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2 Owns ain Giaqnge . magn Bente) Tine Cte feel ® ea Laaats SURVEY wa i- DEFINITION: Suvveyiag is the Ok of determining the yelative positions OF hig?toneans: OF ol the earth Poinks on, above ov beneath the surface sseea aah weganzest ew earns og Te tay out ayeund PRimaky Divisions oF SURVEY: is Considered aso Yhare @> Plane Surveying :- Meas surface of the camth gad tne sphevesder shave 1% neguected nes ava considered gy bvicaman game wa ee HPN conside as piane sian gles —ttnat “angie 6 ore NOP gong tying 9 the cater eugoe SE on wee greater than the subtended chord the diffarence between the sume of The anges in a evict plane awiange and the FEM op those ina Sphey e Ex teiange is enty 07? sacand pecan tise ls. TE e carat” punpace: Mevieg..28, Se os Nar SAK 1 Geodetic surveying ;- Shaye of te eoxth iF Rover jore account: = Lines kying On tha SuTBace OCF Carved Sines = Trtanges ave sphericar tangas Nove! spheroid) = potar axis £ equatorial axis by wz.asine. L obacle We CLASSI Fleaion of SuRvEYS: O) NATURE oF FreLD surveys :- Natural Sratures Crivers, streams, haxes, his ele] Aubficios feature Croade, raaways, canals, bowns, Villages) > CAdastvor Surveys —> To sis the boundaries of municipasties. > Topagraphicat Sity PurVEgIeg —> Construction af Slraets, wales supply syctens, Sewers > Aslronomical P47V*¥99 —> absetute Lotalinn of any point ¥) PURPOSE OF suRVEy:. 7 Engineering survey : a ‘Giseeving Survey : Determination of auantities for engineesing Werks ee aes Veberainal 9 OF Points of Strategic importasce Fg) nes SSusway, To exPhove minora Wealth Tt Beowogica Survey | Petermination of different Chrata in the eavihls Crust P AMiChacore gic Survey: vmeorthing yelics af artiquity © Base> on zNsTRusents: > Chain Survey ~ Theodosite Survey > Tver se survey > Tiangulation Survey > Tachesmelric survey > Phone table survey > Probe grammetyic Susvey > Aerias survey PRIN PLES OF SURVEYING! * location of @ Point by measurement Sym two Points of Yeference %) Working Sram whole ts part. PLAN £ maps A Plan iS the Q7aphicad representation, 10 Fome FCale, of the Seatuses an, Neax as projected on a hovizontot plane Which 15 bestow the surface of the eosth represented by plane of paper On Which the Plan is drawn, 3. od > Sinco the susface oj the easth is curved and the paper of the plan or map, i plane, ao past Of the Suvface can be verresented On Suth maps withovk distention e fn plase Surveying, the Gas involved 1e Sman, the eavenis surface may ve regarded as Phase and hence Plan it consivucked Wy orthegyapme projection without measurarie distevkion: Ep We! Stale VE! Smale Maps. 68, Acme Beaeem tf the Ceale if Jorge D PLAN; Eg; dems dom Seale if the fined tabio that every distance on the Plan bears with Corresponding distance on the ground Engineers Scale :- 4 ¢ms som scene, A¢n2 50m) > Representative fraction :- _* [corerrenana eagincen's CRF 5090 NOTE: Eraneas's Scale, RE —p Numerical Scales IJ the pian ov map is 49 be used after a few years, De ume #Ca paper shrinks Sealas may not give accuyate vesuks if @ Sheer OF Of a quayrical Seale if also dvawn, if will Shrink proporizonately and the distances tan be found accurately ©) Grayricas scale 1 > Best of ON 3s nurvig: wy remans CPeRS SE ieiwabonell SSaIE Mens) siaiealeen depatmant under the Government oF of tne coutey is the oldest Fcieatiti faadia in (163- —> Sor was Set wP O_O Sus ves a 84 Of India bears the Special Yesponsibisity to ensuse thak tne Country's dpeain is enptored and mapped Suitably, Provide base mays For expeditious and integrated development and onsuse that all resources Conivibukes with theiy Sul measure 10 the progress, Prosperity and security © our country now and Sor Senevalions be come WE KNOW EVERY INCH OF THE NATION, SEeAUeE WE