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Financial Advisory Services Insights

Goodwill Valuation Approaches, Methods,

and Procedures
Robert F. Reilly, CPA

Financial advisers are often asked to value goodwill within a corporate transaction
environment. These goodwill valuations may be performed in the due diligence phase of
the corporate transaction for transaction pricing and structuring purposes. These goodwill
valuations may be performed in the consummation phase of the corporate transaction—as
part of the preparation of a transaction fairness opinion or solvency opinion. And, these
goodwill valuations may be performed within the controversy phase of the corporate
transaction—to defend against dissenting shareholder appraisal rights claims or claims that
the transaction resulted in a fraudulent transfer. For some transaction-related purposes,
financial advisers may value goodwill as a residual amount (i.e., the residual of a total
business or professional practice value minus the value of all identifiable tangible assets
and intangible assets). For other transaction-related purposes, financial advisers may value
goodwill as an individual, income-producing intangible asset. This discussion summarizes
the generally accepted goodwill valuation approaches, methods, and procedures. And, this
discussion presents an illustrative example of a goodwill valuation analysis.

Introduction defend against dissenting shareholder appraisal

rights claims or claims that the corporate transac-
There are different types of goodwill, including (1) tion involved a fraudulent transfer
business or institutional goodwill and (2) personal
This discussion summarizes the generally accept-
or professional goodwill. Financial advisers are often
ed approaches and methods related to the valuation
asked to value these different types of goodwill for
of goodwill. This discussion focuses on business
transaction, taxation, financial accounting, litiga-
enterprise (or institutional) goodwill. However, this
tion, and other purposes. This discussion describes
discussion also considers personal (or individual)
the various components of goodwill and the various
reasons why independent financial advisers may be
asked to value goodwill. This discussion starts with a definition of good-
will. Since there is no single definition of goodwill
Financial advisers are often asked to value good-
that is applicable to all purposes, this discussion
will within a corporate transaction environment.
considers alternative definitions. This discussion
These goodwill valuations may be performed in the
describes the types and attributes of goodwill. And,
due diligence phase of the corporate transaction
this discussion considers the many reasons why
for transaction pricing and structuring purposes.
financial advisers are asked to value goodwill.
These goodwill valuations may be performed in
the consummation phase of the corporate transac- Finally, this discussion mentions many of the
tion—as part of the preparation of a transaction common internal and external data sources related
fairness opinion or solvency opinion. And, these to the goodwill valuation. These data sources pri-
goodwill valuations may be performed within the marily include sources of transactional data regard-
controversy phase of the corporate transaction—to ing the sale of goodwill within the context of a busi-
ness acquisition.


Some financial advisers believe that only income concern) premise of value—rather than on a value
approach methods are applicable to value goodwill. in exchange (or piecemeal disposition) premise of
However, this discussion describes cost approach, value.
market approach, and income approach valuation Some going-concern value may attach to the
methods. This discussion concludes with an illustra- business entity’s specifically identified identifiable
tive goodwill valuation example. intangible assets. For example, an entity’s patent,
copyright, or trademark value is typically greater
when that intangible asset is appraised on a value in
Goodwill Components continued use (or going-concern) premise of value
There are many interpretations of goodwill. These rather than on a value in exchange (or piecemeal
interpretations are generally grouped into two cat- disposition) premise of value.
egories: residual interpretations and income inter- The second goodwill component is the exis-
pretations. While income interpretations may be tence of excess income (however measured). This
more common, financial advisers should be familiar component is described later in this discussion.
with both categories of interpretations. Both inter- For a business entity, excess income is income
pretations agree on the components of (or the fac- generated by the entity that is greater than the
tors that create) goodwill and the types of goodwill amount needed to provide a fair rate of return on
(or situations in which goodwill arises). all of the entity’s tangible assets and identifiable
There are three principal components of good- intangible assets.
will. Financial advisers consider these three compo- This excess income component relates to the
nents as either (1) the factors that create goodwill concept of goodwill as that portion of business
or (2) the reasons why goodwill exists in certain enterprise value that cannot be specifically assigned
circumstances. The first and third components pri- to the entity’s tangible assets or identifiable intan-
marily relate to business goodwill. And, the second gible assets. For an individual (e.g., professional
component relates to both business goodwill and practitioner, athlete, celebrity), excess income is
personal goodwill. the income generated by the individual that is
The first goodwill component is the existence of greater than the amount that would be expected to
operating business assets that are in place and ready be accrued by a comparably skilled individual work-
to use. This component is sometimes referred to as ing in comparable circumstances.
the going-concern element of goodwill. The fact that The third goodwill component is the expectation
all of the elements of a business enterprise are phys- of future events that are not directly related to the
ically and functionally assembled creates intangible entity’s current operations. Goodwill may be created
value. These business enterprise elements include by the expectations of future capital expenditures,
capital (e.g., equipment), labor (e.g., employees), future mergers and acquisitions, future to-be-devel-
and coordination (e.g., management). oped products or services, and future customers or
Some financial advisers identify and measure clients. This future expectations component relates
this going-concern value as a separate intangible to the concept of goodwill as the current value of
asset of a business. This separate identification future assets (both tangible and intangible) that do
may be appropriate for certain taxation or forensic not yet exist on the analysis date.
analysis purposes. Investors assign a goodwill value to a business
Other financial advisers measure going-concern entity if they expect that the net present value of
value as one component of the entity’s business the income associated with future events is positive.
goodwill. This aggregate identification is appropri- The positive net present value of the expected future
ate for purposes of Financial Accounting Standards income associated with assets that are already in
Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification existence (for example, capital assets, product lines,
(ASC) Topic 805, Business Combinations, fair value and customers) is appropriately assigned to those
accounting for business combinations. respective tangible assets and intangible assets.
Either identification procedure may be appropri-
ate depending on the purpose and objective of the
goodwill analysis. The Residual Interpretation of
This going-concern value may enhance the value Goodwill
of the business entity’s individual operating assets. Under generally accepted accounting principles, the
For example, a business entity’s equipment value is goodwill that an entity develops in the normal course
typically greater when the equipment is appraised of business is rarely recorded on the entity’s financial
based on a value in continued use (or going- statements. And, the accounting recognition for INSIGHTS • SPRING 2015 11

