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2018-2019 School Year

2nd Grade Policies

Mrs. Bimson * Lichen P-8

How I run my Love and Logic classroom:

I will treat you with respect, so you will know how to treat me.
Feel free to do anything that doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else.
If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it.
If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, I will do something.
What I do, will depend on the special person, and the special situation.
If you feel something is unfair, whisper to me “I’m not sure that’s fair,” and we will talk later.

Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for following all school and classroom rules, as well as following all
directions given by all Lichen staff. Students are expected to be safe, make good choices,
solve problems, and show respect. Students are responsible for communicating with
honesty. Students are responsible for accepting all consequences of behavior.

Parent Responsibilities
Parents are responsible for ensuring their child is prepared to learn each day. Parents are also
responsible for communicating any questions, concerns, or important information to the
teacher in a timely manner. Parents are responsible for modeling respect on campus. Parents
are responsible for their share of their child’s education.

Student Name:

Parent Signature:

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