MAP EVERY IMeH OF 17" > Tha Makonat Map potty Cwmp) was announced by Cantral Government Z on 1a™ May 2005 Leetume 32 Osea 2ory Evvoy due te use of wrong geale! I$ a length of the Aine enisting on a plan oy a map is determined vg mncuy "Gh meinen ank Gi oo wrong: zeclezine Wg Se Mhbatend we be incorrect CRISS ATES SENT ns RENE, leroy Correct \engtn RE of Covved scale - wrang Seale Covrect oven = [RAF of wrens SE’ \ . earcuiated area BF of Correct eeale Probiem 4: A cuveyed measured the distance between tue points on ine Trac tee, draws € 0 Sénie Of Vere nnim and Te sesh UME soo m. i apie = guime Fina however, ne discovered dhak fe Used Scale true distance between The poiet® Sorvsion:- soo Measured length 2 mem Re of wrong scale wed = ' = ! 20%100 2000 RF of convect Stale 7 ea 2 ics Hextoo 42800 ' mes tooo Comet length = | a5 D the aaa of the plan of an ald Survey plotted toa scale of tom td (cms measuwes now as 1002 sq-cm as found bY a plarimeter: The Plan if fourd to have Shrumk $0 that a ne AFGinawy 10 Cm tong Now moasutes 43¢m only, Find Ci Shrunk stale SoLumian | Cid Present lengtn of 91cm is equivalent to lo tm origins tengtn Shrinkage factor > 97 - 0.99 que RF = Ve ies el toxioo (808 RF OF shyunk scale = oF9% 1 2 1 ‘900 (e303 [Sunn seais = gynmmeno DS s LSRRInE SAAS = Snnnacs wiser x omar acme | WRINKOCE FACTOR x ORainwAL SemLE PMCS NANOS OF 98 om. 15 Bat OAeE He wen. eniginas *aigin ESE NOR BRS 1042) Sac - is, equivatac ec 2\ x 100 =)” 2 = 10b.nq = State of pian is Originat area an Plan, tom = tom, Area of survey = (106-49)% Cioy"= 10644 $4. LINER MEASUREMENTS: DIRECT MEASUREMENTS: —» Distances are actualy measured 0 the Qround With te helP of chain ova tape ox ony Otmey instrument MEeAsuREMENT BY optical Observations ave taKen through a telesCope Means ana cascutations ave done. CTacheo metry / Triangulation? Ci) true Gwa of the Surve! o iAStrum ents Elgerae Matnenie METHoss:- Distances ove measured with that yey On propagation, sefiection and Subsequent reception of eftrey vadie waves, Ligne waves 07 infrared waves. Meinods of diverk measure meats D Pacing cil) Passometer Lisi? Pedometer tiv) odometer £ speadeometey 6D chaining Pacing:- L Reconnaissance SURVEY? > Measurements of distances by Pacing is Chiefly Confined to the Preliminary ou : “ 'y Surveys and exptovations where @ Surveyor TF caned upon FO make Q rough Survey as Quickly as Porsibic > [erm of e aee > average eng of Be fae x veer rset | “> ‘The length of the Pale vasies with the Individuas, and alse with the nature of te ayound, the slope of the couriay asa me speed Of pacing > mre woixing slep Ff a man is Considered 255 oF Boom PASSOMETER 5 A Smal) instrument, just Live a flor wateh, the passometer is used Sov chanitar device daunting ta number of shape oubmancati | Har Peme me ap Th offers. om “impiovement over the narenat, Pacing method when o Very Jong distance is to be measured + Counting iF very tedious PEDOMETER pariomeley except that, adjusted —> Pedometer is a device simiat to aegisters He go. pa lend. AF. ws Fare GO Tertet comping iE, 1E otat dictanca Covered: ODOMETER & SPEEPOMETER: LETESVONERES: ~> odometer vegisiers the number of vavolutions ef A wheet. > Odometer is fitted to a wheed hich if ‘Folled Along the fae whose Length if Tequivad. @ Speedomates worns on nit Principe > the number Of tevolutions gistered by the odorretor Can thee be muttipited by the ciitumfernce af the wheat #0 get the distance > Uadulaiions are to be aveided. Henna: “> Mast accurate methad Of making ditect measurements ENSTRUMENDS FOR CHAINING: D Chain ov tape SD ossset rods D Arrows 6) Phaster's baths & whites D Pegs 1D Plumb bo a) Ranging rods F Chain ate Formed of Straight sinks of galvanised wives Comild Sees) bent soto ings ak the ends and joined each other by three Smaii