internally created goodwill is different than the intangible assets. This allocation of the entity’s
accounting recognition for purchased goodwill. income is typically based on a fair rate of return
Internally created goodwill is rarely recorded on on the asset category multiplied by the value of the
the entity’s balance sheet. In contrast, purchased asset category.
goodwill is recorded on the acquiror’s balance sheet Third, the financial adviser typically quantifies
as soon as the purchase transaction is completed. the portion of the entity’s income that cannot be
Under FASB ASC topic 805 acquisition accounting, associated with any other tangible or intangible
the fair value (calculated as a residual from total asset. That residual income is often called excess
purchase consideration) of purchased goodwill is income (or excess earnings). This excess income is
recorded as an intangible asset on the acquiror’s then assigned to goodwill.
balance sheet. Fourth, goodwill value is typically quantified
Accountants often use a fairly broad definition as this amount of excess income capitalized as an
of goodwill. This broad interpretation of goodwill is annuity in perpetuity. The excess income is capital-
the residual value that is calculated by subtracting ized by a risk-adjusted and growth-adjusted direct
the fair value of all the acquired tangible and iden- capitalization rate. The result of this direct capital-
tifiable intangible assets from the acquired entity’s ization procedure indicates the goodwill value.
total purchase price.
Sometimes this goodwill definition collectively
quantifies all of the intangible value of the acquired Goodwill Types
company. This is the case when all of the identifi- There are three general goodwill types. These three
able intangible assets are not adequately identified goodwill types may affect the identification and
and valued. ownership of the goodwill. But, the distinction of
This collective goodwill valuation may occur these three types of goodwill should not affect the
when the fair values of the individual identifiable valuation results.
intangible assets are immaterial compared to the The first goodwill type is institutional goodwill.
total business purchase price. In this circumstance, This is the goodwill that relates to an industrial
this residual definition of goodwill may capture or commercial business enterprise. This goodwill
the total intangible value of the acquired business type typically results from the collective operations
entity, with little consideration of the identifiable of—and the collective assemblage of—the entity’s
intangible assets. assets. Institutional goodwill is typically owned by
the industrial or commercial business.
However, in the case of a professional services
The Income Interpretation of business (for example, a manufacturers representa-
Goodwill tive company or other professional sales organiza-
tion), some or all of the institutional goodwill can be
The income interpretation of goodwill may be more
created by the individual employee/owners.
conceptually robust than the residual interpretation
of goodwill. As a result, the income interpretation of The second goodwill type is professional practice
goodwill may be more useful to the financial adviser goodwill. This type of goodwill relates to a medi-
who is interested in the valuation of the entity’s dis- cal, dental, legal, accounting, engineering, or other
crete goodwill—as opposed to the valuation of the type of professional practice. This goodwill type is
entity’s total intangible value. distinguished from the other goodwill types because
it has two distinct components: the practitioner (or
First, the financial adviser typically quantifies
personal) component and the business (or practice)
all of the income of the entity. For purposes of this
excess income analysis, income can be measured
many different ways. The only requirement is that The practitioner component relates to the good-
the measure of income is calculated on a basis con- will created by the reputation and skills of the indi-
sistent with the measure of the fair rate of return on vidual professional practitioners (the actual physi-
the entity’s operating assets. cians, dentists, lawyers, CPAs, engineers, and other
professionals). The business component relates to
Second, the financial adviser typically allocates
the goodwill created by the location, reputation,
(or assigns) some portion of this total income to
longevity, assembled assets, and operating proce-
each tangible and intangible asset category that
dures of the institutional professional practice.
contribute to the income production. These asset
categories typically include working capital, tan- One issue that often arises with regard to this
gible personal property, real estate, and identifiable goodwill type is who owns each of the two compo-
nents. This ownership question can be controversial


in marital dissolutions, shareholder disputes, or in 2. the operations of the company or practice
other types of litigation. are not functionally or economically sepa-
Ultimately, the ownership of the goodwill com- rate from the individual, and
ponents is a legal question with a legal answer. 3. the success of the business entity is directly
However, the financial adviser may be tasked with related to the activities of the individual.
the identification and the valuation of these two
components of professional practice goodwill. In the early stages of an entity’s operations, most
The third goodwill type is celebrity goodwill. internally created goodwill is typically personal
This is the goodwill associated with being a famous goodwill. As the entity matures (as it increases in
individual. Typically, there are three categories of size and complexity), goodwill usually shifts from
celebrities who enjoy such goodwill: sports celebri- the personal category to the institutional category.
ties, entertainment celebrities, and achievement
These various categories of celebrity goodwill Reasons to Value Goodwill
are distinguished by the factors that created the There are many reasons why a financial adviser may
goodwill. For example, the sports celebrity goodwill be asked to value goodwill. Some of these reasons
is created by the individual’s physical prowess. That follow:
prowess (and the associated goodwill) may wane
n Economic damage analyses. When a busi-
with the age of the athlete.
ness has suffered a breach of contract or
Entertainment goodwill relates to singers, musi- a tort (such as an infringement, breach of
cians, actors, television talk show hosts, and so on. a fiduciary duty, or interference with busi-
This type of goodwill also relates to the individual’s ness opportunity), one measure of the dam-
skill and ability. But for many entertainers, pro- ages suffered is the reduction in the value
fessional skill and ability may increase (and not of the entity’s goodwill due to the wrongful
decrease) with age. action.
The category of achievement celebrities includes This analysis may encompass the com-
prominent corporate executives, politicians, cler- parative valuation of the entity’s goodwill
gy, or organizational leaders. The goodwill of an before and after the breach of contract or
achievement celebrity often relates to the career tort. This before and after method is also
or other professional accomplishments of that indi- useful for quantifying the economic effects
vidual. Unlike the other types of goodwill, it may be of a prolonged labor strike, a natural disas-
difficult to transfer celebrity goodwill. ter, or a similar phenomenon.
It is often important for the financial adviser to n Business or professional practice merger.
separately identify and individually value the three When two businesses merge, the equity of
types of goodwill. There may be different legal, eco- the merged entity typically is to be allo-
nomic, and taxation consequences for each goodwill cated to the merger partners. One common
type. way to allocate equity in the merged entity
is in proportion to the relative value of the
The following factors affect which type of good- assets contributed, including the contrib-
will exists: uted goodwill.
1. The type of services or products offered by
n Business or professional practice separa-
the business entity
tion. When a business separates, the assets
2. The individual’s personal relationships with of the consolidated business typically have
customers or clients to be allocated to the individual business
3. The individual’s direct impact on the man- owners.
agement and direction of the business entity One common way to allocate the assets
to the separating business partners is in
proportion to the relative value of the assets
Most goodwill is likely to be personal goodwill
controlled by or developed by each partner,
(that is, goodwill owned by the business owner/
including the goodwill of each business
operator, individual practitioner, or celebrity) if:
1. the individual makes essentially all signifi-
cant management decisions regarding the n Solvency test. The solvency of a business
business entity, entity is an issue with regard to lender’s
fraudulent conveyance concerns during a INSIGHTS • SPRING 2015 13

