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Chapter 1

Well, I’ll tell it to you straight: the world is going to end. Soon. In all my 17
years in this world, nothing had prepared me for it. I mean, how can you prepare
d for the end of the world? Knowing that at any moment you could die? It kinda f
reaks you out non-stop, always looking behind your shoulder, not caring how much
weight you put on, or how you look. Being a teenage witch does help you prepare
a little bit, but honestly, death scares even me, even worse than that is etern
al life in a post-apocalyptic world. Unfortunately, as a witch, it is standard p
rocedure for me to be ‘turned’ in between the ages of 17 and 20. So shit for me now.
In this world, we ‘living’ people walk amongst the ‘undead’. In fact, they out populate
us by a couple of million, which technically means that we are nearly extinct. T
hey feed from us legally, and we can’t do anything about it. Everyday I hear of so
meone I know becoming either a ‘fangbanger’ or being found drained in their rooms. I
don’t believe that anyone should have the right to take another’s life, but it’s a de
ath warrant to say that out loud. You can’t tell anyone how you feel, not even you
r closest friends can be trusted.
So I lead a solitary life. Keeping myself to myself. I go to school, learn and t
ry and remain invisible to ‘Vampyr’ groups working in the area. I daydream constantl
y, wishing I was somewhere else, anywhere where they don’t have a bloodsucker lurk
ing round the corner. I have survived all these years without being an unwilling
or even willing blood donor, and I hope to keep it that way, well, until the wo
rld ends hopefully. Which, as I said, is soon. Within the next month it is going
to become apocalyptic, wiping out all humans, and leaving the Vampyrs to die ou
t slowly, who will eventually die out because there will be no blood left for th
em. I really don’t want to be around in a world where there are feral, hungry Vamp
yrs roaming with that stare of death in their eyes.
Oh, I forgot to say who I am! My name is Alice Bronte, and I am a really bad mag
e (or witch but they’re the same thing to be honest). I grew up with my mum; dad l
eft couple of year’s back, so it’s just been us. We live in London, UK. Which I thin
k is brilliant, so many opportunities here, and loads of places to hide. I hide
a lot, because almost everyday I’m hunted by bloodsuckers. It gets annoying after
the first year. I mean, I used to find it exciting to be chased by Vampyrs, the
who ‘if they catch me’ factor made it thrilling, and a great rush. But when you’re run
ning after school, or on the way home from buying milk, or even just answering t
he door, you just get sick of it. My mum doesn’t know I’m being hunted, which is rea
lly hard to keep secret as I’m home late everyday, and sometimes I just disappear
for a day. She’s given me shit about it, but she knows something is up, but doesn’t
try and tell me to stay home, or tell her what’s happening. It makes me love her e
ven more.
I first found out that I’m a mage when I accidentally set the flat on fire. Mum wa
sn’t pleased about that, but she had tears of joy in her eyes. She found out that
day that I was as special as she always thought I was, It was like a kind of val
idation for her. That was 2 years ago, and the hunting came a year later. It fir
st occurred on my way home from school; I had just finished my first mage class
with 4 other people (all guys to my despair) and I found 3 of them waiting outsi
de the school gates. They looked too suspicious to be just hanging there, and it
was just my luck that it was an overcast day. I tried walking past them, but on
ce I passed through the gates, they started stalking in my direction. I freaked
of course. I was used to the Vampyrs, but I had never had any of them come after
me. I started to run for the bus stop, but they sped up too, can I just say tha
t Vampyrs may be incredibly strong but they’re not fast, they run at the same spee
d as normal humans, so yay for me. I got as far as the corner about 3 minutes fr
om the school, and I could see the bus stop. There was no one there. Shit. They
caught up with me very quickly after that; I’d given up all hope of being rescued
or even of out running them.
To my surprise, all the guys from my mage class were running up behind the Vampy
rs .I was so glad they were there; it showed that us mages stick together. Unfor
tunately they had no power over the Vampyrs, and once they reached them, they we
re slaughtered. I took the chance to escape, and bolted to one of the residentia
l streets across from the bus stop. Thank god I knew my way around here. I was f
ar away from that scene of death before the Vampyrs had even finished draining t
heir prey. That was when I began to hate the Vampyrs. I witnessed my first massa
cre, and I had run instead of dies with them. Well, at least I wasn’t dead.

Chapter 2
Exactly a week ago, in the middle of my mage class, I was told that the world wa
s going to end. And that I was the one who had to save it. I just laughed. And I
mean laughed, I ended up hyperventilating, nearly rolling in my seat. Shit, if
I knew that Mr Hamilton (my mage teacher) wasn’t joking, I would’ve looked less of a
n idiot. But, I was a lot more naïve a week ago. Now, I suppose I’ve matured a bit,
I’ve started to prepare myself for the end. But I want to spend it with my mum, no
t traipsing off and leaving her while I supposedly ‘save the world’. Feels selfish.
Actually not saving the world seems selfish. I don’t know, it’s all too confusing. A
ll I know that is if I want to have a future in this world, I have to save it.
When I’d finally stopped laughing, and had wiped the tears from my face, Mr Hamilt
on told me he was being serious, and he was so sincere in his words, and the loo
k in his eyes told me he wasn’t joking. He told me that it was prophesised that in
the year when the 7th Vampyr King dies, all of life would be wiped off the face
of the earth. Total apocalypse. Everything living would die, and the things tha
t walked upon the earth that were not of the sun, would perish after a month in
a state of starvation. Meaning they die of lack of blood. Yay for them. At least
we go quickly. Mr Hamilton finished his little information lecture, but didn’t te
ll me how I am the source of the cure to all of this. Little shit wanted me to s
uffer in silence, and worry my ass off wondering how I can save man and Vampyr k
ind alike. But, turns out he wasn’t, he just didn’t know himself. He told me to wait
at the fountain at Piccadilly Circus at 2am in one week for this ‘Gaspard’ to show
up. He said that if I didn’t then the world would end. Tricky decision. Die with d
ignity in a month? Or die saving the world and maybe even staying alive and beco
ming a hero?
So here I am, waiting in the rain at Piccadilly Circus, waiting for this guy to
show up. Apparently he’s going to tell me what it is I’m supposed to do to save the
world. Mr Hamilton didn’t tell me anything except that I had to wait here, and ‘wait
to be approached’. Whatever that means. I’m completely soaked, and actually decidin
g to go home and let the world end. I don’t care now; I’ll probably die out here, al
l alone, and vulnerable, with nothing but my hairspray to protect me. I’m shiverin
g now, and it’s 2:10. The little wanker isn’t going to show. I knew it. This was all
a ruse to get me alone so I could be turned. Well, if that’s the case, I’m going ho
Oh. My. God. He is cute. I mean seriously the cutest guy you will ever see. Shag
gy blonde hair that covers one eye, dimples, skinny jeans and Doc Martins. Yummy
. And knows who I am. Oh, it must be Gaspard. Answer, quickly!
“Yeah, and you must be Gaspard” luckily my voice stayed neutral, thank you whoever i
s up there in those hateful heavens. For once you let me do something right.
“Yes, I am Gaspard. You’re soaking, why didn’t you bring a coat or something?” his eyes
flicker over me, taking in what must be a sight of tangled wet hair, and … shit, w
et t-shirt. My life is over. I’m blushing now. Lucky me. Cute guy and I blush. Wel
l, I have a good reason to. The guy can probably see my bra right now, actually
it is quite dark, and maybe I’m too covered in shadow?
“Well, it wasn’t raining when I left, and I don’t really care if I get wet. I like the
rain. It refreshes me.” I think I’ll try a coy smile. Nope, comes off as a smirk, n
ow I’m really going to look unattractive.
“Same for me, but I think you’ve had a bit too much rain. We can’t have our saviour dy
ing before the world is supposed to.” He’s walking towards me and I’m shivering like a
lunatic. Didn’t actually realise how cold I am until he mentioned it. Now I’m too c
old, and the rain isn’t helping one little bit. In fact I think I may die. But, wa
it. I now have his coat round my shoulders. “Here, this should keep you warm.”
“Err, thanks,” now I sound pathetic. Great.
“Maybe we should go somewhere covered? My flat isn’t far from here, just round the c
orner. You know, the road leading to Chinatown? There’s blankets and clothes if yo
u want to borrow something dry.” Wow, he really cuts to the chase. But I suppose i
f we have to talk, we might as well do it out of the rain. So I find myself nodd
ing, and my hair is now flapping like seaweed.