Civeulas 04 OVat ge wine P These yings offer Stexivitity te ike chain, DP The ends of the chain ave provided With brass handle ak each end with Bwivel joint, 30 thal the chain can be turned without buieting * © Conse euti > The length of a dink is the ditkanre between the Centres of Fu Secu js measured srom outside of middle rings, while the length of the chain 36 measured F handle. one handle is the Outside of other Types of chain: a> metvic chains Mest widaly ured. Available in 5,10, 200nd Se melres, ds: Wyae- ares winge ote Provided @ ‘a iatenvas (Fox $)1om chaind & ga interval Cfor 20m) 700? danie. Sma brass wD Purveyor's ehaiat = Gesr Longs soo Sinks; Earn Link ob sr to Gunter chains) furlong: Po gunter’s — (mile to Square piace hala chate Engwnees's chain = imagers “he HooS2, 100 Boks BD Revewe chain = 9941) AnKS 5 Cadastral Survey Fot acanate work, evailabie in 20 £ 20m) @) Steek band = l2-te mms Thiceness O35 mm long nartow stip of blue Seat; vsivevm widt Lignter than chain; Praclicany unalterable ia length: Easity broker- Shaye ef Tat For 20m chain, 20 i 5 mens 204 2 mms R For Bam hain s ain, ven (GY @_| Herero dong of @ craves ae qooneumed” Gu Se edly candy), Serer Bm Bm ee St . againtt a Skea taye stacdaraited @ 20°C the above timits 1 an Bm am bm shawn be ust Tapes: measurements and ave Classed aecow Tapes ave used for more accurate fe the material of which they ove made @® Cloth oy Linen type > Metallic bape ©) sies tope dD) ‘Tavor tare Cloth tape: ehoth bares of closely woven Sinem, «2 Eo AF mm wide, Yarished de vest woistune, are Might # teme “> Used for Subsidiary moasuremedtt such as off sets 2 > Pvaitabla ia ‘engine of (om, 20m, 25m and 30m. > Also avaiable in 33ft, 04h) GES and 100 ft > End of the tape is provided ith Small brass zing Whose length i inewided in the fokat Langit of The Lape Disadvantages:- > May shaink if moisiuve is present > Length may get otiered > May duist £ rangle > Not strong > need to be cleaned aad driod vefore winding up the tape Metauic tape: > Made up of varnished Strip of water proof Sinen inkevwovesr asth Smai b¥ass, Copper 4 bronze witaS and does nok Stretch Gasily. > Ligh SHexdle and not easily brewer <> Pvaitavie in lengths Of 2m,5m,10m, 20m, 90 ™ aad 50 a metas ring is abkachad to The > For 10m, 20m, gem and Fom tapes, outer ends and fastenad te Ht by a mata Sivip Of the Fame ate as the bape. > outer ends of these tayes are reinforced by a Si¥iy of eather Cr ‘of the Same width as the tape, Sor atleasr Suibable plastic mate 20 cm. > “Tapas af tim zom, Bom aad fom lenght ove Supplied tn a metab oy teathey case fitted with q winding device Steet tape: > Posy steet taye iS genevarty Suyerion Joa ctoth ov metallic #4Pe > Light Strip of widte bdo Le mm pwatnonte: tn; AQHA! OA U2, 1a) 2onFex end, Fo cor bunil sds aaefagoula, Wendhee: (SEE, (Gra “CNeTeni on resisting, metet -p Tages of Longer leagr Crz0m) are > sreat tape > 4 gad dry aster using @ smer does not get rutted IN VOR TOPE “5 Very nigh degree of precision reer CEHSD wiewex CIRO ORE 7 id Lp Very expenciva, unassected 5b me wide £ avaibane 10 Disadvantage: > creep may vesutk in Smal > Escention te determine > Can be easity bert Argows:- EMarkiag pins “> made of stout skeet wire every chai \eng™ > Good quality warderod aad and are ptack enane ied ne the wwe tena of arent FF one ond of arrow eiveie SOF = Leo? 8% pasikey Peds: _> Wooden pegs ore dre ptokions oy dormant Pout > They are made \scm 1ong, rapered at tre end > riven is the ground with th ty em prajecing above the the eieate £ hight iasiavment, gnowa be vith a bine temperaiure , oS 20m, lenge as Hime 200% tongm + coapticiant of 4 damaged steer wire is made of canaying: wed to mark the of Stout timber, generans 2.5.65 OF help of 2 wveder surface ns | wiyad clean mineral of much sostey pom ard 00 en expansion. jnte the Qrounal aster hy nm diameter yecm omer end FF pent ‘ato a 50 400 mm tS amen mon dio wie os sof a Survey fine. gem equare and hammer and Kkeyt about Bsor9er 2.5 ov 36m Bem Raraing Rods:- > lenge 2m 01 Bre £2 m more common] ov ved and White ov bance > Painted in atteroative black and whi > Each and being 20cm deep F od can alse be used for yough measurements of Short lengrhs. > Giveulay Gy 0CFAGtnat in Cross-section of 3 cm meminat diamator, made of Well Seasoned, Sivaight grained timber > Reds may ba invisible aster 200.m.