financing transaction or a financial restruc- goodwill (if any) may be useful in assessing
turing. whether the business is worth reorganizing.
One of the individual tests to determine A valuation of the debtor’s goodwill (for
if a business entity is solvent is: Does the example, before and after the plan of reor-
fair value of the entity’s assets exceed the ganization) may be useful in assessing the
value of the entity’s liabilities (after consid- reasonableness of the proposed plan of
eration of the financing transaction)? One reorganization. Such an assessment may be
of the entity’s assets that is considered in a of interest to the debtor in possession, the
solvency analysis is goodwill. secured and unsecured creditors, the bank-
n Insolvency test. The degree of insolvency of ruptcy court, and other interested parties.
a business entity may have federal income n Conversion of a C corporation to an S cor-
tax consequences if debt is forgiven (in poration. One factor in the analysis of the
whole or in part) during a refinancing costs and benefits of converting an entity’s
transaction or financial restructuring. One federal income tax status from a C corpora-
of the specific tests to determine if a busi- tion to an S corporation is the quantifica-
ness entity is insolvent for federal income tion of any built-in gains (BIG) tax associ-
tax purposes is: Is the fair market value of ated with the value of the corporation’s
the entity’s assets less than the value of the assets.
entity’s liabilities (before the debt forgive- The federal income tax regulations relat-
ness)? ed to the BIG tax are clear that the corpo-
The cancellation of debt income is not ration’s goodwill is one asset that should be
recognized as taxable income to the extent considered in the valuation.
that the taxpayer debtor is insolvent. The n Business enterprise valuation. The iden-
federal income tax regulations specifically tification and quantification of goodwill is
indicate that one of the assets that should one procedure of the asset-based approach
be considered in an insolvency analysis is to business valuation. An asset-based
goodwill. approach is often used in the valuation of
n Intercompany transfer price. When intan- an industrial or commercial company or
gible assets are transferred between related professional service business.
entities (for example, between a parent Such business valuations are routinely
corporation and a less than wholly owned performed for taxation, ownership transi-
subsidiary), an arm’s-length price should be tion, financing, bankruptcy, corporate gov-
estimated for the intercompany transfer of ernance, litigation, and other purposes.
the assets.
n Deprivation analysis. The goodwill valua-
Such an intercompany transfer may tion may be one component in the damages
affect the profitability and return on invest- analysis associated with a business that is
ment of, say, two subsidiaries—one that is subject to a condemnation, expropriation,
wholly owned and one that has a 10 percent or eminent domain action. Financial advis-
minority interest owner. ers sometimes only consider the value of
While the intercompany transfer of good- the entity’s real estate and tangible personal
will is not subject to Internal Revenue Code property subject to the condemnation or
Section 482 considerations, intercompany other “taking.”
goodwill transfers may also have other However, even if the entity is relocated
income tax ramifications. Such intercom- to a new location as part of the eminent
pany transfers may have state income tax domain action, the business may have suf-
consequences if the various related entities fered a loss of all or part of its goodwill. The
are located in different state tax jurisdic- loss of institutional or practice goodwill
tions. value may be a claim in the condemnation
n Bankruptcy and reorganization. Parties in or eminent domain action.
interest to a bankruptcy estate often have n Ownership allocation litigation. Several
to decide if the debtor corporation is worth forms of litigation involve the allocation of
more as a going-concern business (pursu- direct or indirect ownership interests in a
ant to a plan of reorganization) or as a mass business entity. Two examples of such liti-
disposition of assets (pursuant to a plan gation include the following:
of liquidation). A valuation of the debtor’s


1. Marital dissolution cases (which involve Because goodwill (whether personal or institu-
the allocation of the business entity tional) is often measured based on future earnings,
ownership interest within the marital the cost approach is less commonly used to value
estate). goodwill. In practice, for both personal and institu-
2. Dissenting shareholder rights and tional goodwill, the income approach is more com-
shareholder oppression cases (which monly used.
involve the allocation of the business Financial advisers may also use some version
entity ownership interests to the dis- of a residual analysis in the valuation of personal
senting or oppressed stockholders). or institutional goodwill. In such a valuation, the
This second category of litigation involves financial adviser estimates the total amount of
both dissenting shareholder appraisal rights goodwill associated with the business entity (how-
claims and shareholder oppression claims. ever defined). Using this residual analysis, goodwill
In such litigation claims, the valuation of is measured indirectly using business valuation
the entity’s goodwill is often an important approaches.
issue. Using a residual analysis, goodwill represents the
n Ad valorem property tax. In some taxing residual of the overall business value less the total
jurisdictions, state and local ad valorem value of all tangible assets and identifiable intan-
property tax only applies to real estate and gible assets used in the business enterprise.
tangible personal property. The existence of The financial adviser may also use some version
economic obsolescence (a form of external of the with and without method (also called the
obsolescence) may have a direct effect on comparative business value method) in the valu-
the value of the taxpayer’s real estate and ation of personal or institutional goodwill. To use
tangible personal property. Accordingly, an the with and without method, the financial adviser
assessment of the existence of economic estimates the value of the business entity with and
obsolescence may be an important proce- without the goodwill in place.
dure in the valuation of such industrial or The with and without method is more commonly
commercial operating property. used to value an individual’s personal goodwill than
There are several methods for quanti- it is to value institutional goodwill. Typically, based
fying economic obsolescence, and most on the different sets of financial projections and the
methods incorporate some analysis of the different discount or capitalization rates, the entity
entity’s goodwill. value is greater with the subject individual in place
Typically, if the entity enjoys positive than without the subject individual in place.
goodwill value, then the tangible assets may Using the with and without method, the value
not experience economic obsolescence. If of personal goodwill is estimated as the difference
the entity experiences negative goodwill, between:
then the values of the industrial and com- 1. the “with the individual in place” entity
mercial operating assets are likely to be value and
affected by economic obsolescence. 2. the “without the individual in place” entity

