surmise that this occurred due to clinical hetero-
and placebo. Six studies were sponsored by medical associations geneity of basal pain levels and differences in FM duration.
or foundations, two by a pharmaceutical company and two Therefore, the forest plots of these results were not informative.
studies did not state any funding source. Thus, we have only provided individual study results in tabular
Baseline demographic characteristics and risks factors were well form (Tables 3 and 4).
balanced in the studies. Most patients were females (82–100%) of
ages that ranged from 36.7 to 53.4 yrs. Between-study differences
were noted in FM duration (2.5–15.6 yrs) and baseline pain VAS
Clinical results
(4.2–7.3). Overall, pain significantly improved in the group treated with
All studies reported dropout rates that ranged from 3% to amitriptyline compared with placebo in 3/8 studies. Improvements
28.8%, with no differences between the amitriptyline and placebo in fatigue (3/6), sleep disturbance (5/7), patient global assessment
groups. Two studies [27, 34] showed a dropout rate >20% (22.2 (5/9) and physician global assessment (4/7) were also noted.
and 28.8%, respectively). The adverse event frequencies were well Tender point counts improved in only 1/8 studies.
described in 7/10 studies. Amitriptyline 25 mg was consistently reported to be more
Table 1 describes the main characteristics of the included effective compared with placebo than amitriptyline 50 mg.
studies. Amitriptyline 25 mg showed a significant improvement in pain
All included trials were judged to be of high methodological (3/5) [29, 32, 34], sleep disturbance (4/5) [29, 32–34], fatigue (3/5)
quality according to the Jadad’s scale (Table 2). Despite this, there [29, 32, 33] and physician (4/5) [29, 32–34] and patient (5/6) [29,
were substantial methodological differences among the trials. 32–34, 36] global assessment. Morning stiffness improved in one
Three of the studies utilized a cross-over design while the other of two studies [32]. Other less frequent outcomes are presented in
seven were comparison trials with a parallel design. Only six Tables 3 and 4. Furthermore, in the trials where no differences
TABLE 1. Description of the included studies

Dose Study Duration

References N (mg/day) design (weeks) Outcomes Co-interventions
Carette et al. [27] 70 50 RCT, 9 Morning stiffness (min), Pain (VAS 0–10), total myalgic score (TMS Likert 1–5), sleep quality Acetaminophen
parallel (Likert 1–3), patient assessment (Likert 1–5), physician assessment (Likert 1–5)
Carette et al. [28] 126 50 RCT, 24 Pain (VAS 0–10, McGill Pain Questionnaire 0–78), Fatigue (VAS 0–10), sleep (VAS 0–10), Feeling Acetaminophen
parallel on awakening (VAS 0–10), morning stiffness (VAS 0–10), global assessment of fibromyalgia
(VAS 0–10), sickness impact profile (SIP), HAQ (0–3), Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales (AIMS),
physician global assessment (VAS 0–10), total myalgic score (TMS Likert 1–5)
Fors et al. [30] 55 50 RCT, 4 Pain (VAS 0–10), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait (STAI-T 20–80), Beck Depression Inventory In addition, patients were also
parallel (BDI 0–21), Automatic Negative Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ-30) Scores randomly assigned to three
psychological interventions:
(i) pleasant guided
imagery (PI) audiotape;
(ii) attention imagery (AI); and