=> Each wd sould have red, White ® or yerlow Slag, abauk Bo te Soom square, tied on meas 25 RANGING POLES: > Ranging poles are Simiay to vangiag rods @*Core that they Ore donges and of greater diameter and vsed in very tong aines. > deagth Chee m9 piometer Cb-10em? ts puny about Lem into me Ground > Foot of each vole a > Gonevary net Paibed. Burt Rop:- 5 Often Used by building Surveyors oy Grenitects > Red iS painted black. divisions Of Taek and inenes are morned cut with white acd 3 The ted yaiwt- Plums $08 :- compars, Plane danle > used os Centering aid in theodotitesr ada surveying iaskvurmenks vanely of other Ranaing ovt SuRVEVING!- ® 5 aan mmemennings Bhd, NangeH OF ear ens Bee 8 tenaia sine’, the cae: carne nag, we. er O_o’ en ce ae Sebetng ide two teaminas Srations > lengm of Line 2 laegth oF chain =p Me ai spiewty ap Lengo: oS ise: “Po tengn of ewoia oF Siterwodiake quate -seadsts be estabished Rance: tha process of Siaing oF establisnind gucn intermediate points iF Keown as ranging. ap Bivect vangieg po Tadiere TAMING, red ranging: piteek ranging aisae “Wher tat Bwresvendss Sf jrner ve done daa spress Rae eee ink eePIES” Ranging can cit ax Gasiursent Buch: as: tine ranger wy eye ot Through come opkient iasivurne et a treodolite- cone of gianerf Fok RANGING a a signer by Oe PALES Action by tre APSE EAM 1 Rayid sweep with right hand move Coasidetabyy te she Nght >. | stow sweep with Fight hand - move siswhy ko the Fight Fighh arm extonded 3 ‘a continue do move be the Tight 4 ~ | might one e wed as th * 2 up ard moved = Plumb the vod te the Tighe vight hands abeve head an 5. |Get hands above head and then coviect Wrong Rene doe ©. | Gon are extended forward perizentatly and HE haade Bin the ved deperted britkiy Tnpinger o8 gecieRocel Rartaina: ~ Weer the end Stations ave nok intewisible due to high growed betwesn them, intermediate ranging vedas ae sited 60 the fine in an indsvect whee eee ee EE: Se Pasties BE HF canal Sy val ranging rods ta they hands. ~The To divecr ine deadey ak the bime of sanging. Ww To Caray the voor handle of the chain ©) Te pice up the antews inserted by the sender Merion af cnainine on Shopiné GRounte ipioneoe axe equized in Surveying, = Worizontor avseoping. GTi, wee kekeantan Aisne “Dares = an chaining along caresuny by apPsyind some cenveniest fue Stations axe measured mete ds Dimes METHOD — MEtop oF STEPPING: a whe: netie 31 Bpaliaur” ner nea SRSTR ET gee eRe Fee Steep Bp thie method, the Stoping Qveund if divided inke a number oF KeReeaEe wanes endl Meees Sits ise steps. = The lengths OF hoviznnkal portions ove Mapeagwas ond aS@eal £2) Bee He Ha otizoniail aptenes DAE the points. ~The steye may aot be uniform, and ulead depend on the nature of ee Totes horizontas tengt A ar, ta DB \ ag a pert page + 94PF Ape ee es 9 ae oO tre ground INPRECT METHOD: = When the Shope Stopping method Te way 2 OF the Ground Surface is long and Gentle, the 3 mot Suitable. BY measuring the Slope ith a chinomeer = BY appsying hyPoLenusal allowance = BY Knowing the difference in teva betwieer the points. Gee CuvoMETER:- - BIS 0 graduated = Tt eonsiens ef te Pins ~ A Plume bob i = Whea the we Straignt = When the Straight Passes through Semi civeutas protractor: Pl EPL For signting