Walking with Gaspard is like walking with someone really fast. I’m so out of breat
h it’s a wonder I have any left. But I mean I have to keep up with him, he’s my only
protection, and I really want to know how I’m going to save the world. So I gotta
keep up. God my feet hurt, stupid converses, I swear my feet are going to fall
off in a minute if don’t stop walking.
“Just here, sorry I was so fast. It’s just I don’t like being out so late.”
Finally, he has actually stopped. It’s so nice not to be moving, but I suppose thi
s is only till he can get the door opened, which he has now done. Very quickly I
must say. His hand gestures to the door so that I can now go through.
“Thanks,” smiling as I’m going past. He’s smiling too, and… bugger. He’s got fangs.
Chapter 3
“You’re a fucking Vampyr!” Shaking in my converses, and not from the cold. Fear shiver
s down my spine. This is not good, why the hell is he a Vampyr? Why would the on
ly guy able to help me turn out to be a bloodsucker?
“Didn’t anyone tell you?” Actual concern is flickering in his eyes. Didn’t think these s
leazy pricks could feel. “Well obviously they didn’t. you wouldn’t have come if they h
ad.” The door was suddenly closed behind him, and the stupid idiot I am, I didn’t mo
ve at all. In fact I haven’t moved at all since I saw the fangs. I don’t know what’s w
rong with me, it’s like I can’t move. I have to get out of here, it isn’t safe. He cou
ld attack me at any moment, and no one would know where I am. I’m so stupid; I can’t
believe I fell into this obvious trap.
“Let. Me. Go.” Even my voice is shaking now. So much for being a confident person. M
y teeth are currently gritted, because if they weren’t I think I would scream. I h
ate being trapped; the fact that I have no power over a situation really freaks
me out. I have to have power, or I go mad. Must be a dominance thing.
“You know I can’t do that. We need to talk. Like you, I don’t want to die, and to make
sure of that we have to work together. I promise you I am not going to hurt you
.” His hand is held out to me. Well, seems to me like I have no choice. I’m not stro
ng, and I suppose, if he wanted to kill me he would’ve done that by now. So I take
his outstretched hand and we start going up the stairs to what I suppose is his
flat. Well, it is a flat, a very small one at that. Clean, but really, really s
imple. A bed, a kitchen and a very small living area with what seems like an anc
ient TV set. Might even be black and white. Sheesh, talk about living in the pas
t. The kitchen is completely bare, but seeing as he takes meals on wheels, it re
ally isn’t surprising.
I find myself being seated on the sofa, a blue, saggy three-seater, and being of
fered a blanket. Wow, talk about hospitality. Even after my, err, little hissy f
it, he’s nice to me. I never thought a Vampyr could be so nice, but I suppose I te
nd to be running from them, not being helped by one. When the table turns, I sup
pose I have to admit that they can be civil. Well, to a limit.
He still is gorgeous though. Even for a filthy bloodsucker. Oh God, don’t say I’ve b
ecome soft on them, just because I think some guy is cute? That’s just effed up, I
really mean it. Gaspard is now sitting on the opposite end of the sofa, looking
sheepish. And I mean sheepish, I mean what’s that about?
“I suppose I should start at the beginning of my life,” ok, maybe that’s why, “and then
go onto the prophecy. In 1774, I was born Gaspard Toulouse in pre-revolutionary
France, and a distant cousin of King Louis XVI. Unfortunately close enough to be
put on the execution list during the Revolution. I was studying in Paris when i
t broke out in 1789, and I was unable to leave. So, I stayed, hoping that it wou
ld pass. I was naïve.” Even his sigh is gorgeous. Shush, brain, must listen to Gaspa
rd. “I spent a year of
studying, living without much money, and trying to avoid the mobs who flocked th
e streets. But in 1791, they came for me. A group of 7 or 8 large men with torch
es broke down the door to my small room, and dragged me to one of the dungeons w
here they held the other nobles. I knew then I was going to die.”
Bloody hell, the poor guy. Must’ve been really hard on him. Thinking you were goin
g to die because of who you were. Wait, I’ve already experienced that, I don’t need
to pity him.
“On the day before I was due to visit Madame de Guillotine, I was visited by a sha
dow who offered eternal life. Of course, what was I supposed to answer with? I w
as about to die, and eternal life seemed so much more promising than being behea
ded. So I said yes. I did not know that I had made the biggest mistake of my lif
“Turning is not as bad as one might think. The bite itself is actually soothing, y
ou feel no pain, and everything seems to swim around you. You feel weightless an
d really happy. But that was the nice part. When it is over and you have drunk s
ome of your sire’s blood, then your whole world becomes your enemy. You’re hungry, a
nd you start sniffing out your first victim. Unfortunately, I was turned in the
dungeon, and the only other people were my family, but the blood lust was too st
rong and I drained them all. No one screamed, they were too tired for that, I li
ke to think that it was better for them to die there than in front of those crow
ds. More humane.”
“How the hell is that more humane!” This is why I hated Vampyrs; they claimed they w
ere doing the ‘humane thing’ by draining people. “You kill people by draining their bl
ood, and you do it without their consent. That’s like life rape, you’re murdering th
ese people for food.”
“Humans eat meat do they not? It is the same; we kill for food as you do. But you
do not need it to survive as a race, whereas we do if we want to stay in this wo
rld. You can repopulate the world by having just one male and one female in exis
tence in the world. We cannot. We depend on humans to produce children so we hav
e more food, just like you depend on cows or chickens to produce babies so you h
ave more meat.” His eyes are staring into mine; I never noticed how beautiful they
are. They’re kind of blue-y green/ like the ocean. And he has just completely cha
nged my viewpoint on how Vampyrs live. How did he do that?
“We do not have much time, I must continue with my story,” all I could do is nod my
head. I need to let him continue. He’s right, before I know it, it will be morning
, and he can’t be awake, he’ll burn. “I travelled after that, I fled Paris in the nigh
t. Killing all who came my way. I knew the legend of the Vampyr, which I had bec
ome, and knew I had to find shelter out of the sun before dawn. I found a boarde
d up nobles house about 40 miles outside Paris, and stayed there for the day. Th
e next night I continued to do so until 3 years ago when I settled here in Londo
n. Although I have been in the UK for around a hundred years, and that is why I
do not have a French accent anymore. I needed to blend in, and adjust to the mod
ern times. Hence the outfit, which I have to say, is more comfortable than the w
igs and outfits I wore in my time.” Oh definitely, that outfit made him look scrum
ptious, and I’ve seen what they used to wear in his day. Not scrumptious.
“Anyway, here I am, in this day and age. Forever nineteen, forever young, just as
the shadow promised.” There’s such sadness in his eyes. I really want to hug him. “Abo
ut a year ago I had a dream. In it, you and I were travelling in the land of the
Faeries, on a mission to save both Vampyr and human alike. I could sense in you
r aura that you were a mage, and that told me that you were powerful. I vowed th
at when I awoke I would search for you, and see what powers you held. To see if
the prophecy would become true or not. I had heard of the prophecy almost two hu
ndred years ago, it said that a pure Vampyr and a mage would save the world from
apocalypse when the 7th Vampyr King dies. Well, the current Vampyr king is the
7th, and his powers have slowly started to deteriorate, leaving him a hollow she
ll. He is the first ever Vampyr to die of a natural cause. Which for us isn’t natu
ral, we are either staked, burned or poisoned with garlic. Natural deaths are no
t part of our world.”
“What does any of this have to do with me? I’m one of the worst mages in history. I
can’t do anything.” I can’t keep the disappointment off of my face, I’m so ashamed that
I can’t control any of my powers. I’m a crap mage.
Gaspard’s mouth is now a smile, showing off his gleaming white fangs, and he’s looki
ng sheepish again. “Well. You’re the only female mage ever to have existed.”

Chapter 4
Wow, that’s news to me. And if I may say so, completely unsurprising. I thought it
was weird that I never saw another female mage. But I put that down to them bei
ng turned before I could meet them.
“No shit! God, that’s, err, news.”
“Well, It means that you are currently being hunted by some of the world’s most famo
us Vampyr assassins.”
“What the fuck? Why are they hunting me? I thought I was supposed to be their savi
our?” Sheesh, you try to do a nice thing and it bites you on the ass. Great.
