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Written By

Ben Malol
Facebook Ads Wizard

If I ask you, what do you think is the most important thing when
doing Facebook ads, what will your answer be?
Ad copy? Audiences? Creative? No, no and no!
The most important thing when doing Facebook Ads is without a
doubt the Facebook Pixel.

First of all if you don't know what

the Facebook pixel is, its basically
a piece of code which you insert
into the html of your store/website/
blog/landing page and it interacts
with Facebook. It tracks all the
actions people take in your store
(it tracks each individual ad, so
you know which ad brought what

But that's not the main reason we want our Facebook pixel installed
on our website, there's a much more powerful reason. The
Facebook pixel basically learns about the people that converted
and stores their data. We can later on use that data to create ads
(website conversion ads) that are optimized for the certain action
we decide on like a Lead, Purchase, Add to cart, etc. depending on
your our objective.

Copyright Ben Malol,

In other words, Facebook learns what kind of people convert on
your website and uses that data to show your ad to other people
that are more likely to convert, the reason is that people who
convert to your offer (for example make a purchase) have similar
interests and behaviors, so using that data Facebook shows your
ads to other people that are similar to your past converters.

The more conversions you get, the more accurate and

powerful your ads will be.

Pretty crazy right?

So if you don't have the pixel installed on your website, do it ASAP.
The more time you are advertising on Facebook without having the
Facebook pixel installed, the more data you are losing!

Check out this guide by Facebook > How to install the Facebook Pixel

Copyright Ben Malol,


Before you ever hop into ads manager… you MUST know your
customer, or in other words, TARGETING!

Targeting plays a HUGE role in the success of your campaign.

You can build the best campaign in the world, but if you put that
campaign in front of the wrong audience – it will never succeed.

That’s why I devote so much time into researching the best

targeting options for each and every campaign.

Before we go into my research process, it’s important that you first

understand HOW I think about targeting.

The key to successful targeting is SPECIFICITY.

You must ensure that your targeting isn’t too BROAD, that you’re
really narrowing in on the avid part of your market… the people that
actually want to BUY.

Let’s use the boxing industry as an example.

If I’m selling boxing products, I may think to target “Muhammad Ali,”

“Mike Tyson” and “ESPN” because if people have these interests,
they’ll probably buy boxing equipment.

Copyright Ben Malol,

But… that’s not specific enough.
It’s too broad.

In terms of specificity, think of it like this…

The “No One Else Would” Trick

A [enter your market here] enthusiast will know who XYZ is, but
no one else would.

A [boxing enthusiast] would know who Willie Pep is, but no one
else would.

Copyright Ben Malol,

Think of it like this: Although Muhammad Ali is a boxer, he’s

 an international celebrity. Muhammad Ali is so much bigger
than boxing, and he attracts people who are non-boxers — who
would also be non-buyers.

Check out the second circle in the image above, Lennox Lewis.

A casual boxer, someone who knows a little more about the

industry, would know who Lewis is. And not that he would be a
terrible person to target, he’s more specific than Muhammad Ali, but
he’s not as specific as we can get.

The central circle of our diagram has Willie Pep.

Think about it,
Who is someone that really follows boxing would know?

For instance, a mid-level boxer that’s won a few tournaments and

has a following, but not someone who’s name has been plastered
across the headlines and has become a cultural icon.

This is how specific you need to think in your market to really get
to the core of it — to get the people who will actually buy.

• A [enter your market here] enthusiast will read XYZ magazine,

but no one else would.
• A [enter your market here] enthusiast will know who XYZ is, but
no one else would.
• A [enter your market here] enthusiast will attend XYZ
conference, but no one else would.

I’m going to be sending you a some emails in the coming weeks,
and one of them will be my famous Laser Targeting Trick. 

So keep a look out for those emails!

Copyright Ben Malol,

Page Post Engagement? Clicks to Website? Boost Post? Website

What is the BEST ad type??

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing!

Every ad type has its advantages, but the ad type that you should
know the most about is definitely the Website Conversion ad type.

