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Instructional Design and Development

Background 8th grade Literature class
total of 30 students
Goal Students will demonstrate
the ability to think
critically and analyze
characters in a novel
Objective Students will be able to
identify character traits
and supportive text
evidence from a novel
*Prior to lesson the instructor will need to create a
Google doc with pre made text boxes for Drag-and-
Drop activity. Post this document to Google Classroom
or send to student email. The instructor should also
have groups of 3-4 students preselected to optimize
time and minimize disruptive behaviors.
**If the technology is not available, this activity can be
done with paper and pencil.

Pre-Instructional Warm “How did you feel when
Up you went to bed last
night? How did you feel
this morning when you
woke up? How do you feel
right now? Now think
about what you would say
if you had to describe
yourself to someone who
has never met you. What
words would you use to
describe yourself? How
are the words you used to
tell me how you felt
different from the words
you would use to describe
Activity On the board, create a list
of descriptive words in
“Traits” and “Feelings”
column with no more than
five items for each
column. Follow up with
question, “who can
quickly explain the
different between feelings
and traits?”

Activity In small groups, students
will create a word bank of
drag and drop 25-30 drag
and drop boxes with a
mixture of different traits
and feelings they have
come up with.

Learning Artifact- Google
Doc with original word

Activity Groups will share their
word banks with another
group in the class. Groups
will compete to see who
can separate word bank
into “Traits” and

Learning Artifact-
completed drag and drop
Debrief Groups that struggled
with any words may ask
their sharing group to
explain their word choices
and how they fit into
either category.

Groups may also debate a
word if they feel they
want to justify their
Observations and Anecdotal notes will be
anecdotal notes as a taken on how they work
formative assessment together and their
rationale for each word
(why is this word a trait
and that word a feeling).
Completed Google Doc Scored as a percentage of
correct answers
Follow Up Quick verbal survey of
how the students enjoyed
competing against each
other and if the activity
helped them understand
the concepts.

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