“You are, but some Vampyr leaders believe that this apocalypse is going to cleanse
the world of humans, so Vampyrs can rule. They are too ignorant to realise that
we will become extinct nearly as soon as your species do. We depend on you for
our survival. Without you, we are nothing.”
“Even with us you’re nothing,” I find myself scoffing in reply. Gaspard’s eyes have turn
ed red, talk about quick mood changes.
“You should be lucky to have us near your species. We are a superior race to yours
. You would be nothing without us. We have made you the creatures you are today.”
“Ok. One, you are not superior. And two, we worked our butts off to get where we a
re. You can’t exist without us so don’t go saying shit like you’re superior.”
Wow, he looks really, really angry now. Maybe I shouldn’t have pissed him off so m
uch? Well too late now. Looks like he’s gonna blow.
“You dirty little vermin! How dare you speak to me like that! I have been around m
uch, much longer than you have. And have more experience than your pathetic huma
n life. It is blasphemy that you speak to me like this.” Sheesh, anger management
problems. Obviously.
Ok, maybe I need to try and, err, sort this out. I mean, I’ve got to travel with t
his guy, and save the world with him. I think it would be better if he didn’t hate
my guts. So, I clear my breath and… “Ok, chill. Can you just remember that we have
to like travel together? And also, did you forget the sun? It’s nearly 5am, the su
n’s going to be up in an hour or so.” Well, that ought to do it. Postpone the argume
nt to tomorrow. He can think of ways to kill me slowly while he sleeps, or whate
ver he does during the day. “You ok with finishing this discussion tonight?” Because
I have to go, and you have to sleep. I have school as well today, and if I don’t
go home now I won’t have my stuff. And also I need to say hi to my mum.”
That look’s back. Like he could murder me look. I don’t think he liked my postponeme
nt of the argument. Well, for all a care we could argue till he burns, but I don’t
have that long. And I really do want to save the world. And I want to see my mu
m, it might be the last time I do.
“Ok, then” gritted teeth now; he’s going all out on irritated Vampyr attitude now. “Unti
l tomorrow then. Just make sure you are here as soon as the sun sets, grab a key
on your way out for the outside door. I will leave this door,” gesturing to the o
ne to his flat, “unlatched.”
Well, I definitely heard him talk, but I blinked and he’s gone. Literally. The guy
really does freak me out, he’s cute, but he freaks me out. And that is not a good
thing. Well, I suppose I better grab the key by the door. Heading for the door,
I grab it, and put it in my jeans pocket. Do I close his front door? No, better
not. He’ll probably close it when I’m gone. Sure enough, I’m halfway down the stairs
and I hear it shutting. A giant ‘creak’ emanating from Gaspard’s floor. Well, gotta ge
t home. Maybe I could grab some coffee at the McDonalds at Piccadilly Circus, an
d then the bus straight home.
I’ve got my coffee, and there are actual people around. So nice to be among civili
sation instead of hostile Vampyrs. Turning for the bus stop. Red eyes are starin
g at me. Who the fuck? Ok, don’t panic, it is not a Vampyr; they can’t come out duri
ng the day. It’s just some stupid person trying to make people scared by wearing r
ed contacts. Breathe. Oh no. A sneering smile coming from the mouth of this weir
do, and he is definitely a Vampyr, I can see his fangs. This cannot be happening
, how is he in broad daylight? It’s not possible!
I’m running in the opposite direction of him. I have to get as far away as possibl
e. I feel like crying, this is not supposed to be happening. Vampyrs cannot stan
d in the daylight and survive. They have to be underground or at least in a ligh
tproof room. Oh god, I can feel him behind me. And do you know what the worst th
ing is? I can’t run anymore. I’ve run up Regent St, and am nearly at the Oxford St d
iagonal crossing. I. Have. To. Slow. Down. But instead, I find myself stopping.
He’s now behind me, lurking. I really can’t take this. So, I’m turning around.

Chapter 5
Good for me. A stand off. I’m being bumped by the masses of people on their way to
work. But he’s standing there. Still staring at me with those inhuman eyes, that
glare in the sun. Unmoving between the humans. How the hell hasn’t anyone noticed
that this freak is a Vampyr? Am I the only one who can see him? Talk about freak
y. Leave it up to me to be chased by an invisible Vampyr. Just my luck.
“Ok. Who the fuck are you?”
Silence. Ok new tactic. Push someone into him. I’ve tripped some poor man into the
space, which the ‘thing’ inhabits. And… he’s falling right through him. Well, time to r
un again I think. So yet again I’m running, but at least now I kind of know what I’m
up against: a hologram of a Vampyr. Better than the real thing.
“Aaaalllliiiiicccceeee,” oh god that’s creepy. Sort of like a whine and a beckoning. “Co
me here Alliccee, you cannot hide forever.” Now I’m seriously freaked out, this is a
whole new level of freaky. How the hell have they projected an image of this Va
mpyr into the daylight? They’re not even awake! I know, this must be like one of t
he dreaming or something, forcing a diluted version of him into the world where
he can’t tread with his real body. Shit, if they can do that. What else can they d
Well, I definitely don’t want to find out, so I’m jumping on the first bus I see wit
h its doors open. Thank god, it’s a 7, lucky me to find a bus that takes me straig
ht home. I’ve already buzzed my oyster and am walking to the back of the bus, just
need to sit down and catch my breath. People are staring, well fuck them. They
haven’t just been chased by a hologram of a Vampyr; they have no reason to stare.
So, I’ve pasted on my face the ‘piss off and leave me alone’ face. And it’s already work
ing. And also, at least that fucked up hologram Vampyr thing has gone.
Home, I’m trudging up the stairs to my flat, the lift, of course, is broken again.
All I can hear is the lift randomly stating,
“This lift is out of order,” fucking retarded. Ugh, so I’m finally on my floor, but I’m
at my door and… what the fuck? The door’s open!
“MUM! You in there?” oh god, what if the Vampyrs had been here while I was out? What
if they’d killed my mum?
I’ve entered the front door and closed the door, seems a bit too late now, but nev
er mind. And coming up the corridor is: my mother. All in one piece but looking
like shit. “Alice Bronte, where the hell have you been?!” yeah, this is worse, she’s t
he devil incarnate. I think I would’ve preferred her being kidnapped, than her doi
ng this to me right now.
“Err, out with friends?” well, better lie than tell her the truth.
“You said you didn’t have friends,” oops, busted. “You were with a boy!” And bingo, she’s m
de me blush, which to her is conformation. Geez how does she do that?
“No mum, not with a boy. Ok? I’m not interested with them full stop. So you can skip
the whole, protective mother thing. I’m here and that’s all what matters.” Moving tow
ards her, “and if you don’t mind, I need to change and collect my stuff for school.”
And now she’s blocking the door. Sheesh. “You are not going anywhere young lady. I k
now something’s up and you’re not leaving for school until you tell me what.” Goody, I
get to explain the end of the world to my mum, and the fact that I have to save
it along with, you said it, the most gorgeous Vampyr. Hell, even I’m having some
problems adjusting to it. Here goes:
“Ok then mum, the world is going to end in one month. I have to save it because I’m
the only female mage that has ever existed. Oh and I forgot to tell you: I have
to work with a Vampyr.” Shock horror, my mum’s speechless. Well, for a short amount
of time:
“Oh, darling,” and she’s hugging me, err weird. “I didn’t think that the king was dying! N
o one told me! I could’ve helped you…”
“You what? You knew about the prophecy? You knew that the world was going to end?” a
nd here I was worried to tell her. That was a kick in the butt.
“Of course darling. I mean, I’m descended from Vampyrs, as are you, and we all know
Now THAT was an even more giant kick in the butt. “I’m descended from scum? What the
fuck am I descended from them? They can’t even reproduce for fucks sakes.” I believ
e I’m now red.
“Well, your grandfather, my father, was a Vampyr with the gift of fertility. But h
e could not reproduce pure Vampyrs; instead he brought me into the world. A half
-breed. I can live off both blood and normal human food. I have no allergy to th
e sun, but if I spend too long in it I get a very bad migraine.”
Wow, my innocent mum can live off blood. That’s not something you hear everyday. “Bu
t mum, how is me being related to bloodsuckers have anything to do with saving t
he world?” she has the same sheepish look that Gaspard has when he’s about to tell m
e something big.