How the Different Goodwill The personal goodwill value is the difference
Types Are Valued between the two business value estimates based on
All generally accepted intangible asset valuation the two alternative sets of projections. The financial
approaches are appropriate to value the different adviser may also estimate the value of the institu-
goodwill types. tional goodwill using a combination of a residual
method analysis and a with and without method
Typically, goodwill (whether personal or insti- analysis.
tutional) is not sold or otherwise transferred sepa-
rately in the marketplace. Therefore, the market The value of the entity’s institutional goodwill
approach is less commonly used to value goodwill. may be estimated as the difference between:
When the market approach is used to value goodwill 1. the business entity goodwill value (based on
(for example, the goodwill of medical, dental, or the residual method analysis) and
other professional practices), the empirical market 2. the personal goodwill value (based on the
data are often based on purchase price allocations of with and without method).
the acquired entities. INSIGHTS • SPRING 2015 15

The Goodwill Valuation The Cost Approach
In most valuation analyses, goodwill includes con- Using the cost approach, the financial adviser esti-
cepts from both the residual and the income defi- mates the amount of current cost required to rec-
nitions. Financial advisers sometimes identify and reate the goodwill component elements. The cost
value goodwill collectively as the total intangible approach typically involves a component restora-
value of a business entity. In this regard, goodwill tion method.
may be valued using an aggregate residual analysis. The first procedure in the component restora-
In such an analysis, the goodwill can be either tion method is to list all of the individual compo-
a residual from a total business acquisition price nents of the entity’s goodwill. The second procedure
or a business value. In this analysis, the total is to estimate the amount of current cost required to
goodwill value is measured as the unidentified replace each goodwill component. This procedure is
residual amount after the values of the identified based on the concept of goodwill as represented by
tangible assets are subtracted from the total busi- the intangible value of all entity assets in place and
ness value. ready to use.
Financial advisers often measure goodwill as a One procedure in the restoration method is the
discrete (or separate) intangible asset. Using this analysis of forgone income (considered an oppor-
definition, goodwill is measured as the remaining tunity cost in the cost approach) during the time
unidentified intangible value of the entity after period required to assemble all of the entity’s tan-
subtracting the values of all tangible assets and all gible assets and identifiable intangible assets.
identifiable intangible assets. For example, let’s assume that it would take
Accordingly, this discrete goodwill may be quan- two years to assemble all of the entity’s component
tified using either a residual analysis or an income tangible assets and identifiable intangible assets.
analysis. In either type of analysis, goodwill is This time period represents the total elapsed time
the residual business value (or capitalized excess required for the assembled assets to reach the same
income) that is not allocated to any of the following level of utility, functionality, capacity, and income
assets: generation as exists in the actual going-concern
1. Working capital assets (for example, receiv- business entity.
ables, prepaid expenses, and inventory) This hypothetical asset restoration process may
2. Tangible personal property (for example, include the following procedures:
machinery, equipment, and vehicles) 1. The purchase and installation of all equip-
3. Real estate (for example, land, buildings, ment
and improvements) 2. The construction or purchase of all real
4. Intangible personal property (for example, estate
patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade 3. The selection of suppliers
secrets) 4. The creation of a distribution system
5. Intangible real property (for example, lease- 5. The hiring and training of employees
hold interests, rights of way, and ease- 6. The building of a level of consumer recogni-
ments) tion and confidence
7. The recreation of the current level of cus-
tomer relationships
Goodwill Valuation
Approaches and Methods In this method, all of these component tangible
There are several generally accepted methods appli- assets and identifiable intangible assets are assem-
cable to the goodwill valuation. After considering bled at the level required to immediately accommo-
the similarities and differences, each method may date the actual entity’s current level of operations.
be categorized into one of the three intangible asset Let’s consider a simple example of the restora-
valuation approaches. tion method. Let’s assume that the actual entity
As stated above, cost approach and market earns $10,000,000 per year in income (however
approach valuation methods are less commonly defined) during an expected two-year asset restora-
used, and income approach valuation methods are tion period. The present value of the $20,000,000 in
more commonly used in the goodwill analysis. The forgone income during an asset restoration period is
following discussion summarizes these valuation one indication of the opportunity cost component in
methods. the goodwill value restoration method.