For those who aren't aware of what are Website conversion ads, its
basically an ad optimized for a certain action on your website using
your Facebook pixel like a Purchase, Add to Cart, Lead, Initiate
Checkout, View Content, etc. A Website Conversion is any action
taken on your website, from a basic page view (View Content) all
the way to a Purchase.

You tell Facebook what to optimize for!!

Now you might be asking "Ben, why will I EVER optimize for
something that isn't what I actually need like Purchase, or
Good question! But to answer that I need you to understand how
Facebook and the Facebook Pixel works.

The Facebook Pixel works on past data, like all the people that
added to cart on your website, viewed content, purchased, etc.
So if you optimize for Purchase on your ad, Facebook will look at all
the Purchases that your website had, learn about the people that
made those purchases, and show your ad to people that are
similar to those buyers, incredibly powerful right?? Right!

Copyright Ben Malol,

"But Ben, what if I don't have any purchases yet, or very little?"

Now thats the problem, if you think that Facebook can magically
find you buyers/leads to your niche without you having anything for
it to work on, that is where you are wrong my friend!
Like I said before, 

Facebook works on past data!

So if Facebook does not have any or many buyers to look at, it will
be very difficult and nearly impossible for Facebook to find you
those buyers.

Lets take the example of my landing page:,

now the purpose of this landing page is to of course get as many
leads as possible (so I can send them annoying helpful emails). So
I have a pixel installed in the landing page (View Content), and a
pixel installed in the page after they give me their email (Lead).
But because I didn't have almost any leads yet from that landing
page, optimizing for Leads won't really work for me because
Facebook does not have that data yet! It will not know who to
optimize for.

I had about 10 visitors to that landing page a day, and about 2 leads
a day. So in a week thats 70 visitors and 14 leads. And visitors are
basically a View Content Pixel (because its installed on the landing
page), so in this case Facebook has much more data on people
that visit my landing page than people that actually leave their
email (Lead), so the smartest thing to do in this scenario is to
create a Website Conversion ad optimized for View Content.
Facebook is much more likely to find people that visit my website
than people that leave their email because it has much more data
on my visitors (70 a week), than my Leads (14 a week).
because it has enough data on that action (Leads).

Copyright Ben Malol,

Once Facebook is getting enough data on my leads, (around

30-40 a week) I will release a Website Conversion ad optimized for
Leads, because only then will Facebook know who to show my ads
to because it has enough data on that action (Leads).

So if you have an eCommerce store for example think about where

Facebook is getting more data and where Facebook is getting
less data, if you are having around 30-50 purchases a day, than
feel free to optimize for Purchases because Facebook has enough
data to find you those buyers, but if lets say you have 10 purchases
a week, you might be getting better results optimizing for the Add to
Cart pixel, because it should have more data.

For me 1 out of 5 adds to cart is a purchase. So that means if I

have 10 Purchases a week, ill have around 50 Adds to Cart a week,
my ads will optimize so much better with the Add to Cart data than
the Purchase data, and once I hit that 30-50 Purchases a week, I
will optimize for Purchases! So if you don't even have those 30-50
Adds to Cart a week, guess what can you optimize for...

ill give you a second..

View Content (because it will have more data than your Add to
cart and of course your Purchase)
This way if your Facebook Pixel does not have the data yet, you
can slowly move towards that data, helping it in the process!
Now don't forget that the further away you get from the Purchasers
the less likely the person is to buy, thats why you should always
optimize for the action that is closest to your final objective if you
have enough data.

View Content > Add to Cart > Purchase

Copyright Ben Malol,

Keep a look out for my next email!
I’ll be sending out several emails with awesome
Facebook ads training, tips & tricks that will
SKYROCKET your Facebook ads game!

I’ll show you the 7 Steps on How to Target the

Converters with Any Offer, Scaling from $0 - $4,845 in
less than 72 Hours!, and my famous Laser Targeting

So Stay Tuned!

Copyright Ben Malol,

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