Efficacy of amitriptyline in fibromyalgia

(iii) a control group
with a blank audiotape.
Scudds et al. [31] 36 50 RCT, 4 The total myalgic score (TMS Likert 1–5), pain threshold, pain tolerance, pain (McGill Pain Acetaminophen
cross-over Questionnaire, MGPQ 0–78), patient assessment of global treatment (Likert 1–5)
Carette et al. [29] 22 25 RCT, 8 EEG changes, pain (VAS 0–10), fatigue (VAS 0–10), sleep (VAS 0–10), global severity Acetaminophen
cross-over (VAS 0–10), point tenderness, total myalgic score (TMS Likert 1–5)
Ginsberg et al. [32] 46 25 RCT, 8 Proportion of responders in each treatment group. Paracetamol
parallel A responder must have at least three of the following four criteria: (i) at least 50% improvement
in patient global assessment, (ii) at least 50% improvement of physician global assessment,
(iii) at least 50% improvement in pain and (iv) at least 25% reduction in tender point score
Pain (VAS 0–10), patient assessment of global treatment (VAS 0–10), wake up tired (Likert 1–5),
asleep disturbance (VAS 0–10), fatigue (VAS 0–10), physician global assessment (VAS 0–10),
morning stiffness (min)
Goldenberg et al. 62 25 RCT, 6 Pain (VAS 0–10), morning stiffness (VAS 0–10), fatigue (VAS 0–10), sleep (VAS 0–10), physician Acetaminophen
[33] parallel global evaluation (VAS 0–10), tender point score (Likert 0–2)
Goldenberg et al. 31 25 RCT, 6 Pain (VAS 0–10), morning stiffness (VAS 0–10), fatigue (VAS 0–10), sleep (VAS 0–10), feeling Acetaminophen
[34] cross-over refreshed upon awakening (VAS 0–10), global well-being (VAS 0–10), fibromyalgia impact
questionnaire (FIQ 0–100), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI 0–21), physician global evaluation
(VAS 0–10), tender point score (Likert 0–2)
Hannonen et al. 87 25–37.5 RCT, 12 Proportion of responders as assessed by physicians, global health (VAS 0–10), pain (VAS 0–10), Paracetamol
[35] parallel sleep quality and quantity (VAS 0–10), fatigue (VAS 0–10), sheehan’s disability scales
(VAS 0–10), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), tender points (0–18), physician’s clinical
impression of the severity (CIS Likert 3, 0, 3), physician’s clinical global impression of tolerability
(CGI Likert 1–4)
Heymann et al. [36] 80 25 RCT, 8 Verbal evaluation scale for global improvement (VSGI Likert 1–5) Acetaminophen
parallel Fibromyalgia impact questionnaire (FIQ 0–100)
Tender points (0–18)

1744 B. Nishishinya et al.

TABLE 2. Assessment of methodological quality of studies

JADAD Losses to Method of Method of

References N score follow-up n/N (%) randomization Concealment blinding ITT analysis Funding source
Carette et al. [26] 70 4 11/70 (15.7) Unclear Unclear Adequate No Arthritis Society
Carette et al. [28] 126 5 30/124 (22.2) Adequate Adequate Adequate Yes Canadian Arthritis Society
and Merk Frosst Canada
Carette et al. [29]a 22 5 2/22 (9) Adequate Unclear Adequate No Canadian Arthritis Society
and Merk Frosst Canada
Fors et al. [30] 55 4 3/55 (5.5) Adequate Adequate Adequate Unclear Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
Ginsberg et al. [32] 46 4 5/46 (10.9) Unclear Unclear Adequate Yes Not specified
Goldenberg et al. [33] 62 3 2/62 (3.2) Unclear Unclear Unclear No Arthritis Foundation,
Goldenberg et al. [34]a 31 5 2/31 (6.5) Adequate Adequate Adequate No Lot Page Found,
Newton-Wellesley Hospital.
Newton, Massachusetts
Hannonen et al. [35] 87 5 25/87 (28.8) Adequate Adequate Adequate Yes Roche Oy, Finland
Heymann et al. [36] 80 5 10/80 (12.5) Adequate Adequate Adequate No Not specified
Scudds et al. [31]a 36 4 3/36 (8.3) Unclear Unclear Adequate No The Arthritis Society Studentship

Cross-over study.