The Market Approach earned by the entity that was sold in the transac-
There are two common market approach methods
related to goodwill. The first method estimates the These market-derived goodwill pricing multiples
value of goodwill as the residual from an actual busi- are then applied to the subject entity to estimate
ness acquisition price. This method is called the the entity’s goodwill value. It is noteworthy that the
residual from purchase price method. The second multiples are also estimated; that is, these transac-
method estimates the value of goodwill based on an tional pricing multiples are themselves based on an
analysis of guideline sale transactions. This method allocation of the purchase price for each business or
is called the sales comparison method. professional practice included in that transactional
data source.
Goodwill is rarely sold separately from any other
assets (either tangible assets or intangible assets) of
a going-concern business. Therefore, the selected The Income Approach
guideline sale transactions usually involve the sale With regard to goodwill, the income approach meth-
of a going-concern business. ods include the residual from business value meth-
The financial adviser selects publicly reported od, the capitalized excess earnings method, and the
transactions in which the allocation of the sale present value of future income method.
price between the purchased goodwill and all other Each of these valuation methods is based on the
acquired assets is reported. Accordingly, this mar- concept of goodwill as the present value of future
ket approach method effectively relies on a residual income not associated with the entity’s tangible
from purchase price procedure to estimate the good- assets or identifiable intangible assets.
will value.
To use the residual from purchase price method,
The Residual from Business Value Method
there has to be a sale of the actual entity.
The residual from business value method is based
First, if there is such a sale transaction, the
on the principle that the value of total assets (the
financial adviser confirms that the transaction was
“left hand” side of the entity’s balance sheet) equals
an arm’s-length sale.
the value of total liabilities and equity (the “right
Second, the financial adviser confirms that the hand” side of the entity’s balance sheet).
purchase price represents a cash equivalency price
Goodwill is valued as the total entity value less:
for the entity. For example, if there are noncash
consideration components or deferred payments 1. the value of all net working capital (or
(for example, an earn-out provision) as part of the financial) assets,
purchase price, the financial adviser converts the 2. the value of tangible assets (e.g., real estate
entire consideration to a cash equivalency price. and tangible personal property), and
Third, the financial adviser estimates the value 3. the value of identifiable intangible assets.
of each of the entity’s tangible assets and identifi-
able intangible assets.
There are several generally accepted business
Fourth, the financial adviser subtracts the total valuation methods. Financial advisers typically syn-
value of all of the tangible assets and identifiable thesize the value indications of one or more of these
intangible assets from the business purchase price. methods to estimate the value of the subject entity.
The residual amount represents the goodwill value. Because there are many judgments made as part of
To use the guideline sale transactions method, any valuation, the objective of using more than one
the financial adviser identifies and selects actual valuation method is to develop mutually supporting
sales of guideline entities that are sufficiently simi- evidence as to the business value conclusion.
lar to the subject entity. For purposes of this analy- The business valuation methods that are com-
sis, comparability is typically based on the criteria monly used in the residual from business value
of investment risk and expected return. method include:
For certain types of businesses, such as cer- 1. The direct capitalization method (an
tain types of professional practices, guideline sale income approach method)
transactional data are fairly easy to assemble. Such
2. The discounted cash flow or yield capi-
transactional data are reported in publicly available
talization method (an income approach
publications and periodicals. With regard to these
sale transactions, the purchased goodwill may be
typically expressed as a percent of the total transac- 3. The guideline merged and acquired com-
tion price or a percent of the total annual revenue pany method (a market approach method) INSIGHTS • SPRING 2015 17

4. The guideline publicly traded company ous procedures, including the direct capitalization
method (a market approach method) (or annuity in perpetuity) method.
Based on these valuation analyses, the periodic
The selection of these business valuation meth- (typically annual) cash flow from the subject entity
ods depends on the following: is projected for a discrete projection period. The
1. The financial adviser’s experience and judg- term of the discrete projection period varies based
ment on the financial adviser’s judgment. Typically, the
term of the discrete projection period approximately
2. The quantity and quality of available finan- equals the average length of the industry business
cial and operational data regarding the sub- cycle. The discrete cash flow projection is discount-
ject entity ed at an appropriate discount rate to determine a
present value.
Any of these methods may be used in a residual The residual value of the entity is estimated at
from business value analysis. The discounted cash the end of the discrete projection period. The resid-
flow method is a common business valuation method ual value is also discounted to determine a present
for the purpose of quantifying goodwill as the residu- value. The present value of the discrete cash flow
al from a business value. projection is summed with the present value of the
The discounted cash flow method is based on the residual value.
principle that business value is the present value of This summation calculation indicates the entity’s
the total future income to be derived by the entity’s total value. The entity’s total value less the tangible
stakeholders. The discounted cash flow method typi- assets value and the identifiable intangible assets
cally involves revenue analysis, expense analysis, value indicates the entity’s goodwill value.
investment analysis, cost of capital analysis, and
residual value analysis.
The Capitalized Excess Earnings Method
The revenue analysis involves a projection of
prospective revenue from the sale of products or The capitalized excess earnings method involves the
provision of services from the entity. This analysis quantification and capitalization of excess income
may include consideration of the following market (as defined) earned by the entity. There are several
factors: expected unit sales volume, average selling variations of the capitalized excess earnings method.
price or contract rate, market dynamics, competitive The following discussion presents a common applica-
pressures, price elasticities of demand, regulatory tion of this method.
changes, and technological changes. First, the capitalized excess earnings method
The expense analysis may include consideration requires the financial adviser to estimate the required
of fixed versus variable costs, product versus period amount of income that an investor would expect
costs, cash versus noncash costs, direct versus given the risk of the subject entity. This procedure
indirect costs, overhead cost absorption principles, often involves the financial adviser’s assessment of
cost efficiency relationships, and cost-volume-profit industry average rates of return on investment.
relationships. Some financial advisers apply an asset-specific
The investment analysis may include consider- rate of return on investment to each asset category.
ation of required minimum cash balance, days sales Alternatively, some financial advisers apply the
outstanding in accounts receivable, inventory turn- entity’s cost of capital as the overall required rate of
over, plant utilization, and planned capital expendi- return on investment. The entity’s cost of capital is
tures. typically measured as the weighted average cost of
The cost of capital analysis may include consid-
eration of current entity capital structure, current In either case, the required return on investment
industry capital structure, optimal (or target) capital is multiplied by the value of the net identified assets
structure, cost of the various capital components, in order to quantify the amount of the required
weighted average cost of capital, risk-free rate of income. The net identified assets typically include all
return, systematic and nonsystematic equity risk of the entity’s working capital assets, tangible assets,
premiums, and marginal cost of capital. and identifiable intangible assets.
The residual value analysis may include the esti- Second, the financial adviser quantifies the dif-
mate of the value of the prospective cash flow gener- ference between this required amount of income and
ated by the entity at the end of a discrete projection the actual amount of income earned by the entity. If
period. The residual value may be estimated by vari- the actual amount of income exceeds the required