the object. Suspended from Point © with a thread 2 dge cage ig juer bovizooran, the thread passes through 1s Listed, the thread remains Vverticar but @ eraduation gn the are, which shows the angieas £iop oO PPPLYING BYPOTENUSAL PLLAWANCE: ~ TN this method, me Shove of the Ground is First found ouk by USing the chinometer cy Abeny devel. HyPorenusal atiowance if then maae for each tape engr e PB = AB) = 20m = 100 ainns e ACs AG SECO = 100 sec8 Bic = Ae Ast = 100 sec0 - 100 A B 00 Seco-19 The amoust 1oolsece-1> iS Saidte be hyyotenusal allowance. While chaining atong the Slope, one chain Would be actually Located ab Bi. But The avrow Should be placed at C astey maxing hyyokenusat is Atiowance. The MEAT Chain lengm win Skast trom C, The Same Principle Followed untit tha end of the line is Yeathed. WNWowiNG THE DIFFERENCE OF LeveL: = Uppose are different points on Shaping Ground = the difference of Jover betuseen these points 15 determined by a Je vetling Jagiva ment. The Yeouived hevizontad distances ave giv by | Tolot hovinenkes distance + ass Jae s Bas fart pat = eo fab ad: AGH BO CD: oN aa er w OBSTACLE IW CHoiMine: + When chaining ¢ obstructed, but vision if Sree = When chaining and vision are bith obsivuctad CHAIMING FRee pur vision oBstauCrED: Fram om Wienges pon and pees DD cer PD pe Dr = (s Again Stem triangles )° PEE, and pee, ChEINING OBStAVCTED B¥T VisiION FREE = When Chaining is free, but vision is obstructed, POGIF the chain tine > Two Points C4 DP Ore > Equal perpendicuiors C8 Selecked an tk on OF 70) bankt af the pond. DE are evected at Ct Chemie £ Vision Born oBsravers D1 LECTURE ors: CHAW SuRVEyina: — The principle of Chain Surveying is Erianguiation + Pca be ve divided is divided into a number of Pmall triangles. Triangle shouts be weit conditioned. = Sides of the tviongles ave measined divettiy on the fied by chain or tape, Ro gnguiay measurements are Laken. > Chain Surveying is rotommended when © round Suxface is more on Jess fever b> Sma axea to be surveyed ©) Smaw seaia may is to be prepared dD Formation of wen conditioned triangles is easy > Chain Surveying if unsuiarie When @ Aven is crowded with many details DW Te aren consists of foe many undutakions © te area is very torge 4 Formation of well. condiBbned briangies boeimes cliPhiewt due he obshacier WELL Conditioner TRianae: C STRENGIH OF FLaURED fy. Lf 60° hav a bee B dea Wei conditioned Shes eae Wiengle Nites fines Miangie Well Conditioned Aviangles ave Prefered because their apes Points a1 Vergy ShovP and tan be tocated by A Single dot, Tn Such a case, there iS no Possrbisity oF relative dicptacement af the Plotted point Tit- conditioned triangles axe not prefferied becouse ‘they apex points Oe OF shawP and well defined, whch 28 why « sight dispLace ment of these Points 4 cause considerable error in pagtting, REconwarssavce Suavey AND DEX SkETeH: = Bebe EERE! we, on sores Wet) DE ree 2S Ee guiveyed if movoughiy emaminad by He Surveyor =p Possitic Frameuonk of the survey. This. pretiminary investigation of the atea is tevmad as Yecennaissance Survey or Teconnoiive. KEY PowTs: > SuFveyor Shouwid Walk over fhe Oven ana ante Various Obstacles and whether oy not the Seiected Stabiont ome inter visible > The main Stalons Should be $2 selecked that they enclose the Wwhele ovea -e The surveyor should also tave cave the triangles are wre Condi tioved, > To note dows the Various objects which ase to ke Located INDEX SkETCH OR key PLON: > The neat hasd SKekth OF the area Unich 16 prepared dusieg Teconnais farce Survey je known aS the indes SkeEch ov Kty plan. > The index everch Shows the skeloton Of the Suvvey Wore wp Hi Indicdie) ai Wala, NATIT ermKED WasUbestal O68, G Hte MST SEE» EAAT ALE Arrangement OF frane work For triangles and aepromimate positions oF diFserert