TABLE 3. Results: amitriptyline 50 mg

Patient’s global Pain Tender points Physician’s global Sleep disturbance Fatigue
References Study type assessment (VAS) (0–18 ACR) assessment (VAS) (VAS) (VAS)
Carette Parallel ND between ND between group ND between groups ND between Better AMI (P ¼ 0.02) Not measured
et al. [27] (9 weeks) groups Intragroup dif: AMI Intragroup dif: AMI groups (Improvement:
yes, Pcb no no, Pcb no 70% AMI versus
40% Pcb)
Carette Parallel ND between ND between groups ND between ND between ND between ND between
et al. [28] (24 weeks) groups Intragroup dif: AMI groups groups groups groups
yes, Pcb yes
Fors Parallel Not measured ND between Not measured Not measured Not measured Not measured
et al. [30] (4 weeks) groups
Scudds Cross-over ND between groups Not measured Not measured Not measured Not measured Not measured
et al. [31] (4 weeks) Intragroup dif: AMI
yes, Pcb no

ND: No Difference; AMI: Amitriptyline; Pcb: Placebo Intragroup differences: not specified when not reported. Information in bold indicates positive results where the difference observed between
amitriptyline and placebo is statistically significant.

between amitriptyline 25 mg and placebo were observed, a in the placebo group compared with the amitriptyline group in
statistically significant improvement was observed between base- two studies, further casting doubts on the reliability of data
line and final measurements within the amitriptyline arm but not collection and reporting. However, all adverse effects reported
in the placebo arm. There were no reports of either the lack of were either mild to moderate; no severe or life threatening events
significant improvement or significant worsening of symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmias were reported. The most frequently
with amitriptyline 25 mg. reported adverse events were somnolence, dry mouth, gastro-
Interestingly, the clinical effects seen with amitriptyline 25 mg intestinal symptoms and weight gain. There were no differences in
were not seen with amitriptyline 50 mg. Amitriptyline 50 mg only the percentage of patients that withdrew from the studies due to
demonstrated significant improvement in sleep disturbance treatment side-effects between any dose of amitriptyline and
compared with placebo in one of the two studies [27]. No placebo groups.
significant differences were observed in any other outcomes
assessed in the four trials using this dose. The data regarding
differences between baseline and final measurements within each Discussion
treatment arm is both heterogeneous and scant, making mean- This systematic review was designed to determine the efficacy and
ingful comment on intragroup differences difficult. safety of amitriptyline as a treatment of FM symptoms.
Some of the standard measurements currently used in FM trials Symptomatic improvement was seen in the amitriptyline 25 mg
were not well represented in the included studies. The studies for most outcome variables. No such benefits were seen
Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) was assessed in only with amitriptyline 50 mg. However, problems with the quality of
two studies with contradictory results [34, 36]. Other standard included studies and limitations of the analysis make definitive
outcome measures of functional ability, QoL and psychological statements premature.
status were also poorly represented. Only four studies assessed The interesting difference in efficacy by dose was not an
these alternative outcomes and they did so in a heterogeneous anticipated finding in this study. We had expected a dose-related
manner. effect on FM symptoms with amitriptyline. A normal dose–
Only six studies rigorously reported adverse events. In those response curve has been demonstrated in the treatment of
studies, the mean adverse event rate was 51.84% (2.8–95%) with depression and neuropathy with amitriptyline; the low doses of
any dose of amitriptyline and 36.63% (2.8–80%) in the placebo amitriptyline used in FM therapy are typically subtherapeutic in
group. Three studies had a large percentage of adverse effects even the treatment of the aforementioned disorders [42, 43]. This lack
in the placebo group (62–80%), while two had very few events or of efficacy seen at higher doses of amitriptyline in our systematic
none in that group. Moreover, the adverse events rate was greater review does not appear to be caused by dose-related increases in
Efficacy of amitriptyline in fibromyalgia 1745

Better AMI (P < 0.001)

Better AMI (P < 0.001)