amount of income, then excess earnings exist at the expiration of the entity’s
entity. current income sources “Using the present
(such as the identified
Third, the financial adviser capitalizes the excess
current customers) and value of future income
earnings (if any) as an annuity in perpetuity using
an appropriate direct capitalization rate. The deri- continues into perpetuity. method, goodwill may
vation of the direct capitalization rate should be The present value of
consistent with the level of income used to measure this prospective income
be estimated as the
the required amount of income of the entity and the stream (which typically present value of the
actual amount of income of the entity. The result provides for a capital
of the direct capitalization procedure indicates the charge or a fair return on future income to be
goodwill value. all the tangible assets and earned from provid-
intangible assets used to
service the unidentified ing future goods or
The Present Value of Future Income Method
The first procedure in this method is to identify all
future customers) indi- services to future, un-
cates a goodwill value.
of the future income that is not associated with the Using this method, the identified, customers.”
entity’s tangible assets and identifiable intangible goodwill value is the
assets. This identification procedure may include present value of future
future capital expenditures, future mergers and income earned from the
acquisitions, new product or service lines, new sales future sales to future (unidentified) customers.
territories, or new customers.
The present value of future income method is
Generally, this future income is not included a conceptually sound method to value goodwill.
in the entity’s current business plans or forecasts. Consistent with the income-based concept of good-
This future income is typically not associated with will, this method quantifies and assigns all of the
entity’s tangible assets or identifiable intangible entity’s income that cannot be associated with any of
assets in place as of the analysis date. Otherwise, the entity’s tangible assets or identifiable intangible
that future income would be included in the value of assets.
the entity’s tangible assets or identifiable intangible Goodwill is quantified as the present value of all
assets. Creating a projection of that future income is prospective income that cannot be associated with
a challenge. the current sources of income (for example, the enti-
For purposes of illustrating this method, let’s ty’s tangible assets and identifiable intangible assets
limit the discussion to analyzing the present value that are in place as of the analysis date).
of the expected future customers of an entity. In any Long-term projections of income derived from
residual method goodwill analysis, it is common for unidentified sources (for example, from unidentified
the financial adviser to estimate and present value future customers) are uncertain. As a result, it may
the prospective income associated with the current be difficult in practice to use this method to estimate
customer base. goodwill value.
This income projection (and the present value
procedure) is typically made over the expected
remaining useful life of the current customer rela- Goodwill under Alternative
tionships. The value of the entity’s current customer
base is the present value of the income to be earned Premises of Value
from providing future products or services to current A premise of value is an assumption about the set of
customers. actual or hypothetical transactional circumstances
Using the present value of future income method, applicable to the analysis. The premise of value
goodwill may be estimated as the present value of describes the facts surrounding the operational
the future income to be earned from providing future environment in which the defined standard of value
goods or services to future, unidentified, customers. transaction will take place. The premise of value
These future customers are unidentified new cus- may have an impact on the value of an entity’s or an
tomers who (presumably) will take the place of the individual’s goodwill.
entity’s current customers as the identified current All intangible assets, including goodwill, can be
customers retire. valued under the following alternative premises of
The present value of future income method value:
requires a projection of the entity’s income- 1. Value in continued use as part of a going
generating capacity. The projection begins with the concern INSIGHTS • SPRING 2015 19

for a bankruptcy purpose often may not involve the
identification or valuation of goodwill.
When the financial adviser selects the appropriate
premise of value on which to conduct the business
valuation, he or she considers whether the entity has
goodwill. If goodwill exists within the entity, then it
is likely that the entity does not have going-concern
risk. In other words, the entity’s HABU is likely to be
as a going concern. Therefore, it is likely to be appro-
priate to value the entity (and the tangible assets and
intangible assets) based on the premise of value in
continued use.
However, if no goodwill exists in the entity, then
that entity may suffer from going concern risk.
If there is no goodwill, the financial adviser may
conclude that a value in exchange premise of value
2. Value as an assemblage of assets in place but represents the HABU. Typically, the selection of the
not in current use appropriate premise of value is based on the HABU
of the entity or the tangible assets and intangible
3. Value in exchange as part of an orderly dis-
position of asset
Of course, there may be circumstances when the
4. Value in exchange as part of a voluntary liq-
entity is not being operated at its HABU. In those
uidation of asset
circumstances, the goodwill may have a greater value
5. Value in exchange as part of an involuntary based on a value in exchange premise of value rather
liquidation of assets than on a value in continued use premise of value.

The same goodwill of the same entity will likely

have a different value conclusion depending on the Goodwill Data Sources
premise of value that is applied in the analysis.
Goodwill data sources can be either internal or
A value in continued use, going-concern value external to the entity.
indication is influenced by the relative contribution
Internal data sources typically relate to documen-
and mutual economic benefits that are created by all
tation regarding the entity’s historical or prospective
assets of the entity.
results of operations.
Accordingly, the business value of most com-
External data sources typically relate to empirical
panies is greater than the sum of the values of the
pricing data with regard to the goodwill of guideline
component tangible assets and identifiable intangible
business or professional practice sale transactions.
assets. One goodwill component relates to the incre-
mental value that is created by assembling these
tangible assets and identifiable intangible assets in Internal Data Sources
an income-producing, going-concern business. The financial adviser considers all available data
Goodwill is often identified and quantified in sources regarding the goodwill owner/operator. These
a business valuation that is conducted based on a internal data sources typically fall into the following
going-concern premise of value. However, a busi- categories:
ness valuation conducted on the various value in 1. The existence of identified tangible assets
exchange premises of value may not include the and intangible assets, including a detailed
contributory value of all assembled tangible assets listing of working capital accounts, real
and intangible assets. This is because the entity’s estate, tangible personal property, and iden-
tangible assets and intangible assets are valued on tifiable intangible assets (including intellec-
an individual or piecemeal basis. Goodwill value is tual property)
often limited in a business valuation that is con-
2. The valuation of tangible assets and iden-
ducted based on one of the alternative value in
tifiable intangible assets, including recent
exchange premises of value.
appraisals of any asset category
For example, a business valuation that is based on 3. The historical results of business operations,
a value in exchange or liquidation premise of value including historical income statements,