“It was also prophesised that a daughter of the Vampyr, you, would vanquish all ev
il from the realm of the Faeries. That, I suppose is where the origin of the apo
calypse is.”
That gives a new meaning to ‘away with the faeries’.

Chapter 6
Ok, I think I kinda freaked out when mum told me that stuff. Well, maybe a bit m
ore than that. I, err, ran out of the flat, skipped school and cried in Hyde Par
k. Yeah, I think that’s a bit more than just freaking out. Well, I ended up at Gas
pard’s a tiny bit earlier than he said to be. Ok, ok, a lot earlier. So, what am I
supposed to do? Go home? Stay out? I don’t think either of those options is going
to agree with me, so I might as well just let myself in. it’s not trespassing if
I have a key.
So, yet again I’m going up these stairs. It looks different in the daylight, not s
o threatening. But I suppose that yesterday (or this morning I should say) I was
coming here under different circumstances. I was panicked this morning; I’d just
found out a cute guy was a Vampyr and that I was completely alone with him. Whic
h is really not good. I mean, I’ve spent the past couple of years running from the
m, and now I have to work for them.
The door is actually unlatched yay. So, I think that gives me permission to ente
r, don’t you think? Actually don’t answer; I don’t want to hear it. So, I’m pushing the
door open, and it’s pitch black inside. I mean even bats would get claustrophobic
in there. I really don’t want to go in! I’m really scared that something’s going to ju
mp out at me, but I’ve got to brave it.
One-step… two steps… and I’m in. shit it’s dark in here. Ok, gotta feel around for somet
hing, anything that will light this place up. Aha! Cold steel is tight in my han
d; I think it’s a torch. Either that or a steel pole. I really hope it’s a torch. Ye
s! I can feel the button near what I suppose is the top of the torch. Click. And
it works. Must be my lucky day. The beam of the torch glares searchingly over t
he sofa, the TV and… oh fuck the sleeping Vampyr.
Ok, don’t panic. Just calmly walk around the scary sleeping Vampyr, that’s it, don’t b
eam the light near him. Just slowly walk by. Ok, in the kitchen, I need to get a
weapon. I mean, what if Gaspard wakes up hungry? I’m the only human here! God, I
should’ve eaten some garlic, ugh, no not garlic it doesn’t work! I’ve tried it, but it
had no effect on any Vampyr! Just my luck really. “Just relax and take your time.
Sunset isn’t for ages, and he can’t wake up before then” I’m finding myself whispering
for comfort. Sheesh, I’m so weird.
I think I fell asleep! I don’t know how, but I’m curled up in a ball on the kitchen
floor. This is getting a bit weird, I mean I find out I’m like a quarter Vampyr, a
nd before that I found out that I have to save the world, and now I forget if I
sleep. Something is up. I don’t know what, but something is definitely up. Time to
uncurl, I think, so slowly I go. One body part at a time righting itself. My le
gs, my arms and finally my torso and head. Well, at least I didn’t get a head rush
. They’re just nasty.
Ok, the light is on, not the torch, but the main light. That means… shit. Gaspard
must be up. And he must’ve seen me sleeping on the floor, just great this evening
just gets better and better.
“Alice?” I’m twirling around and… ow! Who the fuck would have a cupboard right there? Oh
yeah, a normal person. And now I’m in Gaspard’s arms. How did that happen?
“Are you ok?” wow, he’s really warm for a Vampyr, almost like a living person, and he’s
so tall. “Alice? Answer me. Are you ok?”
I’m trying to talk but all I can do is croak out “yeah I am.” Did I say that out load?
“Good.” Well, seems like I did, but I’m alone again. Why’d he let me go? I enjoyed his g
entle hold. It seemed strong, but not oppressing. Ok, am I yearning for a bloods
ucker now? I must’ve really banged my head. Gaspard’s on the other side of the room,
arms crossed over his chest. He’s looking protective of himself. Why? He’s the one
who held me, not vice versa. I should be the one holding myself defensively, not
“Why are you standing like that? I’m not going to kill you or anything” well, it’s bette
r to ask than let it lie.
“Because I don’t trust myself with you Alice,” well that’s kind of, err, surprising, “I am
not in control when I touch you.”
“What are you talking about?” I am so confused right now.
“I mean, that when I am with you, I want to touch you. I want to smell your scent
and feel your breath upon my skin.” I think my jaw just dropped. Oh. My. God. I Va
mpyr likes me likes me. This is bigger than weird. It’s weirder. “Alice, I’m sorry.”
I’m being slammed against the wall. Gaspard’s above me, our bodies touching. He’s lean
ing in and I can’t help it, I’m leaning towards him too. And… bliss. I think I’m in heav
en, his mouth is now on mine, and I have to say that he is the best kisser I hav
e ever known. And I have had a lot of kisses. His hand’s in my hair now, grasping
the strands and entwining them between his fingers. I can’t even open my eyes righ
t now, but I can feel everything he’s doing to me. Oh god, his tongue is in my mou
th, I always thought of tongue as eww, but with him it’s gorgeous. But, his mouth
is getting too rough. His lips are now more demanding. Any minute now he’s going t
o break the skin on my lips with his fangs and… he’s drawn blood.
His eyes are now red.

Chapter 7
So here I am, my lip bleeding ferociously, and a hungry Vampyr is holding me. Bu
gger. You d think I would ve tried to get out of his grip, and you d be right. B
ut this guy is so frickin strong. Oh yeah, he s a Vampyr, I forgot. This is so
unfair, I thought I was supposed to live, not become some Vampyr chow. I mean, h
e s supposed to help me not drain me for god s sakes.
"Gaspard," my voice sounds really thick for some reason, maybe my lips are a bit
swollen or something, "you ve got to let me go ok?" reply? Nope. Ok, gonna have
to do this the hard way. I ve kicked him, hard, in the nuts.
Oh. My. God. The guy has bloody balls of steel. He will not even flinch! I am ne
ver going to let another Vampyr kiss me ever again, well, that s if I survive th
is one. "Gaspard we have to go. Remember? You and I are to fulfil the prophecy,
and if I die, then you re going to die." That should make him move. Ugh, my legs
are going numb now. Great.
"I would die anyways if I killed you," wow, emotion, and I have a feeling it s t
he truth. Well, now I have a Vampyr stalker person. Just brilliant, more baggage
. His eyes are still red, but I m looking into them and all I see is regret and
pain. Why the pain? What the hell could be causing this pain?
"Gaspard, lighten up. I mean it. I can t travel with Mr Moody that you re showin
g right now. I just can t ok?" I can see a smile forming... and it s gone again.
Sheesh what a depressing creature he is.
"I am not moody. I am tortured," oh just great, now he s Mr Dramatic. "I want to
taste your blood, but if I do, then I will no longer be a pure Vampyr."
Ok. What the fuck did he just say? Does this mean he doesn t drink human blood?
Because I could totally go out with him is he doesn t.
"So you don t drink human blood?"
"Yes that is correct. I do not drink human blood. I drink the blood of pigs only
. They are close to humans, but have many imperfections."
"Oh, well good for you," yay! He s like veggie Vampyr like that Cullen Clan in w
hat is it? Oh yeah, Twilight , crap movie to be honest. But that doesn t matter
. It just means he s morally better than I thought.
"Yes it is good for me. Do you want me to, err, get out of your personal space?
I seem to be a bit close."
"If you wouldn t mind. You are kind of close, and I need to sort this lip out,"
oops, drawing attention to the blood again, not good, I don t know what s wrong
with me. But, he s let me go, and I m scurrying towards the bathroom so quickly
I m surprising even myself. I m like a whirlwind of a person, flying to the toil
et roll, cleaning the lip and flushing the used tissue down the toilet.
Ah, now I can relax, no blood and the wound is clean. Now all I have to worry ab
out is saving the world. This should be simple.
"So, Gaspard, where the fuck are we going to start saving the world? I have no i
dea how we re going to do this" he s looking relaxed now, like he knows that I m
ok with him now.
"Well, we need to go to the Realm of the Faeries. From there, I do not know. I h
ave been told that there will be a sign to tell us what to do."
Ok, that narrows it down. Not. Just great, I m going to god knows where, and rel
ying on a sign . Talk about a crappy plan.
