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Parkinson’s disease and thalamus: facts and fancy
The hallmark feature of Parkinson’s In control animals, MSNs in the direct send major glutamatergic projections
disease is the degeneration of pathway displayed larger excitatory to the striatum, subthalamic nucleus,
dopaminergic neurons in the ventro- postsynaptic current amplitudes globus pallidus, and substantia Neuron and The Lancet Neurology
lateral region of the substantia nigra than ones in the indirect pathway, nigra. However, the contribution of are both published by Elsevier
pars compacta, accompanied by both in the thalamostriatal and these nuceli to the pathophysiology
dopamine striatal deficit and accu- corticostriatal projections. After of Parkinson’s disease is unclear. In For more information about the
mulation of aggregated α-synuclein dopamine depletion, no change was addition to the cell loss found in the features of Parkinson’s disease
(known as Lewy bodies) in the shown in the corticostriatal pathway, centromedian–parafascicular complex see Seminar Lancet 2015;
386: 896–912
remaining neurons, as well as in other whereas the excitatory postsynaptic in patients with Parkinson’s disease
For more information about
brainstem nuclei, amygdala, and current amplitudes in MSNs in the and in animal studies, increased basal ganglia see Series Lancet
cortical regions. Dopamine deficiency indirect pathway were substantially metabolic activity and neuronal firing 2014; 384: 523–31
leads to a cascade of functional larger than those in the direct have been described in parkinsonian For Parker and colleagues’
changes in neuronal activity in basal thalamostriatal pathway, reversing animal models, and kainate- paper see Neuron 2016;
89: 734–40
ganglia circuits, which are ultimately the normal excitatory postsynaptic induced chemical ablation of the
For more information about
responsible for the cardinal features of current amplitude ratio between centromedian–parafascicular complex
parafascicular nucleus cells in
Parkinson’s disease. direct and indirect MSNs. No change in MPTP monkeys did not convey human beings see Brain 2000;
Modulation of striatal activity is in presynaptic glutamate release any motor benefit, a set of findings 123: 1410–21
a fundamental component of basal at corticostriatal or thalamostriatal that are difficult to reconcile. The For more information about
physiological role of the intralaminar mid-thalamic nuclei see
ganglia function. The excitability of synapses was found in MSNs in the
J Comp Neurol 2005; 483: 143–53
striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) direct pathway, suggesting that nuclei–basal ganglia interaction is
For more information about cell
is modulated by the nigrostriatal the excitatory postsynaptic current not well defined, but it is likely to loss in the centromedian–
dopaminergic projection, intrastriatal amplitude shift was not mediated by be modulatory rather than directly parafascicular see
cholinergic and GABAergic inhibition, presynaptic modifications. Also, there modifying input and output activity Brain Struct Funct 2014;
219: 381–94
and cortico and thalamic glutamatergic was no difference in the density of in the manner established for the
For more information about the
input. Dopaminergic striatal depletion parafascicular nucleus cells between nigrostriatal dopaminergic system or parkinsonian state see
in Parkinson’s disease disrupts the control and parkinsonian animals, in the glutamatergic subthalamopallidal Front Neuroanat 2015; 9: 5
corticostriatal balance leading to contrast with some previous studies. projections. In conclusion, this new For more information about
increased activity in the striatopallidal Conversely, the AMPA/NMDA receptor report revives interest in the role of the MPTP monkeys see Mov Disord
2008; 23: 708–15
direct circuits, decreased activity in ratio was selectively decreased at thalamus in Parkinson’s disease using
indirect circuits, and abnormal basal thalamostriatal direct MSNs but not state-of-the-art methods. However,
ganglia output activity. Whereas many indirect MSNs, suggesting that this the overall information regarding the
studies have defined in great detail the reorganisation of thalamostriatal functional state and cell changes in
origin of motor features associated excitatory input might be related to the intralaminar nuclei in Parkinson’s
with dopamine striatal depletion and changes in postsynaptic function. disease is far from clear and requires
changes in the motor circuit, much These findings led authors to hypo- further studies. It is noteworthy
less attention has been given to the thesise that thalamostriatal inputs that the centromedian–parafascicular
putative role of other projections, such onto MSNs giving rise to the direct complex of the thalamus is not
as the thalamus. circuit might be actively contributing considered as a useful surgical target for
A new report by Parker and to reduce spontaneous motor activity any movement or behavioural disorder
colleagues, describes how dopamine in parkinsonian mice. Accordingly, they in patients.
depletion causes a miscommunication blocked the thalamostriatal projection We declare no competing interests.
between the basal ganglia and the by chemogenetics and optogenetics
thalamus. Using optogenetics and and reversed the imbalance between Javier Blesa, Inés Trigo-Damas,
voltage clamp-recordings from MSNs the direct and indirect pathways, *José A Obeso
in brain slices from transgenic mice, successfully restoring normal
these investigators noted that this behaviour in parkinsonian animals. HM Hospitales, Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
miscommunication led to decreased Overall, this study implicates the mid- AC, Hospital Universitario HM Puerta del Sur,
Mostoles and CEU San Pablo University and Center
synaptic strength at thalamic thalamic nuclei in the pathophysiology for Networked Biomedical Research on
inputs to the direct striatopallidal of Parkinson’s disease. This concept is Neurodegenerative Diseases, Institute Carlos III,
projection in parkinsonian animals. not new. These nuclei are well known to Madrid, Spain Vol 15 June 2016 e2

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