balance sheets, cash flow statements, and Many medical and dental practice con-
capital statements sultants, financial advisers, and others find
4. The prospective results of business oper- the information published in the Goodwill
ations, including current budgets, plans, Registry to be an extremely useful tool, not
forecasts, and projections prepared for any only for ad hoc and formal practice valua-
purpose tions, but also for practice value trend analy-
sis and more.
n The Lawyer’s Competitive Edge: The Journal
Information from these internal data sources can of Law Office Economics and Management
be used in the goodwill valuation. (Eagan, MN: West, monthly). Practical man-
agement information to minimize falling prof-
its, client loss, and employee dissatisfaction.
External Data Sources
n Merger & Acquisition Survey of Architecture,
For certain industries (principally professional prac-
Engineering, Planning & Environmental
tices), there are publications, periodicals, and online
Consulting Firms (Natick, MA: Zweig White
data sources that report on the goodwill components
& Associates, annual). This comprehensive
of actual business sale transactions. Some of these
report includes all the latest data on the
data sources are listed in the next section.
state of merger and acquisition activity in
the design and environmental consulting
Directors, Periodicals, and Newsletters industry.
n Bank M&A Weekly (Charlottesville, VA: SNL n Public Accounting Report (Chicago:
Financial, weekly). Bank M&A Weekly is the Commerce Clearing House (CCH), biweek-
only source dedicated to comprehensive ly). The newsletter provides competitive
coverage of bank and thrift industry con- intelligence for public accounting firms and
solidation, including branch deals and other the profession. It is renowned for its straight
asset transactions. Delivered via e-mail reporting and analysis of the news, devel-
every week, each issue includes key deal opments, and trends that have defined the
ratios, buyer and target financials, industry profession for more than 20 years.
trends, and feature stories.
Public Accounting Report is written for
n Cable TV Investor: Deals & Finance public accounting firm partners and pro-
(Charlottesville, VA: SNL Kagan, monthly). fessionals, opinion leaders, and industry
Cable TV Investor: Deals & Finance pro- observers. A subscription includes 23 issues
vides access to data, deals, and valuation plus periodic special reports and extras,
metrics in the cable TV sector. In each issue, including the exclusive Public Accounting
Cable TV Investor: Deals & Finance brings Report Top 100 ranking of accounting firms.
in-depth analysis of the latest market trends n Valuation Survey of Architecture, Engineering,
and what they mean for the future. Planning & Environmental Consulting Firms
Data covered include private market (Natick, MA: Zweig White & Associates,
values of public cable TV stocks, details on annual). Valuation Survey of Architecture,
recent top cable TV deals, analysis of cable Engineering, Planning & Environmental
multiple-system operator (MSO) key grow- Consulting Firms is the definitive resource
ing revenue streams, operating data analy- for architectural, engineering, planning, or
sis, stock commentary, trends in financing, environmental consulting firms.
details on initial public offerings (IPOs), The survey data included in this report
quarterly MSO census, and annual detailed and the Zweig White exclusive Z-Formulas
cable industry forecasts. are useful for a firm sale or merger or inter-
n Goodwill Registry (Plymouth Meeting, nal purposes, such as ownership transition
PA: The Health Care Group, annual). The or employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
Goodwill Registry is the nation’s largest purposes.
database of health care practice transactions
and the only source of actual goodwill values Financial Ratios
paid. Published every spring since 1981, the n Almanac of Business and Industrial
Goodwill Registry contains data organized Financial Ratios, by Leo Troy (Chicago,
by medical and dental specialty, state, loca- CCH, annual). This source contains finan-
tion, and other practice characteristics. cial ratios derived from federal tax returns. INSIGHTS • SPRING 2015 21

Ratios for each of about 200 industries are n RMA Annual Statement Studies
arranged according to company asset size. (Philadelphia: PA: The Risk Management
n Industry Financial Analysis Profiles (Camp Association, annual). Five-year comparative
Hill, PA: BizMiner, database). Five-year com- analysis includes income and expenses, bal-
parative analysis includes income statements, ance sheets, and key industry ratios catego-
balance sheets, and key financial ratios for rized by sales and assets size range for over
more than 10,000 lines of business. 740 industries.
Income statement analysis includes cost Income and expense ratios include gross
of sales, officer compensation, payroll, rent, profit, operating expenses, officer compen-
taxes, interest, amortization and deprecia- sation, and depreciation and amortization
tion, advertising, employee benefits, and expense as a percentage of sales.
other selling, general, and administrative
expenses in both dollars and as a percentage
of sales. Available in all firms, small busi- Trade and Professional Organizations
ness, sole proprietor, and business start-up n American Bar Association. 321 North Clark
versions. Street, Chicago, IL 60654. Phone: (800)
n Integra Industry Reports (Kennesaw, GA: 621-6159 or (312) 988-5000, www.ameri-
Integra Information, Microbilt Corporation,
database). Available in QuickTrends, 3-Year, n American Institute of Architects. 1735 New
and 5-Year versions, which include income York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006.
statements, balance sheets, and key busi- Phone: (202) 626-7300,
ness ratios by sales size range for over 900
industries. n American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants. 1211 Ave. of the Americas,
The five-year report includes cost of sales,
New York, NY 10036-8775. Phone: (800)
officer compensation, employee benefits,
862-4272 or (212) 596-6200,
advertising, bad debts, rent, depreciation,
and other selling, general, and administra- n American Medical Association. 515 N. State
tive expenses in both dollars and as a per- St., Chicago, IL 60610. Phone: (800) 621-
centage of sales. 8335,
n FINTEL Industry Metrics Reports (Madison,
WI: Fintel LLC, database). Reports provide
financial information drawn from a database Goodwill Value Illustrative
of over 900,000 privately held firms in over
2,500 industry groups as classified either Example
by standard industry classification or North This simplified example applies the capitalized
American Industry Classification System. excess earnings method to estimate the professional
Size breakdowns are into small, medium- practice goodwill value in a small corporate transac-
sized, and large segments specific to each tion.
industry rather than breakdowns based on
In this example, let’s assume that the physician
fixed size thresholds.
owners of Zeta Physicians Clinic (Zeta) and Eta
Common-sized income statement and
Medicine, Inc. (Eta), have decided to enter into a
balance sheet data (major accounts) for
joint venture to provide certain acute care medical
each size segment (as-if statements) are dis-
services. The joint venture will be called the Theta
played as are 14 commonly used and insight-
Medical Group (“Theta”).
ful financial ratios for each industry.
n IRS Corporate Ratios (Libertyville, IL:
In this transaction, Zeta provides the Theta joint
Schonfeld & Associates, annual or data- venture with the following:
base). Ten years of corporate tax return data 1. The use (but not the ownership) of its trade-
and financial ratios for over 250 industry mark and trade name and its associated
groups is provided. positive reputation
Information provided includes income 2. Access to (but not the ownership of) its
and expenses, balance sheets, and key busi- patient charts and records and the associ-
ness ratios, with data categorized within an ated patient loyalty
industry group by asset size.