"Yeah, err, where the fuck is the Realm of the Faeries? I don t even know what i
t is, except for that it s a, err, a realm of the Faeries?" I sound so pathetic
and naïve. Not attractive.
"It lies within your mind. It is not really a place, just a state of mind. Your
soul leaves your body, and travels to the Realm of the Faeries, and rematerializ
es as a solid object once it reaches there."
"You make it sound so simple. But one, how do I send my soul there? And two, wha
t happens to my body then?"
"Ah, good questions. Well, I will perform a ritual, I which I will ask for accep
tance into the Faerie land, which will be granted as we are both pure, and on a
mission to protect the human and Vampyr worlds. And to answer your question abou
t your body, well, it will stay as you left it, but any wounds or malnutrition w
ill show up on your body while in the Realm of the Faeries."
Wow, that s a lot of information to process. "I am planning to go tonight, unles
s you have any objections?"
"No, I don t. I just need to eat something before I go. That s all, I don t trav
el well on an empty stomach." And now I m trying to joke, I must be nervous beca
use, let s face it, I m not funny.
"I ll go and get some food from the fridge then. I think I have so stuff there."
Actually that s kind of weird. He drinks blood, not eats food.
"I thought Vampyrs didn t eat."
"We do, it just doesn t sustain us. We enjoy the taste but that s as far as it g
oes. I am quite taken with Chinese takeaway. The sweet and sour chicken does it
for me." That is so freaky, that s kind of my favourite too. "I have some left o
ver in the fridge from yesterday. Did you want it?"
I nod; no way was I going to turn that down. So, I m wolfing down the most delic
ious sweet and sour chicken, and Gaspard is setting up the ritual for later. Som
e candles, I don t know what type; I m not really into them, and a blanket. I d
thought he d need more stuff, but apparently not. I suppose all he really needs
are the words.
So I m now finished my food and precariously lying down on the blanket, careful
not to go near the candles because I don t want to burn. Gaspard is coming over,
and I know that he s going to lie beside me. Romantic or what? Shame it s for t
his though.
"Ok, I m going to start now," he s now beside me; our feet are touching at the e
nd of the blanket. For some reason i want to giggle. "Just stay calm, and whatev
er happens, don t move until I say so. Got it?"
"Yeah I do. Don t move unless you give the A-ok."
"So let s begin." And he is. He s saying a whole load of shit I don t understand
. Must be Latin or something. I studied it for a while, but I just got too confu
sed about it. I recognise the words mistress and accept but that about it.
I feel really weird. Like I m not really here. Gaspard s still reciting his Lati
n, but I feel weightless, like I don t exist in this world. And I suppose now, I
don t if what Gaspard said is true. I suppose, I m travelling, my soul trying t
o escape from my body, from this world.
Oh god, I never said goodbye to my mum.

Chapter 8
Fucking hell. I think I died, bypassed hell and came back alive again. That was
the most horrifying experience I ve ever had. As soon as Gaspard had finished hi
s ritual speech, my whole body felt like it was on fire. From my scalp to my toe
s I burnt, slowly and at like 100 degrees. I wanted so much to move, to pour col
d water over my blistering skin, but I knew better than to go against Gaspard s
words of wisdom, especially in a situation where I don t know what s going on. I
t would ve been naïve to do so, and at that moment of time I really couldn t affor
d to be naïve. So, there I stayed; completely still and trying to think of other t
What felt like hours after Gaspard fell silent next to me, my vision began to bl
ur at the edges. Slowly, my whole vision faded out to black and all there was wa
s emptiness. A blank expanse in which I was the only entity. The silence in itse
lf was deafening, and the fact I couldn t see made my head ache. Being completel
y alone is something I have never been, always there have been noises, people, o
bjects that make me feel part of something real. Here, well lets just say that b
eing real is not the problem. It s the doubt you put on yourself, the questionin
g about if you were real in the first place. If your whole life was a lie.
I should have known better than to doubt my own existence. My thoughts alone sho
uld have been validation of my existence. If I didn t exist then why could I thi
nk for myself? Have my own personality? Love, hate, eat and drink? As I said bef
ore, I should have known better. I waited there, just standing, just being. Beli
eving I was nothing made me lost. Made my journey stop momentarily and veer off
its path. I d questioned reality, so it had banished me from itself. I suppose t
hat was only fair. I mean, if I told someone they didn t exist, they would hate
me and try and cut me out from their lives. So it looks like the same goes for r
Gaspard was nowhere I missed him. I wanted him near me. I wanted some sort of so
lid object near me, to dismiss my rising vertigo. And Gaspard seemed like the be
st option. He made me feel real, wanted and for some strange reason: loved. Wow,
can t believe I admitted that.
"Oh god Gaspard. Where are you? I need you," I nearly cried, right there and the
n. I never cry. It s weak to show that sort of emotion.
"Alice? Alice!"
"Gaspard! I m here!" as if anyone knew where here was.
"I m coming just keep talking to me, and I ll find you."
"Ok," I couldn t believe it. He was actually near me. The crying really worked.
"Well, I don t know what happened back there, but whatever you did it seems to h
ave gone wrong. No offence to you, but this wasn t your best attempt to impress
me. I think the kiss was better to be honest. At least I enjoyed the kiss. This
I do not enjoy."
I could here laughing somewhere, "so you enjoyed the kiss when I nearly could ve
turned you. But this you don t enjoy. Well I learn something about you all the
time. Keep talking, I think I m near you."
"You really do think too much. You don t know anything about me. Let me put it t
his way; I know as much about you as you do about me. And that equals zilch. Don
t even think about arguing with me about this. We ve only just met, and I don t
think anyone could know me after only one day."
"Oh but you see," and there he was right behind me, "I can very easily get to kn
ow someone after only one day." The bastard was smiling. Fucking retard. "We hav
e to get out of here."
"You don t say," I really couldn t keep the sarcasm out of my voice. "I m not st
aying here any longer. If I do, then well, you ll have a mad woman on your hands
." And I really meant that.
"I thought you were already mad?" innocent puppy eyes were staring back at me. I
kicked him.
"Stop the flirting. You ve already kissed me once, you re not doing it again any
time soon."
"Oh, we ll see." And for that he deserved another kick. Yay, pain flickered acro
ss his face. I caused a Vampyr pain.
"Come on, we have to go." With that he pulled me into the nothingness, our feet
scuttling across blankness. Step after step we took, going straight the whole ti
me. I still don t know how he knew where to go. It was all so... blank. But, I s
uppose Vampyrs have like a sixth sense about anything magyk.
We stopped after my feet had actually blistered and were bleeding. Although I di
dn t know that then. Gaspard whirled me around so that my back was facing him. H
e held me tightly with one arm and chanted quietly. My stomach lurched, threaten
ing to bring up the Chinese I ate earlier. I wasn t a good feeling.
"Do you trust me?" I could feel his arm tightening around me.
"Of course I do," and I meant it, I was being the most honest I ve ever been.
"Then you have to just close your eyes and let me take us to the Realm of Faerie
s. We ll get there this time. I promise." I felt the truth in that promise. I kn
ew that he wasn t lying. So, I let him hold me and guide me towards our destinat
ion. I had to struggle to keep my eyes closed, everything screamed danger. I cou
ldn t see, I was moving and being held by a Vampyr. But I trusted him, so fair p
lay to keep my eyes closed.
"Alice? You ok? We re here." Eyes opened and... wow.
"I think I just found where I want to live." With you, I added to myself.

Chapter 9
Well, I think that I have found out where I want to spend the rest of my life. T
he Realm of the Faeries is the most magykl place I have ever seen. The grass is
green, the water is blue, and there is absolutely no pollution what so ever. I m
in heaven, and I don t ever want to leave. I could forget all my troubles here:
I could live peacefully without the hustle and bustle of modern day life. Every
thing here was more natural than my world. The air smelt like freshly mown grass
, and the birds sang the purest of song that delighted the ears.
The sun is shining... wait a second. The sun is shining? How the fuck is Gaspard
still alive (figuratively speaking)? He should ve been burnt to a crisp by now.
It was like that hologram of that Vampyr (yesterday?), defying the laws of Vamp
"Err, Gaspard?" eyes flickering over to me, "how are you not a piece of charcoal
right now?"