ND: No Difference; AMI: Amitriptyline; Pcb: Placebo; Intragroup differences: not specified if not reported; Mean values (S.D.) for AMI and Pcb groups are provided at the end of the study;  AMI: Change from baseline in the AMI group (in order to assess the
Better AMI (P < 0.05)
side-effects or drop-outs. In fact, no important differences were

No raw data (graphs)

ND between groups
ND between groups
Fatigue (VAS)
noted in side-effects or drop-outs between the 25 mg and the 50 mg

AMI yes, Pcb no

AMI: 5.62  3.07

( AMI: 2.22)
dosing regimen. Prior studies do bolster this observation. More
Pcb: 7.64  1.8

( AMI: 3.5)

( AMI: 3.2)

Not measured
AMI: 3.8  2.5
Pcb: 5.9  2.2

Intragroup dif:
potent monoamine inhibitors, such as monoamine oxidase
inhibitors (MAOIs) have failed to provide symptomatic relief in
FM [40, 44], while less potent monoamine inhibitors, such as
tramadol, have been shown to help [45]. If this dose-related
observation is demonstrated in future studies, it may provide a
Better AMI (P ¼ 0.003)

Better AMI (P < 0.001)

Better AMI (P < 0.001)

hint into the physiological underpinnings of FM.
Better AMI (P < 0.05)

No raw data (graphs)

Sleep disturbance

ND between groups
These results may, in part, explain one of the notorious clinical

Pcb: 74.6  2 3.9

AMI yes, Pcb no

AMI: 3.93  3.14

AMI: 57.0  34.8

problems that bedevil FM treatment. Tachyphylaxis with
Pcb: 6.51  2.69
( AMI: 3.56)

( AMI: 2.6)

( AMI: 3.9)

Not measured
AMI: 2.6  3.1
Pcb: 5.1  3.0

Intragroup dif:
( AMI: 11)
amitriptyline is a well-known clinical problem, with amitriptyline
often losing its clinical efficacy after 3 months [46]. This study
suggests that dose escalation practices may contribute to this
problem. However, the short duration of the RCTs prevent any
definitive comment about this issue or other clinical questions
about the long-term efficacy and safety in the treatment of the
Better AMI (P < 0.001)

Better AMI (P < 0.001)

Better AMI (P < 0.05)

Better AMI (P ¼ 0.04)

No raw data (graphs)

chronic symptoms of FM. Future trials should focus on

assessment (VAS)
Physician’s global

( AMI: aprox –4.0)

ND between groups

determining both the proper dose and the long-term efficacy

AMI yes, Pcb no
AMI: 4.81  2.81

AMI: 64.2  25.2

Pcb: 6.36  1.59

Pcb: 74.7  19.9

(i AMI: 1.59)

and safety of amitriptyline in the treatment of FM.

( AMI: 3.5)

( AMI: 0.9)

Not measured
AMI: 3.5  2.1

Intragroup dif:
Pcb: 5.9  1.7

Adverse events were frequently reported with amitriptyline at

all doses. The events appear to be generally mild and an infrequent
cause of study withdrawal. No severe adverse events, such as
arrhythmia, were reported in any of the trials. However, the
disparity in adverse event rates among the studies makes
Better AMI (P < 0.001)

interpretation challenging. The wide variability suggests that

relevance of the effect). Information in bold indicates positive results where the difference observed between amitriptyline and placebo is statistically significant.
ND between groups
ND between groups

ND between groups

ND between groups

ND between groups

these estimates of adverse events are a function of study design

Tender points

AMI yes, Pcb yes

(0–18 ACR)

AMI yes, Pcb no

AMI yes, Pcb no

AMI no, Pcb no

and data collection and may not well reflect the adverse event rate
AMI: 10.2  4.8
Pcb: 13.9  3.1
( AMI: 4.6)

Intragroup dif:
Intragroup dif:

Intragroup dif:

Intragroup dif:

in general clinical use. Also, the adverse events rate was greater in
the placebo group compared with the amitriptyline group in two
studies, further casting doubts on the reliability of data collection
and reporting. However, few studies using a dose of 25 mg in the
treatment of chronic pain have showed that amitriptyline has no
substantial adverse effects at this low dose [47].
Better AMI (P < 0.001)
Better AMI (P < 0.05)

Better AMI (P ¼ 0.02)

The limitations of this systematic review need to be considered

ND between groups
ND between groups
Pain (VAS)

in interpreting these results. First, most trials did not assess for
AMI yes, Pcb no

AMI yes, Pcb no

AMI: 5.07  3.22

AMI: 64.4  28.3

Pcb: 7.13  2.41

Pcb: 81.5  16.5

(i AMI: 2.05)

( AMI: 3.5)

( AMI: 4.0)

Not measured
AMI: 3.8  2.4

Intragroup dif:

Intragroup dif:
Pcb: 7.0  1.3

depression or anxiety disorders. Both depression and anxiety are

commonly associated with FM [48], making it a possible
confounder in these studies. There were also important issues
regarding methodological quality of the RCTs reviewed. While
the included studies were rated as high methodological quality
according to the Jadad’s scale, this measure does not capture
Better AMI (P < 0.001)

Better AMI (P < 0.001)

Better AMI (P ¼ 0.009)

Better AMI (P < 0.05)

Better AMI (P ¼ 0.02)

No raw data (graphs)

many quality issues important in performing a systematic review.

assessment (VAS)

ND between groups

(Improvement: 87%
Patient’s global

Issues related to length of follow-up, sample size, drop-out rates

AMI: 61.60  29.5
Pcb: 76.80  24.8

AMI vs 55% Pcb)

AMI yes, Pcb no
AMI: 5.47  3.03
Pcb: 7.11  2.14
(i AMI: 1.80)

AMI: 3.90  2.3

Pcb: 6.80  1.8

and data reporting are essential to meaningful systematic reviews

( AMI: 3.8)

( AMI: 3.0)

( AMI: 5.0)

Intragroup dif:

are not captured by current quality scales. Overall, these RCTs

would be rated as fair to poor on the aforementioned issues [49],
which would undermine the strength of the apparently favourable
results for amitriptyline 25 mg. Finally, while a consistent
therapeutic effect with amitriptyline 25 mg was seen in nearly all
outcomes, the clinical relevance of this effect remains unclear. Due
to problems with heterogeneity and data reporting, we were only
able to perform a qualitative analysis based on reported P-values
AMIþnaproxen vs naproxen vs
Compares four arms: AMI vs

from each individual trial. We would have much preferred to been

able to combine the raw data together to perform a quantitative
Study type

Cross-over (6 weeks)
Cross-over (8 weeks)

meta-analysis. Such an analysis would have provided a more

Parallel (12 weeks)

precise estimate of the effect size of amitriptyline on the different

Parallel (8 weeks)
Parallel (8 weeks)

Parallel (6 weeks)
TABLE 4. Results: amitriptyline 25 mg.

FM symptom domains. These estimates would have provided a

better understanding of the clinical relevance of the statistical
improvements reported.

Our methodology only considers amitriptyline as a mono-

therapy, which gives little insight into its efficacy as part of a
multi-disciplinary treatment plan that couples combinations of
pharmacological therapies with non-pharmacological cognitive
and physical therapies that are currently recommended in clinical



et al. [29]

et al. [32]

et al. [33]

et al. [34]

et al. [35]

et al. [36]

treatment guidelines. To date, only observational studies have


examined the use of amitriptyline as part of a multi-disciplinary

programme. These studies tend to report favourable results,
1746 B. Nishishinya et al.

but suffer from major biases that preclude their inclusion in this 20 Smythe HA. Fibrositis and other diffuse musculoskeletal syndromes. In: Kelley WN,
Harris ED Jr, Ruddy S, Sledge CB, eds. Textbook of rheumatology, 1st edition,
systematic review. Philadelphia: WD Saunders, 1981:485–93.
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