To simplify this example, let’s assume that the
financial adviser is asked to value these discrete Exhibit 1
intangible assets collectively as goodwill. Let’s Zeta Physicians Clinic Goodwill Valuation
assume that this goodwill is the only asset to be con- Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2014
tributed by Zeta to Theta. Eta will provide all of the
tangible assets and all of the working capital assets Assets
(but no liabilities) to Theta.
Current assets $3,000,000
Eta will contribute tangible assets and work-
ing capital assets to the Theta joint venture in an
Property, plant, and equipment 2,000,000
amount equal to the goodwill value contributed by Total assets $5,000,000
Zeta. The Theta joint venture will be formed as of
December 31, 2014. Liabilities
The owners of Eta and Zeta have to divide the Current liabilities $1,000,000
equity ownership of the Theta joint venture. The
owners have agreed to allocate the equity value
Long-term debt 1,000,000
based on the relative values of the assets contributed
by each party. Total liabilities 2,000,000
The objective of the analysis is to estimate the
value of the goodwill contributed by Zeta to the Owner's Equity 3,000,000
Theta, as of December 31, 2014 (the valuation date). Total liabilities and owner’s equity $5,000,000
The purpose of the analysis is to allocate the Theta
equity ownership.
Most of the value in the Theta joint venture is Exhibit 2
related to its expected future revenue and income. Zeta Physicians Clinic Goodwill Valuation
Based on the specific facts of this assignment, Projected Income Statement as of December 31, 2014
the financial adviser concludes that the income
approach and the capitalized excess earnings method
is appropriate to value the Zeta goodwill. Projected Fiscal
Exhibit 1 presents the projected balance sheet
as of the December 31, 2014, date of inception Ended 12/31/15
of the joint venture. Exhibit 2 presents the joint Net revenue $8,000,000
venture projected next year income statement as Operating expenses
of December 31, 2014. The projected income state-
ment is based on the financial adviser’s projection of
Cash expenses 5,400,000
revenue and expenses. The joint venture projected Depreciation expense 1,000,000
net cash flow as of December 31, 2014, is presented Interest expense 100,000
in Exhibit 3 on the following page.
Total expenses 6,500,000
For purposes of this analysis, the financial Pretax income 1,500,000
adviser defines excess earnings as the difference
between the Theta projected total income and a
Income tax expense (600,000)
total fair return on the Theta tangible assets and Net income $900,000
working capital assets. The fair rates of return
applied to the Theta working capital assets, tangible
assets, and goodwill are based on market-derived assets are expected to earn a higher asset-specific
evidence. rate of return than financial assets are expected to
Intangible assets (including goodwill) generally earn.
have a greater level of financial and operational risk Exhibit 4 presents the financial adviser’s esti-
than do tangible assets. And, tangible assets gener- mate of the joint venture excess earnings. Exhibit 5
ally have a greater level of financial and operational illustrates the procedure for capitalizing the excess
risk than do working capital (or financial) assets. earnings into an estimate of goodwill. Based on this
Typically, intangible assets are expected to earn illustrative analysis, the value of the Zeta goodwill
a higher asset-specific rate of return than tangible contribution to the Theta, as of December 31, 2014,
assets are expected to earn. Typically, tangible is $2,700,000. INSIGHTS • SPRING 2015 23

Accordingly, Zeta contributed $2,700,000
Exhibit 3 of intangible asset value to Theta. And, Eta will
Zeta Physicians Clinic Goodwill Valuation contribute $3,000,000 of current assets and
Projected Net Cash Flow as of December 31, 2014 $2,000,000 of tangible assets ($5,000,000 in total) to
Theta. Therefore, the Theta equity will be allocated
Projected Fiscal
35 percent to Zeta ($2,700,000 ÷ $7,700,000) and 65
Year Ended
percent to Eta ($5,000,000 ÷ $7,700,000).
Net Cash Flow (to invested capital) 12/31/2015
Projected net income $900,000
plus: Tax-affected interest expense 60,000 Summary
equals: After tax net operating income 960,000
There are different types of goodwill, including (1)
plus: Depreciation expense 1,000,000 business or institutional goodwill and (2) personal
less: Capital expenditures 1,000,000 or professional goodwill. Financial advisers are often
less: Increase in net working capital 100,000 asked to value these different types of goodwill for
equals: Projected net cash flow $860,000 transaction, taxation, financial accounting, litiga-
tion, and other purposes. This discussion describes
the various components of goodwill and the various
reasons why financial advisers—particularly inde-
Exhibit 4 pendent financial advisers—may be asked to value
Zeta Physicians Clinic Goodwill Valuation goodwill.
Estimate of Excess Income as of December 31, 2014
This discussion considered the types of business
Valuation Analysis goodwill and personal goodwill and summarized the
common components and types of goodwill.
Projected net cash flow $860,000
This discussion explained that the income
Working capital asset value 2,000,000 approach is not the only approach to value goodwill.
The cost approach and the market approach may
Required rate of return [a] 6%
also be appropriate to a goodwill valuation.
Fair return on working capital assets (120,000)
The independent financial adviser should care-
Tangible asset value 2,000,000 fully consider which valuation approach is most
appropriate for the specific type of entity and the
Required rate of return [a] 10%
specific type of assignment.
Fair return on net tangible assets (200,000)
In addition, with consideration of any instruc-
Total fair return on working capital tion provided by legal counsel, the financial adviser
assets and tangible assets (320,000) should apply a valuation approach and valuation
method that concludes the standard of value and
Excess income $540,000 premise of value appropriate to the purpose and
objective of the goodwill valuation.
[a] Based on market-derived rate of return evidence.

Exhibit 5 Robert Reilly is a manag-

ing director of the firm and
Zeta Physicians Clinic Goodwill Valuation is resident in our Chicago
Capitalized Excess Earnings Method Value Conclusion as of December 31, 2014 office. Robert can be reached
at (773) 399-4318 or at
Valuation Analysis Value
Excess income $540,000
Divided by: Selected direct capitalization rate 20%
Equals: Intangible value in the nature of goodwill $2,700,000

Value of the Zeta Physicians Clinic goodwill

contributed to the Theta joint venture (rounded) $2,700,000


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