objects « DOTRS Sketch 1s an important documed for te suneyer and fox the pexson Whe wilt pick the map 3 Tk showd be attached #0 the Starting Page Of the Fisid book. DEFINITE ANS TLE TAATIONE we Survey stalions ave the porns atthe beginning and te end of 0 chain fae, Tey may also occur af any Converi en points on the Chain tine @) Main Stations b> Subsidiary stations > Tie Stations. Main stations: = Stations tomer atong te boundary of an area as Canivening pointe au Krowa as Maia Skations = Te dines joining the main Stations ave catied main Survey tines: = Te main survey Lines Should covey the whole Owa to be Surveyed. 7 Te Main Stations are denctod by A with setters 2,8, ete. 7 The Chain dines ame denoted bY v1. Subsidiony stations :- See ~ Stations WRCh Ane sien their Mala SURIey.uRes sp any orher Sunvey tines Ore Knows as wo Tere” Sali ose “aie: Felten’? t3 van subsaiaay “dade “AG alsiaing any Memes Hiangies, Por checking the accuracy of Ivlangies ana for Locating ote details. > Trese Stalions ane denoted by © with setters 52,53 ete. TE stanons: eS ~ DERE te also Subsidiary Stations taken on the main Survey Jines. — Hines joining tie Stations axe Known as tie Hines dines are mmainty daxen ro fix the divections af adjaceni sides the chaia Survey map. ~ Fometimes, tie tines are taken to Locate interior details. ~ Te shations one denied by CG) with setters 71,712,793 ete Base wwe: = TE kine on wibich the Srmme were Of the survey is built is Known as tre vase tine. = Te is the mast important tine of the Survey, he base = Generany, the songest of the main survey tines,is considered the basi ial = Ts bine Should be kaken through Fairly sever ground and Shoutd be measured very caresuity. CHECK Line = The Aine jointag the apex point of o briangie fo Some Sexed point on ibs base is knows as the check Mme = 4b is taken te cheek the Geeuvary af the Lriangie = Semebimes, mis Line helps fo Locate interior Aekatss. eo a : F minel Gee ay ie | oan t Garpen t QUeINAGE:. 25 me distance measured IC alorg the chain gine, ib is Keun AS Chairage. lagiog The Latevat meacuremonk taven from On Objet yo the Chain dine if Krewe at o4sset, OsisetS Gre taken to itvente apjects With veference to the When Laierat measurements are gq chain tine \* PERPENDICULAR ae wo aa = CMAN bine Laken ev pendi cular ko the Known as dy chain sine, they ave os sees. Any Offset nor perpendicuiar te the chain tine is said to be Oblique PROBE ms: - Ss DA Steer tape was exactly Zom tong at 20°¢ When Supported through sat HEE lengrh undev a pay of 12 kg. A dine was measured wim this tape under a ful of Is Kg and at a moan tempevatuse of 22°C and Sound te be 180 m Leng. he cross Sectionat area of the Eape = 0:03 cmt. and us toras weight 0 0-693 Kg. ag Sor steel = xi’ perc .£ for Steet = 6 21x18 Kg lent 3 Compule the bruce leagrh of the tine iF the faye was Supported durin measurement Cay ot every Bom Cbd al eve Sm Soutien» Ste? C1. Given Le Bom Az 0:03 cm* Tasiaoe ee xis Pere Po= ion. : See 21x18 alent Pm ts Kg We 6-643 Kg Tons 32" Bye. ML= 780 m Step ci Case ci AE CD | When Suppoted at every 30 Volos Correction per tape ienghh is delevmined fivsk o Temperature Covection = Cee ok CTm-Te).L was? (32-20)%30 = 0.00346 m C4VeD &) Pan conection C¥m - Por. ane = 5-10)-30 , woeasem C4Ver 0.03% 2. 1x10 ©) Sag cnvtection ec twtr 2 box Co ~ ° ° oo WT (ge Bn Ro oem ee Ree aux 77% OSD Total cotechon = 4 0-003a6 + 0.00238 — 000267 = ¥8.00363 m Ctso Long) L4e = 20-00269 Tave leagm = 70.09363 < avo =p 1H0- 09K M = Step Cin) -- Whoa Surporied oF every (5 5 $29 conection 2 _1W* sox Cota’ 2 oceettm (ve? Bun* Pen auneo™ 052" Totou correction = + GOOzGbt O co2zz2 - © coUtF 0.005 89m C toe L074) Velec= FOF 0-00564 = 20. 00563 agsiam 30-00363 x90 20 TAve Lena

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