"Well, the Faerie lands do not actually hold an orbital sun, this is actually a
sun produced entirely on magyk as the Queen of the Faeries liked the idea of bat
hing her lands in a golden light. This sun in any way does not affect me, in fac
t I love to just stare at it as it reminds me of when I was alive." Wow, that s,
err, deep thinking.
"Oh, so this is the only place where you can be part of the human you once were?
"That is correct. It is nice to bathe in the light of the sun, even though it is
an unnatural sun. I feel whole and warm, whereas when I am in our world, well,
I feel cold and evil."
How could he say that? He wasn t evil, not at all. He was one of the kindest peo
ple I had ever met. He was just being a wanker and trying to gain sympathy from
me so that I d like him even more. Well if this was his way of flirting, then no
way was he ever going to get me. It just won t happen. I mean, come on, who use
s sympathy to get the girl? Ok, stupid question because all guys do it to tell y
ou the truth.
"Number one: you are not evil. Number two: don t you dare start-using sympathy t
o try and woo me or whatever it is you re doing. It s not working."
"Ah, but if it wasn t working then you wouldn t have said anything. You saying i
t isn t working just shows that it is." Fucking cocky guy, oh and now he s smirk
ing. Just great, I feel like an idiot and he gets what he wants. Arrogant tosser
How I wish I could humiliate him somehow, but I mean, how do you humiliate a Vam
pyr? Break his fangs off? Even I m not that horrible. I may occasionally have ev
il thoughts but that doesn t make me evil in itself. If I carried out the evil t
houghts, well then I would be evil, but I don t.
Well, our journey, I suppose, has only just begun. We re here now, but we don t
know what the hell to do next. So, I think we re just going to set up camp here.
It s a perfect place to be honest: a large clearing surrounded by trees, a smal
l river of spring water running just to the left and mossy ground so if we sleep
it s not too hard. I don t know what to do if I need the toilet, but I don t th
ink I want to think about that until the need arises. So, I m sitting down now,
legs folding beneath me so I can sit comfortably. Gaspard s right next to me, ju
st breathing in and out. It s really comforting to hear that, like a kind of val
idation that all of this is real and not some daydream I m having.
"Alice? Do you, err, like me?" and I ve stopped breathing. I shouldn t be so sur
prised; this question was bound to come up sooner than later. Although I had wis
hed later. So now I m surveying him up and down, trying to find what I like abou
t him the most. Actually I do like him, but any relationship we start now will n
ot help our task at all. It will probably end up like one of those spy novels wh
ere they fall in love and one of them gets killed. I do not want that to happen.
"I suppose in a way I do. You are certainly attracting to me, and I really do li
ke your personality. But we can t advance on those feelings yet, or even ever. N
ot only are you a Vampyr, but also we have to save the world remember. We can t
jeopardise that."
"I see what your saying. I think. But, you didn t really answer the question, yo
u just said things about why we can t be together." Shit, didn t see that one ba
"Ok, I do like you. Happy now?"
"Yeah," egotistical prick.
"Don t you dare smile or smirk or do whatever you do when you re satisfied. That
s one reason I don t love you. You re such an asshole sometimes." There I ve sa
id it. I don t love him. I never have and I never will. Well, as long as I don t
spend too much time with him.
"Ooh I m hurt," Wow the sarcasm is thick on his voice, "I m sorry I brought it u
p. Maybe we should just get some sleep then. It s been a really tiring day, and
if we want to save the world, I d rather do it while not trying to fall asleep."
Ok, I can agree with him on that for once.
"Ok then. I suppose so. Just make sure you sleep lightly though. I don t want to
be left alone defending myself because you sleep really deeply."
"It s ok, I don t really sleep. I sort of go into a trance. I ll be here, don t
With that he s lying down on the moss, back straight now, and legs tucked up. Aw
, he looks like a baby like that. Shut up brain, I just want to sleep. So now I
m finding myself lying down too, turning to my side and...

Chapter 10
Fuck. I can t move. This is not good. I can t feel my legs or my arms, it s like
something or someone is pinning me down. But... I can t see anything! This is c
omplete bull, if I can t see anything then I should be able to move, it s just f
ucking mind tricks. Oh god, I can t even see Gaspard in the clearing, where the
hell is the little shit? I m alone and I can t move. Great. Just great. I can t
believe how vulnerable I am, I mean I ve spent the last two years not being vuln
erable, and now, when I really can t afford to be vulnerable, I am.
One toe wiggling, two toes wiggling. Ok, small, but it s a start. If I can just
make that my legs and my arms, I m free. Yeah right, as if that s going to happe
n. Whoever, or whatever, made me like this, wouldn t have made it so easy for me
to escape. Then again, it s worth a try.
I think it s been about ten minutes, but that s only a guess, and I m half free!
I ve managed to loosen the invisible burden on my legs, but my arms still keep
me frozen on the ground. Come on, come on and yes! I think that I am the greates
t person on the planet. Shit, I don t even know where I am. Standing now, wobbly
but upright. So I gotta be happy. At least I can move.
"Gaspard?" My voice is small and barely audible. Wow, it s so dry, need to go an
d have some water from that river by the edge of the clearing. Cool, refreshing
water trickling down my throat. Mmm, wait though, what if this is like that myth
? The one where Persephone is kidnapped into the underworld, and because she ate
from there she had to stay there forever. I have o objection to staying here, b
ut I love where I m from more, and I want to go home. Shit, too late now, whatev
er I ve condemned myself too it s done.
The trees are looming up ahead of me, whispering in the sun. Sheesh, now even th
e trees are against me. They re all plotting my demise. Anyways, I ve got to kee
p moving now. If I stay here something will get me, and at least if I go I ll be
more able to find Gaspard and finish what we came here to do. So, now, I m drag
ging my feet to the opposite side of the clearing, somehow I feel heavy and tire
d, like I m wading through a thick bog.
I have a theory that something doesn t want me to leave this clearing. It s just
a hunch, but the evidence is all there. I need to get out of here, if I don t t
hen I ll probably starve and die. Or something like that. So I have to get movin
g, and so I am. Slowly but surely I am actually getting closer to the edge of th
e clearing. Ha! Nothing can stop me now.
Oh, shitake mushrooms. Something just growled behind me. What should I do? What
should I do? Ok, keep calm. Don t move. Breathe. Just turn very slowly, that s i
t. There s nothing there, what the fuck?
"Ok, whoever the fuck is stopping me from getting out of this clearing get your
butt out here so I can kill you," now something is cackling, yes cackling, in so
me nearby trees.
"Well, well, the little human has courage. I didn t know you creatures had a spi
ne." I still can t see the thing; ugh it s so retarded that it s still hidden. I
need to see this creature. I need to know what I m up against.
"I know I have more courage than you, you re still hidden. Makes you look like a
coward." That should smoke it out.
Rustling in the direction of the voice is occurring, thank god. Finally, "How da
re you call me a coward you filthy, inbred piece of shite!" ok, I did not want t
o hear that.
The creature is emerging, face red and looking feral. And I mean feral. It has w
ings! So I suppose it s a Faerie or something like that. I mean I am in the Real
m of the Faeries for Christ s sakes. I think it s about the same height as me, n
ot at all like the Faeries I read about in books. A tragically handsome male fac
e is framed by long brown hair. If he weren t so rude to me I d have really fanc
ied him. But, as it is, I already hate this guy; he thinks he can piss me off? H
e s got another thing coming to him. Shit, he s flying towards me.
"Ok, listen here you turd. Number one, I am NOT inbred. And don t you ever say I
am. Two, fuck off! How dare you fucking piss me off like that? I haven t done a
nything to you and I wish you d just disappear and leave me to find my own way o
ut of here." Wow, this prick s silent. Then again...
"No, you listen human. You will never find your way out of here. Your Vampyr has
been taken to the Queen..."
"Wait a second. Did you just say that Gaspard has been taken?" not good at all.
"Yes, and I will curse you if you interrupt me again. Where was I? Oh yes, well
he s been taken and I don t really think you will ever see him again. So, I m of
fering you a way out. Shock horror, I m nice." This is so weird. I can t leave G
aspard, and is this Faerie bi-polar or something? I mean make your mind! Hate me
or like me, sheesh.
"You re telling me that you would get me out of here, but I d have to leave Gasp
Sarcastic little piece of nothing is looking at me like I m stupid. "Yes, wasn t
that clear in my idiots talk of getting the hell out of here ?"
"Err, yeah it was clear. I was just voicing it because it s such a stupid idea."
