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(McRae, 2017)
(Vânea Lúcia dos Santos Silva1, 2016)

(Moura, 2017)

(Danae F. Sfantou, 2017)

(Bahadori A, 2016)

Bahadori A, P. H.-F. (2016). The relationship between nursing leadership and patient satisfaction. International Journal of Medical Research & Health
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Danae F. Sfantou, A. L.-P. (2017). Importance of Leadership Style towards Quality of Care Measures in Healthcare Settings: A Systematic Review. healthcare
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McRae, S. L. (2017). Transforming leadership for. Nursing Management .
Moura, A. A. (2017). Leadership and nursing work. Acta Paul Enferm , 30(4):442-50.
Vânea Lúcia dos Santos Silva1, S. H. (2016). Leadership practices in hospital nursing: a self of manager nurses. Rev Esc Enferm USP , 207;51.

A, Bahadori., H, Peyrovi., M, Ashghali-Farahani., F, Hajibabaee., And H, Haghani., (2016). The Relationship Between Nursing Leadership And
Patient Satisfaction. International Journal Of Medical Research & Health Sciences , 5, (10):134-141.

Sheri Leonard McRae

Mcrae, S. L. (2017). Transforming Leadership For Patient Satisfaction. Nursing Management, 51-54.

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