And it is, I mean why would I leave Gaspard? He s saved me a few times, and I t
hink I like him, so no way am I going to leave him!
"To a human it may seem stupid, but I have lived here all my life and have seen
what this Realm can do to your fragile little minds." Well I think he s telling
the truth, but I m still not going. Not without Gaspard.
"I can t go. The Vampyr is my friend and consort, he has saved me, and so I must
do the same. Thank you for the offer, but I must refuse. My journey has taken m
e this far, and I will not stop until I have completed it."
"Well it is your death that will complete your journey if you don t go back. But
I suppose it is your decision. I ll just be going then. You can leave the clear
ing now." He s flittering to the bushes where he came from. I don t know his nam
e yet...
"Wait! What s your name?" he s stopped, looking back towards me.
"Mine s Alice."
Wow, he s smiling, good sign I suppose and... he s gone. I didn t even get to sa
y goodbye.
"Weird Faerie" but I can t wonder about him right now. I need to find out where
this Faerie Queen lives. I m supposing she s a Faerie Queen, being surrounded by
Faeries and everything. First, I need to get to like a ditch or something becau
se I really need to pee.
Ok, bladder empty thank god. Now to find Gaspard. He would be in a castle I supp
ose, so I m looking for just that. Something big, extravagant, pointy towers and
looks like it s from a picture book. Can t be that hard to find.
Three hours later. Yeah, I take that back. It is really hard to find it. I thoug
ht that a castle would be kind of obvious, but I was wrong. I ve been walking an
d walking, but to not avail. I can t see any castle-like buildings or any buildi
ngs at all for that matter. My feet hurt so much! I wish I hadn t worn my best c
onverse today, it s rubbing my ankles and I think I have blisters now. I m hungr
y too; the last thing I ate was that sweet and sour chicken. And that was too lo
ng ago. If I don t quit moaning I m not going to survive.
"Allliccceeeeee." Oh God, the whiny voice is back. I really hope my ears are dec
eiving me because I really can t cope with that thing right now. Turning and..
Shit. He s back.
Chapter 11
"Allliccceeeeee, come to me. Come to me Alliccee, I will protect you." Yeah righ
t, as if I d go anywhere near that thing. Backing up, backing up and I ve hit a
tree. Great, dead end. Just when I thought it couldn t get any worse I get mysel
f into a corner. Now that thing can kill me easily.
What a second. Didn t that guy I push into him pass through him? I remember, thi
s Vampyr isn t solid. Yes, now he can t touch me I m safe. Well, as safe as I wa
s before and that wasn t very much. But at least I can pass him without having t
o be worried that he ll grab me or something.
"Fuck off you retarded hologram," yeah, lame, but it s the only thing I can thin
k of at the moment.
"Noooo Alliccee. I will not go. Listen to me Alliccee. Gaspard is in danger of b
ecoming a normal Vampyr," hold the phone, did he just say Gaspard? This is reall
y weird right now. I don t know if I can trust him, but might as well listen to
"You have five minutes of my time. That s it ok?" Yeah right, as if this would t
ake only five minutes.
Its head is nodding in agreement. "That is fine Alliccee. That is all the time I
need. Gaspard has been taken to the underground lair of the Faerie Queen." Unde
rground! That s why I haven t seen it. So stupid not to think of that. "He is be
ing starved so that he has to resort to human blood; your blood Alliccee. You ar
e the only human here. If he drinks human blood then the prophecy cannot be fulf
illed. Also if he drinks from you then you will die."
"Why is the Faerie Queen doing this? Does she want the world to end?"
"The apocalypse will not affect her Realm. She wishes death on all humans, but i
s willing to save some Vampyrs. Her love is one and she doesn t want him to be t
he last of his species. She hates humans. They willed her out of existence in yo
ur world, not believing made it so that she can never set foot in there again."
Shit, now that is a story and a half. And to tell you the truth, I believe it. I
t all adds up. That s why Gaspard was taken, and this hologram is actually helpi
ng me. He s not that scary actually.
"Thank you so much. How can I repay you?"
"Well Alliccee, on your journey, should you meet a Vampyr called Demeter: stake
her. She is an abomination to all Vampyrs and should be turned into dust." Wow s
trong words from a hologram.
"I will try, I promise you," and I meant it. "What is your name?"
"Some call me Lord of the Night, but I prefer my informal name: Dracula." Well I
ll be damned. I just got help from the lord of the Vampyrs. I must be special i
f he doesn t want to drain me.
"Thank you again Dracula. It was an honour to make your acquaintance."
"Likewise my child Alliccee, likewise." And now he s gone. Vanished. Sheesh, Vam
pyrs do know how to make an exit.
Well, I m alone again. I don t really care about that, but sometimes you just wa
nt someone talk to. Tell everything to even if it kills you. That s what I neede
d right now, not the blank horizon that swept across me. It is eerily silent. No
where this covered by trees and mud should be quiet. It should have a cacophony
of sounds emitting from it. It should sound as if it is alive, not dead. It s ju
st plain creepy to be honest.
Night s approaching. I can feel it under my skin like a cool breeze. I better ei
ther find the underground lair of this bitch, or find shelter and food and water
for the night. It looks like it s the latter of those plans. Night is coming in
thick and fast and I don t think I ll find the castle tonight. So the search is
on. Maybe a hollowed out tree or a cave or something should do the trick? Ah, h
ere s a tree, it looks big enough for me and... yes here’s some berries. Looks lik
e they re blackberries. There isn t any water nearby but I m not thirsty.
Entering the tree is quite hard. It s really dark and I can t see anything. Ther
e doesn t seem to be a back! Wait a second, let me step inside. Yep, there is no
back at all. It just goes on. What the heck? I might as well take the risk and
walk on inside. I have nothing to lose now. Well, except my life.
"Shit," my head just crack on the top of the tunnel thing I m in. it s really sm
all in here and I can t see a damned thing still. This is annoying and unfair. I
f only there was light. I suppose I have to keep moving. The earthy smell is get
ting stronger and stronger. It s so strong now it s making me choke.
So here I am, choking and spluttering while blindly walking forwards to god know
s where. I m becoming really claustrophobic now. This tunnel is too small. Close
r and closer it has become. I can t stand it I need to get out. This is shit, it
s really shit. How did I get in here? Why didn t I just stay at the beginning o
f the tunnel and wait for the sun to rise again? Because I m an idiot: that s wh
"Stupid, stupid, stupid" yeah I m so stupid I even voice it out. I sometimes won
der about my sanity to tell you the truth. Right now though, I feel like my sani
ty is slipping away. Just waiting to cut away from me at anytime. It s driving m
e crazy thinking about that.
The ground has suddenly pulled away from me! I m falling so fast I m gonna throw
up. Shit I feel like Alice when she falls through the rabbit hole. Hell, I am A
lice falling through the rabbit hole, just not into Wonderland, but into hell. I
t s still black, but wind is whipping my face, making it raw and nearly bloody.
My arms are now numb and I think I can see a light. Fuck it is a light and I m h
eading straight for it! I m going to die, I really am. I m just going to fall un
til I reach the ground in a big mess of flesh and bone. This is the worst death
ever. I wanted to die peacefully, not horrifically. This isn t fair.
"Gaspard. I love you." I ve finally said it. It s a shame it s when I die. And d
ouble shame that he isn t here to hear it. But that s how life goes. And in my c
ase that it how my life is going to go.
Here comes the ground.
Chapter 12
Bad head, and I mean a really bad head. This sucks. All I remember is falling do
wn that fucking dark and steep hole in the floor. And right now I don t know whe
re I am. All I know is that it s underground and I m stuck here for now. Shit, t
his must be the underground castle! Yay for me for actually finding it but I am
not ready for this. I needed to prepare before I started searching down here.
First thing s first, I need to check for broken bones, blood or anything I could
ve got from that fall. Anything? No, good then. Well I know I m not dead becaus
e I can see things that I don t think would be in heaven or hell. I see lamps an
d concrete walls and furniture. From the depictions of both heaven and hell, I d
on t think this is either.
I had landed on pile of old leaves, soil and god knows what else. At least I d l
anded on it; if I d landed on the concrete then I would have definitely died. Bu
t none of that matters now. I need to get my bearings, find out which part of th
is underground kingdom I m actually in. By the looks of it, I m in the dungeon a
rea. Which in a way is good because there won t be many people around. But on th
e other hand, it could be really, really bad as there might be extra security at
the exit.
"What the fuck am I doing here?"
Rustling. "I don t know what the fuck you re doing here," so don t waste the b
reath asking me." Talk about unexpected company. I m getting used to these thing
s popping out everywhere now though. Doesn t surprise me now that much.
"I wasn t asking you. I was talking to myself." Like I didn t sound crazy enough
, I m admitting that I talk to myself yay. I m such an idiot.
"I knew that. I m just messing with ya." I think he s human! He sounds it, might
as well ask as he s still in the shadows.
"Are you human?" Simple and direct. Ugh, I should ve asked what are you? as if
he isn t human then I won t know what he is.
"Yep," and he s emerging from the shadows, all 6tf blonde gorgeousness of him. W
ow. "Name s Raoul. Born 18 years ago in Brooklyn. And may I ask, who the fuck ar
e you?" Cute smile, and now I m drooling and staring. I can t look anymore stupi
d. Answer, must answer.
"Alice. I m called Alice and I was born in London 17 years ago." That couldn t h
ave sounded anymore lame.
"Well Alice, I don t know how you got into this hell-hole, but I m sure gonna ge
t you out." What?
"Err, no thanks. I have things to do round here. I can t go until I ve regained
my Vampyr." Regained my Vampyr? Yep, I m insane now. And I sound like a complete
The face is now like thunder. He looks like someone has shoved a stick up his ar
se. He really does.
"You re with a Vampyr." Not a question more of an I loathe Vampyrs kind of sta
"Yeah, we have to, err, save the world. Sounds insane but it s actually true."
He s laughing! Who does he think he is? And why the hell is he here in this real
m? How dare he laugh at me!
"You are going to save the world? I thought you d be more likely to read a book
or something." I think I m going to kill this guy; he s really pissing me off. N
o one talks to me like that, well, except my mum, but she s allowed.
I can t stand this guy anymore, and the longer I linger her, the closer the Apoc
alypse approaches. And I can t waste anymore time, Gaspard s purity depends on i
t. He has to drink animal blood, and soon. If he doesn t, then I came all this w
ay just to get bitten by a fucking Vampyr.
"I m really sorry Raoul, but I gotta go. Even if you don t believe me, I have to
go save my Vampyrs ass, before he starves and tries to drain me. Therefore endi
ng my life so I can t stop the Apocalypse. You understand?" I really hope he doe
s, I can t stay here, I have to move."
"Alice, I don t know you, but understand this: trust nothing here. Everything is
a trick of the mind to get you confused and get yourself killed."
"Then technically, I shouldn t be trusting you then." Smart comment, shame I can
t keep it up usually. "I have to go. Right now."
So I m walking down this concrete tunnel, and I can hear Raoul heave a long sigh
and become quiet. Didn t think he would let me do that, I really didn t. I thou
ght he would ve restrained me or something. I would ve done that in his position
. But different people have different ways of doing things.
"Alice! Wait up!" Is he coming towards me? Why is he doing this? I can t be resp
onsible for yet another person. Even if they come willingly I ll feel guilty if
something bad happens. No, he can t come; I ll just have to speed up.
"Alice! Just stop ok?" and I did. I really don t know why. "Thank God, if you d
gone any further I would have lost you." Err, how? It s a straight tunnel for f
ucks sakes.
"What do you want Raoul?" I can t keep the hostility out of my voice.
"I want to come with you." Yeah right. As if I am ever going to let that happen.
"I m sorry Raoul but I have to do this alone. I just met you and I can t trust t
hose I ve just met. You even said so yourself." He can t argue with that. Can he
"I know you said you have to do this alone, but I know this castle." What? He kn
ows this castle? How long has this guy actually been here? "I can help you find
your Vampyr friend." He said Vampyr civilly. That s a drastic change in behavi
"How do you know this castle? You do know that by saying that you have just made
me think that you shouldn t be trusted? It s all a bit dodgy." That couldn t ha
ve come out scrambled enough even if I said it really, really quickly.
"Well, I m not really allowed to tell you this, but I m the Queens son."
Fuck me.

Chapter 13
Recently, nothing seems to surprise me: but this did. I mean really? How come th
e guys I like are either Vampyrs or the sons of creatures that are apparently be
nt of the end of human existence? Actually, what surprises me most is that she h
as a human son. Doesn’t she hate us?
“That I did not expect. I thought she hated all humans, I mean we have stopped bel
ieving in her and everything.”
“Yeah, about that, she does hate you, but she kind of had a fling with a human, wh
o was then turned into a Vampyr.” Yep, that explains it, well, kind of.
“Oh, so the Vampyr who is her lover is your dad?”
“Yep, some wasted guy stabbed him just after mom got pregnant, but she loved him t
oo much to let him go, so she asked Dracula to bite him. Hence the Vampyr dad, a
nd also a more powerful hatred of humans.” He’s sad. That’s kind of interesting, maybe
his mum doesn’t love him or something, and I mean it would figure seeing as she h
ates all humans.
“Ok, so you know your way around obviously, but I can’t really trust you. You’re the s
on of the Faerie Queen, and right now, I don’t think I’m on her happy list. More of
the ‘I need to eliminate you’ list.”
“You probably are, but it’s not everyday I get to rebel against my mom and also help
a cute girl find her way out of this hell-hole.”
Blushing, oh god no, not now. Really? Why does this always happen, they flirt an
d I blush. First with Gaspard, oh shit I’ve got to remember what I fell down that
stupid hole for. I need to rescue that little Vampyr shit, because if I don’t then
we die. End of.
“I’m sorry Raoul, but I have to go. I mean it. If I don’t find my friend then there wi
ll be hell to pay. And I mean serious hell for me and any Vampyr who’s on earth.” I
need to get away; if I stay in this stingy corridor I’m going to go mad, especial
ly with this guy next to me. He’s keeping me rooted here, if I get out then I can
get free, find Gaspard and finish what I came here to do.
“Alice, listen to me. I’m not going to let you do this by yourself. You need me to h
elp you. Think of me as a guide and as your protector. I promise to keep you saf
e until we find your Vampyr ‘friend’.”
I’m really sick of him; I mean it so, “ok then, just keep quiet and lead me to where
ver Gaspard is.”
"Thanks Alice, I knew you would let me come with you eventually," he s such an a
rrogant, cocky little shit, but I suppose he s going to be useful along the way.
"Look, I know you don t really want me around, but it s just that I feel protec
tive of you somehow, like if anything happened to you I would blame myself."
"Ok, what did I say you had to do if you wanted to come?"
"Be quiet?"
"Exactly, so shut up." And he has, thank god, if this guy talks anymore, I ll di
e of boredom. " Just walk in front of me, and I ll follow you."
So that is exactly what he is doing, he s walking slowly in front of me, and, ug
h, I keep tripping on his ankles. I hate it when I do that, but I really can t h
elp it. He keeps grunting with pain, but to my relief he s not saying anything.
Serves him right though, It s payback for wearing me down and allowing him to co
me with me.
We ve been walking down this passage for around ten minutes, and I am so tired!
But I suppose I have to keep walking, step-by-step. It s so quiet down here, it
s black and it s quiet. Not a good combination to be honest, you never know what
s lurking behind the blackness. Anything could jump out at you, and when they d
o, they re not exactly going to give you a hug or something. Raoul doesn t seem
to be afraid of this darkness, but it s freaking me out by the second. I mean, h
ow can being surrounded by nothing not freak you out? You would have to be inhum
an to not be freaked out.
"Just another couple of seconds and we ll be in the light again. Trust me, we ll
be out in a sec." Well, I can t really do anything else can I?
"Just make sure it is in a couple of seconds, otherwise I m going to completely
freak out. I hate it down here."
He s laughing at me! The little git, he has no right to do that. So, might as we
ll kick him just to make him sorry for it.
"Fuck!" I m flat on my arse. Great I completely missed him and slipped and fell.
I must look a right state just sprawled here, helpless.
"Are you ok?" I can feel his hand on my leg, felling to see if there are any bre
"Yeah, I m fine." Maybe not, I can t fucking get up! Ok, this is just shit, real
ly shit. Why can t I get up? I haven t broken anything.
"No you re not fine, you ve sprained your ankle. Here." Oh. My. God. I m in his

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